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Knowledge about the stochastic nature of heterogeneity in subsurface hydraulic properties is critical for aquifer characterization and the corresponding prediction of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Whereas the vertical correlation structure of the heterogeneity is often well constrained by borehole information, the lateral correlation structure is generally unknown because the spacing between boreholes is too large to allow for its meaningful inference. There is, however, evidence to suggest that information on the lateral correlation structure may be extracted from the correlation statistics of the subsurface reflectivity structure imaged by surface-based ground-penetrating radar measurements. To date, case studies involving this approach have been limited to 2D profiles acquired at a single antenna centre frequency in areas with limited complementary information. As a result, the practical reliability of this methodology has been difficult to assess. Here, we extend previous work to 3D and consider reflection ground-penetrating radar data acquired using two antenna centre frequencies at the extensively explored and well-constrained Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. We find that the results obtained using the two ground-penetrating radar frequencies are consistent with each other, as well as with information from a number of other studies at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. In addition, contrary to previous 2D work, our results indicate that the surface-based reflection ground-penetrating radar data are not only sensitive to the aspect ratio of the underlying heterogeneity, but also, albeit to a lesser extent, to the so-called Hurst number, which is a key parameter characterizing the local variability of the fine-scale structure.  相似文献   
南极因其独特的自然环境成为潜在、重要的微生物资源库,是产生新型生物活性物质和先导化合物菌株的潜在种源地,南极微生物正在成为创新药物研究新的重要资源。虽然近年来对南极微生物次级代谢产物的研究逐渐增加,但与温带和热带微生物研究相比仍处于初级阶段。对从南极普里兹湾海洋沉积物中获得的两株枝孢霉属真菌Cladosporium sp. NJF4和NJF6进行次级代谢产物分离及结构鉴定,获得20个化合物。化合物结构类型包括甾醇(1)、倍半萜类(7—8)、生物碱类(9—14)、二酮哌嗪(2—5、15—17)、芳香酸(6、18—19)等,其中倍半萜类(7—8)为首次从枝孢霉属真菌中分离得到,以上研究将为丰富南极微生物次级代谢产物库奠定一定的研究基础。  相似文献   
凡炳文  仲复捷 《地下水》2020,(1):83-87,254
选择甘肃省临洮县洮惠渠灌区为试验研究区,通过直接观读、自动监测等技术手段,获取试验灌区的引水量、退水量、土壤墒情、降水量及蒸发量等水文基础数据。以水文监测基础数据为依据,采用引排差法、水分平衡法等相结合的方法,开展了农业灌溉耗水系数试验研究。初步试验结果表明:试验灌区灌溉期平均耗水系数为0. 730,典型地块灌溉期平均耗水系数为0. 671,2016年试验灌区降水量较常年偏少13. 0%~26. 3%,总体上属轻度干旱年份。该研究成果可为甘肃陇中黄土高原区水资源管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
“Belt and Road” regions include Asia, Europe and eastern and northern Africa, with a wide spatial distribution. The cryosphere is undergoing rapid changes in the Belt and Road regions with global warming, and has an important impact on water resources, ecosystems and Arctic waterways in these regions. This article reviewed recent cryospheric changes and associated impacts on water resources in the Belt and Road regions during the last decades. The main cognitions are as follows: Most glaciers are shrinking and glacier mass balances are most negative, but there are regional differences in the changes of glaciers. Global temperature rise has resulted in permafrost degradation, including a rise in permafrost temperature and decreasing permafrost thickness as well as an increase in active layer thickness. There is a significant decrease in snow cover extent and an increase in snow depth. Snow cover duration has shortened, the onset of snow cover has delayed, and the end of snow cover has advanced. However, there are still obvious regional differences in the changes of snow cover. Arctic sea ice has declined precipitously in both extent and thickness in summer, and multi-year sea ice has decreased,indicating the precipitous retreat of sea ice. The freeze-up date of some lakes has been delayed, the break-up date has advanced, and the ice cover duration of river/lake ice has significantly shortened. Glacial runoff has increased significantly in China. Snowmelt and permafrost degradation have also increased the basin runoff, which indicates the important impact of cryospheric changes on runoff. This study will provide a baseline and important scientific support for addressing climate change and regional sustainable development.  相似文献   
