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We evaluate three approaches to mapping vegetation using images collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to monitor rehabilitation activities in the Five Islands Nature Reserve, Wollongong (Australia). Between April 2017 and July 2018, four aerial surveys of Big Island were undertaken to map changes to island vegetation following helicopter herbicide sprays to eradicate weeds, including the creeper Coastal Morning Glory (Ipomoea cairica) and Kikuyu Grass (Cenchrus clandestinus). The spraying was followed by a large scale planting campaign to introduce native plants, such as tussocks of Spiny-headed Mat-rush (Lomandra longifolia). Three approaches to mapping vegetation were evaluated, including: (i) a pixel-based image classification algorithm applied to the composite spectral wavebands of the images collected, (ii) manual digitisation of vegetation directly from images based on visual interpretation, and (iii) the application of a machine learning algorithm, LeNet, based on a deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) for detecting planted Lomandra tussocks. The uncertainty of each approach was assessed via comparison against an independently collected field dataset. Each of the vegetation mapping approaches had a comparable accuracy; for a selected weed management and planting area, the overall accuracies were 82 %, 91 % and 85 % respectively for the pixel based image classification, the visual interpretation / digitisation and the CNN machine learning algorithm. At the scale of the whole island, statistically significant differences in the performance of the three approaches to mapping Lomandra plants were detected via ANOVA. The manual digitisation took a longer time to perform than others. The three approaches resulted in markedly different vegetation maps characterised by different digital data formats, which offered fundamentally different types of information on vegetation character. We draw attention to the need to consider how different digital map products will be used for vegetation management (e.g. monitoring the health individual species or a broader profile of the community). Where individual plants are to be monitored over time, a feature-based approach that represents plants as vector points is appropriate. The CNN approach emerged as a promising technique in this regard as it leveraged spatial information from the UAV images within the architecture of the learning framework by enforcing a local connectivity pattern between neurons of adjacent layers to incorporate the spatial relationships between features that comprised the shape of the Lomandra tussocks detected.  相似文献   