本文基于CSR最新公布的GRACE RL06版本数据,采用Slepian空域反演法估算了南极冰盖27个流域的质量变化.Slepian空域反演法结合了Slepian空间谱集中法和空域反演法的技术优势,能够有效降低GRACE在小区域反演时信号出现的严重泄漏和衰减,进而精确获得南极冰盖在每个流域的质量变化.相对于GRACE RL05版本数据,RL06在条带误差的控制上要更加优化,获得的南极冰盖质量变化时间序列也更加平滑,但在趋势估算上差别并不明显(小于10Gt/a).本文的估算结果显示:在2002年4月至2016年8月期间,整个南极冰盖质量变化速率为-118.6±16.3Gt/a,其中西南极为-142.4±10.5Gt/a,南极半岛为-29.2±2.1Gt/a,东南极则为52.9±8.6Gt/a.南极冰盖损失最大的区域集中在西南极Amundsen Sea Embayment(流域20-23),该地区质量变化速率为-203.5±4.1Gt/a,其次为南极半岛(流域24-27)以及东南极Victoria-Wilkes Land(流域13-15),质量变化速率分别为-29.2±2.1Gt/a和-19.0±4.7Gt/a,其中Amundsen Sea Embayment和南极半岛南部两个地区的冰排放呈现加速状态.南极冰盖质量显著增加的区域主要有西南极的Ellsworth Land(流域1)和Siple Coast(流域18和19)以及东南极的Coats-Queen Maud-Enderby Land(流域3-8),三个地区质量变化速率分别为17.2±2.4Gt/a、43.9±1.9Gt/a和62.7±3.8Gt/a,质量增加大多来自降雪累积,比如:Coats-Queen Maud-Enderby Land在2009年和2011年发生的大规模降雪事件,但也有来自冰川的增厚,如:Siple Coast地区Kamb冰流的持续加厚.此外,对GRACE估算的南极冰盖质量变化年际信号进行初步分析发现,GRACE年际信号与气候模型估算的冰盖表面质量平衡年际信号存在显著的线性相关关系,但与主要影响南极气候年际变化的气候事件之间却不存在线性相关关系,这说明南极冰盖质量变化的年际信号主要受冰盖表面质量平衡的支配,而气候事件对冰盖表面质量平衡的影响可能是复杂的非线性耦合过程.  相似文献   
中国物理海洋学研究70年:发展历程、学术成就概览   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文概略评述新中国成立70年来物理海洋学各分支研究领域的发展历程和若干学术成就。中国物理海洋学研究起步于海浪、潮汐、近海环流与水团,以及以风暴潮为主的海洋气象灾害的研究。随着国力的增强,研究领域不断拓展,涌现了大量具有广泛影响力的研究成果,其中包括:提出了被国际广泛采用的“普遍风浪谱”和“涌浪谱”,发展了第三代海浪数值模式;提出了“准调和分析方法”和“潮汐潮流永久预报”等潮汐潮流的分析和预报方法;发现并命名了“棉兰老潜流”,揭示了东海黑潮的多核结构及其多尺度变异机理等,系统描述了太平洋西边界流系;提出了印度尼西亚贯穿流的南海分支(或称南海贯穿流);不断完善了中国近海陆架环流系统,在南海环流、黑潮及其分支、台湾暖流、闽浙沿岸流、黄海冷水团环流、黄海暖流、渤海环流,以及陆架波方面均取得了深刻的认识;从大气桥和海洋桥两个方面对太平洋–印度洋–大西洋洋际相互作用进行了系统的总结;发展了浅海水团的研究方法,基本摸清了中国近海水团的分布和消长特征与机制,在大洋和极地水团分布及运动研究方面也做出了重要贡献;阐明了南海中尺度涡的宏观特征和生成机制,揭示了中尺度涡的三维结构,定量评估了其全球物质与能量输运能力;基本摸清了中国近海海洋锋的空间分布和季节变化特征,提出了地形、正压不稳定和斜压不稳定等锋面动力学机制;构建了“南海内波潜标观测网”,实现了对内波生成–演变–消亡全过程机理的系统认识;发展了湍流的剪切不稳定理论,提出了海流“边缘不稳定”的概念,开发了海洋湍流模式,提出了湍流混合参数化的新方法等;在海洋内部混合机制和能量来源方面取得了新的认识,并阐述了混合对海洋深层环流、营养物质输运等过程的影响;研发了全球浪–潮–流耦合模式,推出一系列海洋与气候模式;发展了可同化主要海洋观测数据的海洋数据同化系统和用于ENSO预报的耦合同化系统;建立了达到国际水准的非地转(水槽/水池)和地转(旋转平台)物理模 型实验平台;发展了ENSO预报的误差分析方法,建立了海洋和气候系统年代际变化的理论体系,揭示了中深层海洋对全球气候变化的响应;初步建成了中国近海海洋观测网;持续开展南北极调查研究;建立了台风、风暴潮、巨浪和海啸的业务化预报系统,为中国气象减灾提供保障;突破了国外的海洋技术封锁,研发了万米水深的深水水听器和海洋光学特性系列测量仪器;建立了溢油、危险化学品漂移扩散等预测模型,为伴随海洋资源开发所带来的风险事故的应急处理和预警预报提供科学支撑。文中引用的大量学术成果文献(每位第一作者优选不超过3篇)显示,经过70年的发展,中国物理海洋学研究培养了一支实力雄厚的科研队伍,这是最宝贵的成果。这支队伍必将成为中国物理海洋学研究攀登新高峰的主力军。  相似文献   
Riparian land use is a key driver of stream ecosystem processes but its effects on water quality are still a matter of debate when proposing measures to improve freshwater quality. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of riparian land use on stream habitat and water chemistry, and to assess in what extent stream habitat also affects water quality. To that end, we selected eight reaches in the Ave River basin (northwestern Portugal) and compared longitudinal variations in water chemistry and stream habitat between reaches with different land use (urban, agricultural and natural), and between reaches with natural riparian areas and different habitats. Stream habitat was assessed using the Fluvial Functional Index, the HABSCORE, and the Riparian Forest Quality Index. Longitudinal variations in water chemistry were determined measuring differences in concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate and oxygen, and conductivity, pH and temperature between the downstream and the upstream ends of each reach. Nitrate concentration tended to decrease along reaches with more natural riparian areas and to increase along reaches with more urban and agricultural land uses. Longitudinal variations in water chemistry also differed between reaches with natural riparian areas, suggesting that water quality also depends on stream habitat. Moreover, longitudinal variation in water chemistry was proven a simple, useful and low-cost approach to assess the influence of land cover and stream habitat on water quality. Overall results demonstrated that both riparian land use and stream habitat influence water quality and that riparian forests are essential to reduce nutrient export to downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   