To provide better access to thermochronological data and understand the long‐term denudation history of the Japanese Islands, we compiled a low‐temperature thermochronological dataset of fission‐track (FT) and (U–Th–Sm)/He (He) ages for apatite and zircon in bedrocks. These thermochronometric ages are compiled from 90 literature sources and 1,096 localities, and include 418 apatite FT ages, 851 zircon FT ages, 42 apatite He ages, and 30 zircon He ages. Many FT ages have been reported previously; however, the number of He ages is limited in the Japanese Islands. The compiled data are spatially biased; for instance, more data are reported for the Chubu and Kinki districts and the Pacific coast of the Shikoku Island, whereas less data were available for the Tohoku and Chugoku districts. For better understanding arc‐scale uplift‐denudation history, further thermochronological research in the lesser‐studied regions and more He thermochronometric measurements are desired. This compilation will be updated and provided on the website of the Fission‐Track Research Group in Japan ( http://ftrgj.org/index.html ).  相似文献   
The barrier islands that fringe the western shore of the Outer Hebrides are globally unusual in that they are developed on a planated bedrock (strandflat) surface. They also contain the most extensive area of machair (a distinctive vegetated sandy plain) in the British Isles. This paper presents the first investigation of the internal structure and morphology of these barrier islands and investigates the controls on their structure. The barriers form extensive (300-1000 metres wide) but thin (1.5-2 m) surficial deposits typically resting on bedrock. In areas where depressions exist in the bedrock, and where sediment supply permits, transgressive dunes underlie the machair. A distinctive machair facies of sub-horizontal, undulating reflections, which are laterally continuous over tens of metres is the dominant component of the barriers at each site. This reflects episodic deposition of windblown sand up to the level of the water table. Thereafter any additional sand is transported through the system to accumulate in topographic lows as lake fills, or on topographic highs as ‘high machair’. Eight radar facies were identified, the extent and presence of which vary between the study sites. Bedrock topography and sediment supply are interpreted as the dominant controls on variability in barrier structure. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
海岸带是受人类活动和全球海平面上升影响的敏感地带,海岸线的提取和监测是海岸带生态系统研究和社会管理的重要内容。本文在遥感和地理信息系统的支持下,以修正的归一化水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index,MNDWI)为基础,结合遥感影像处理和直方图均衡化等技术,实现了大连市獐子岛1985—2016年海岸线的自动化提取。结果表明:(1)通过与三位专家目视解译的成果比对,本文提取海岸线的精度能满足后续研究的要求(相对误差分别为0.045%,0.032%和0.023%);(2)近30年来,獐子岛海岸线总体呈现蚀退趋势,岸线长度与岛屿面积分别呈现变短和变小的趋势,獐子岛(主岛)和大耗岛的岸线蚀退速率最大,褡裢岛次之,小耗岛最小;在人类活动较为密集的区域,海岸线呈现出较为强烈的增长趋势,海水养殖和圈海建坝是岸线增长的主要驱动力;(3)獐子岛海岸线具有显著的分形性质,分形维数随时间呈现增大的趋势,獐子岛(主岛)的分形维数最大,褡裢岛的分形维数最小。  相似文献   
闵开付  程亮  周晓  夏南  李宁  李满春 《热带地理》2020,40(4):684-693
从建岛潜力、岛礁辐射能力和岛礁承载能力3个方面选取26个指标,采用主客观综合赋权法确定各因子权重,利用线性加权法获得被越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱等国所侵占的南沙44个岛礁的战略价值,并对结果进行空间插值,分析其空间格局特征。结果表明:1)被马来西亚侵占的弹丸礁、越南侵占的南威岛、以及菲律宾侵占的中业岛,其战略价值位列前3,评价得分分别为100、98.42和97.09。2)岛礁辐射能力空间分布格局呈现“NW—SE条带式”,“最高”和“高”等级的区域由研究区西北延伸至东南,然后向东北、西南两侧递减,辐射能力格局中有2个核心区域和2个次级核心区域。承载能力空间分布格局呈现“横向条带式”,由北向南越来越低,有1个核心区域和2个次级核心区域。建岛潜力空间分布格局有3个核心区域及2个次级核心区域。3)岛礁战略价值空间分布格局有3个核心区域,分布于研究区中部、北部及南部,与越南、菲律宾、马来西亚密切相关的核心区域各有1个。越南侵占岛礁最多且空间分布较广,有2个次级核心区域也与越南密切相关,越占岛礁若进一步建设,将形成多核心协同的战略格局,需密切关注。  相似文献   
周梦潇  朱国平 《极地研究》2020,32(1):90-101
南设得兰群岛位于德雷克海峡南侧, 南经布兰斯菲尔德海峡与南极半岛相望。该区域一直是南大洋海洋学研究的热点区域, 近些年已成为南极磷虾渔业的重要作业区。透光层作为海洋生物活动最为集中的区域, 也是海洋中生产力最为丰富的区域。了解透光层水团的特性及变化, 一方面可为南极半岛海洋学研究提供基础信息, 同时也可为南极磷虾等中上层海洋生物的分布及其致因提供科学支撑。通过分析2013年1月至3月南设得兰群岛周边海域5个断面的透光层温、盐数据, 本研究梳理了该区域的水团属性和分布。结果显示, 南设得兰群岛北侧较深水区水团垂向结构明显, 由上至下依次为南极夏季表层水、冬季水和绕极深层水。位于南设得兰群岛南侧的布兰斯菲尔德海峡内, 威德尔海过渡水特征几乎占据了整个布兰斯菲尔德海峡。但布兰斯菲尔德海峡西南侧水团结构较为复杂, 包括了威德尔海过渡水、别林斯高晋海过渡水和德雷克海峡水等。阐明南设得兰群岛周边复杂的水团结构对于进一步开展南大洋生物-物理相互作用研究具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
采用云南省地震局3个有人值守国家测震台和5个无人值守国家测震台记录到的2021年11月25日圣克鲁斯群岛MS 6.0地震波形,运用测震学分析方法,对此次地震进行分析,提出其常见震相的一般性特征,并且重点总结了PKPPKP震相的特征,以免误将该震相分析为1个新地震的P波,分析结果表明PKPPKP震相在震中距约为70°时明显。  相似文献   
珊瑚是地球上最古老的原住民,具有近6×108年的发育史,弱势群居、喜温和原地长成是珊瑚的基本特征。作者介绍了珊瑚-珊瑚礁的基本特征,综述了跨十年调查的研究区珍贵照片资料和相关认识,指出中国是全球主要的珊瑚-珊瑚礁国家,地位举足轻重;珊瑚-珊瑚礁作为地球生物多样性的代表,造岛、固礁、护鱼、防护岛岸流失,形成南海四大群岛280余座岛、礁、滩、沙,所构建庞大海洋生态系统是无与伦比的海洋生态资源和寸土寸金的南海海洋国土。提出划分南海珊瑚-珊瑚礁为中央区和周缘区2个分布区,阐述了南海中央区珊瑚-珊瑚礁的基本特征,系统汇集报道了间隔10年2个科考航次调查在浅水礁盘浮潜、至20 m水深浅潜-深潜和礁盘及开展岛、礁、滩、沙地质调查的发现,包括科学定名46种六放石珊瑚和6种八放软珊瑚等成果,同时,收集了西沙、中沙、东沙和南沙群岛海域的相关调查航次珊瑚照片;进一步阐述了单体环礁和复合环礁的特征及分布,并进行了初步对比,指出永乐环礁是南海唯一一个真正的切合达尔文模式的环礁,也是环礁发展到最高阶段的产物,构成现代海洋珊瑚-珊瑚礁形成演化研究最好的天然实验室。  相似文献   
掌握北极海水水质特征及地域分布等第一手数据对北极科考意义重大。该项研究工作是全国青少年北极科考子任务,于2017年夏季在北极斯瓦尔巴德群岛中部海域对表层海水水质特征、地域差异及相关控制因素进行了研究。选取了6个区域共40个采样点采集表层海水样本,从温度、酸碱度、电导率、溶解性总固体量、实际盐度和溶解氧饱和度等方面进行了水质特征测量分析,发现该海域6个区域在海水温度、电导率、溶解性总固体量、实际盐度及溶解氧饱和度等方面均有较大差异,而酸碱度差异不大: 北部冰区水温最低,溶解性总固体量最低,溶解氧含量较高; 西北部海湾溶解氧饱和度最高; 中部海峡溶解性总固体量最高,盐度和电导率最低; 南部海域水温最高,实际盐度和电导率最高,溶解氧饱和度最低; 东部沿海水温偏低。采样点地理位置、洋流情况、地形地貌等因素对表层海水水质均有影响。这些研究成果对补充我国在北极地区的第一手科考数据和进行深入的科考研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
三山岛北部海域金矿海上钻探施工管理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘治  孙宏晶 《探矿工程》2017,44(4):85-92
山东莱州三山岛北部海域金矿钻探工程项目从2012年开始,至2015年底结束。施工陆地与海上钻孔138个,总工作量15万余米,合同额2.4亿元。此项目属于施工周期长、工作量大、投资额高、施工机台多、施工管理难度大的超大型钻探工程项目。因其涉及海上钻探,施工环境、交通运输、实施手段都较陆地钻探有很大的不同。结合该项目海上钻探实际的施工管理情况,从设定组织机构入手,重点对工程的安全、进度、质量、成本等管理方面进行研究、分析,细分各岗位职责,严抓重点工序与关键环节,提出了一套适合海上钻探施工的安全、科学、高效的管理方法,可为类似海上钻探项目提供一定的经验参考。  相似文献   
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