The temporal and spatial distributions of Antarctic sea ice play important roles in both the generation mechanisms and the signal characteristics of microseisms. This link paves the way for seismological investigations of Antarctic sea ice. Here we present an overview of the current state of seismological research about microseisms on Antarctic sea ice. We first briefly review satellite remote-sensing observations of Antarctic sea ice over the past 50 years. We then systematically expound upon the generation mechanisms and source distribution of microseisms in relation to seismic noise investigations of sea ice, and the characteristics of Antarctic microseisms and relationship with sea ice variations are further analyzed. We also analyze the continuous data recorded at seismic station BEAR in West Antarctica from 2011 to 2018 and compare the microseism observations with the corresponding satellite remote-sensing observations of Antarctic sea ice. Our results show that:(1) the microseisms from the coastal regions of West Antarctica exhibit clear seasonal variations, SFM with maximum intensities every April-May and minimum intensities around every October-November; while DFM intensities peak every February-March, and reach the minimum around every October. Comparatively, the strong seasonal periodicity of Antarctic sea ice in better agreement with the observed DFM; and (2) microseism decay is not synchronous with sea ice expansion since the microseism intensity is also linked to the source location, source intensity (e.g., ocean storms, ocean wave field), and other factors. Finally, we discuss the effect of Southern Annular Mode on Antarctic sea ice and microseisms, as well as the current limitations and potential of employing seismological investigations to elucidate Antarctic sea ice variations and climate change.  相似文献   
Inland water bodies are globally threatened by environmental degradation and climate change. On the other hand, new water bodies can be designed during landscape restoration (e.g. after coal mining). Effective management of new water resources requires continuous monitoring; in situ surveys are, however, extremely time-demanding. Remote sensing has been widely used for identifying water bodies. However, the use of optical imagery is constrained by accuracy problems related to the difficulty in distinguishing water features from other surfaces with low albedo, such as tree shadows. This is especially true when mapping water bodies of different sizes. To address these problems, we evaluated the potential of integrating hyperspectral data with LiDAR (hereinafter “integrative approach”). The study area consisted of several spoil heaps containing heterogeneous water bodies with a high variability of shape and size. We utilized object-based classification (Support Vector Machine) based on: (i) hyperspectral data; (ii) LiDAR variables; (iii) integration of both datasets. Besides, we classified hyperspectral data using pixel-based approaches (K-mean, spectral angle mapper). Individual approaches (hyperspectral data, LiDAR data and integrative approach) resulted in 2–22.4 % underestimation of the water surface area (i.e, omission error) and 0.4–1.5 % overestimation (i.e., commission error).The integrative approach yielded an improved discrimination of open water surface compared to other approaches (omission error of 2 % and commission error of 0.4 %). We also evaluated the success of detecting individual ponds; the integrative approach was the only one capable of detecting the water bodies with both omission and commission errors below 10 %. Finally, the assessment of misclassification reasons showed a successful elimination of shadows in the integrative approach. Our findings demonstrate that the integration of hyperspectral and LiDAR data can greatly improve the identification of small water bodies and can be applied in practice to support mapping of restoration process.  相似文献   
对贵州草海湿地4种水位梯度下(农田区、过渡区、浅水区和深水区)表层土壤(0~10 cm)碳、氮、磷含量及其生态化学计量比进行研究,以期揭示草海湿地不同水位梯度下土壤碳、氮、磷生态化学计量比的分布特征及其影响因素.结果表明:土壤总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)及总磷(TP)含量在不同水位梯度之间均差异显著,由过渡区至深水区,土壤TOC及TN含量均呈递增趋势,而TP含量呈先降低后增加的趋势;农田区土壤TN含量显著高于浅水区,但深水区土壤TP含量显著低于农田区.不同水位梯度土壤碳氮比(C/N)、碳磷比(C/P)和氮磷比(N/P)也存在显著差异,由过渡区至深水区,土壤C/P和N/P均呈递增趋势,而C/N呈先增加后降低的趋势;与过渡区相比,农田区土壤C/N、C/P和N/P总体偏低.相关性分析表明:土壤C/N、C/P和N/P的空间分布与土壤TOC、TN、含水量等理化性质有关.可见,草海湿地水位变化对土壤TOC、TN和TP含量以及C/N、C/P及N/P的空间分布具有显著影响,且水位升高有利于增强土壤碳、氮、磷的固存潜力.  相似文献   
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