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The lack of sufficient direct observation data of typhoon fine structure is the main bottleneck that restricts the further development of typhoon discipline and forecasting. This paper briefly introduced the basic information of the National Key R&D Program of China, entitled “Experiment on Coordinated Observation of Offshore Typhoon in China”, which started in early 2019. Firstly, the importance and necessity of the program around the national needs on typhoon-related disaster reduction and prevention were explained. Then, the coordinated observation difficulties and frontiers in the current typhoon discipline situation from the development and improvement of the physical mechanism and key forecasting technologies were shown. The overview of the direct observation instrument and platform, the field campaign and the parameterization techniques related to physical process in typhoon numerical modeling was provided. Finally, the key scientific and technical issues and main research contents of the program were given.  相似文献   
Coastal boulder fields provide clues to long-term frequency-magnitude patterns of coastal flooding events and have the potential to play an important role in coastal hazard assessment. Mapping boulders in the field is time and labour-intensive, and work on intertidal reef platforms, as in the present study, is physically challenging. By addressing coastal scientists who are not specialists in remote sensing, this contribution reports on the possibilities and limitations of digital applications in boulder mapping in Eastern Samar, Philippines, where recent supertyphoons Haiyan and Hagupit induced high waves, coastal flooding and boulder transport. It is demonstrated how satellite imagery of sub-metre resolution (from Pléiades and WorldView-3 imagery) enables efficient analysis of transport vectors and distances of larger boulders, reflecting variation in latitudes of both typhoon tracks and approaching angles of typhoon-generated waves. During the investigated events, boulders with a-axes of up to 8 m were clearly identified to have been shifted for up to 32 m, mostly along the seaward margin of the boulder field. It is, however, hard to keep track of smaller boulders, and the length of a-axes and b-axes including their orientation is often impossible to map with sufficient accuracy. Orthophotographs and digital surface models created through the application of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the ‘Structure from Motion’ technique provide ultra-high-resolution data, and have the potential to not only improve the results of satellite image analysis, but also those from field mapping and may significantly reduce overall time in the field. Orthophotographs permit unequivocal mapping of a-axes and b-axes including their orientation, while precise values for c-axes can be derived from the respective digital surface models. Volume of boulders is best inferred from boulder-specific Structure from Motion-based three-dimensional models. Battery power, flight speed and altitude determine the limits of the area covered, while patches shielded by the boulders are difficult to resolve. For some tasks, field mapping remains mandatory and cannot be replaced by currently available remote sensing tools: for example, sampling for rock type, density and age dating, recording of lithological separation of boulders from the underlying geological unit and of geomorphic features on a millimetre to decimetre-scale, or documentation of fine-grained sediment transport in between the boulders in supratidal settings. In terms of future events, the digital products presented here will provide a valuable reference to track boulder transport on a centimetre to decimetre-scale and to better understand the hydrodynamics of extreme-wave events on a fringing reef coastline.  相似文献   
海南岛天然橡胶林台风灾害风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台风灾害是海南橡胶种植中影响最为严重和主要的灾害,为对其风险进行定量评估,本研究以海南岛天然橡胶林为研究对象,基于灾害风险评估理论,融合橡胶台风灾害、社会经济和气象数据,建立橡胶台风灾害危险性、暴露性和脆弱性评价模型,利用加权综合评价法开展天然橡胶林台风灾害风险评价。结果表明:海南橡胶种植高风险区位于沿海台风发生频繁市县,其中琼海、文昌、海口为海南岛橡胶灾害风险最高的地区,其次陵水、万宁、琼中、屯昌、东方等地区灾害风险也较高。风险最低地区位于中部五指山、保亭、乐东、三亚等地区,评价结果与实际灾害发生以及种植情况相符。评价结果表明,台风灾害危险性是风险的主导因子,但非单一决定因子,种植技术、品种改良等措施对脆弱性降低起到了较好的促进作用。评价结果可为橡胶林避灾防灾及种植布局提供依据。  相似文献   
选取1981—2018年影响广西且灾情记录比较完整的86个台风样本,基于台风灾害伤亡人数、直接经济损失划分灾情等级,选取致灾因子,利用遗传算法与神经网络相结合的方法建立广西台风灾害评估模型。结果表明:选取的台风灾害致灾因子与台风灾情等级之间具有显著的相关性,构建的遗传—神经网络集合预报模型对台风灾情预估效果较好,训练样本拟合一致率为86.1%,测试样本预报准确率为71.4%,其中严重和较重的台风灾情等级预报结果与实况基本一致,较轻等级的预报准确率达83.3%。  相似文献   
利用福建龙岩、漳州、泉州新一代多普勒天气雷达和厦门海沧双偏振雷达探测资料,采用动态地球坐标系下双雷达三维风场反演与拼图技术,基于天气研究和预报模式(Weather Research and Forecasting,WRF)及其资料同化系统,对登陆台风“莫兰蒂”(1614)引起的2016年9月14—15日福建强降水过程进行了双雷达风场反演拼图资料检验及其三维变分同化对强降水精细预报影响的数值试验,结果发现:(1)动态地球坐标系下双雷达反演风场能合理反映实际风场分布状况,其误差相对较小。相较厦门翔安风廓线雷达及厦门探空秒级测风数据,反演风风向(风速)平均绝对误差分别为7.8°(2.6 m/s)及3.4°(1.1 m/s);(2)反演风场水平方向稀疏化对同化及预报结果极为重要,过密的反演风场资料会给同化及预报结果带来负效果。文中采用18、6、2 km 3重嵌套,在3重嵌套区域均进行同化以及仅在2 km区域进行同化两种情况下,均表现为当反演风场资料水平分辨率提高到0.1°时,同化分析及预报的台风环流开始受到负影响;且当反演风场资料水平分辨率越高时,负效果越明显。敏感性试验结果显示,分辨率取0.2°时数值预报效果最好;(3)以美国国家环境预报中心全球预报系统(National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Global Forecast System,NCEP/GFS)0.5°×0.5°分析场为初值,基于3个不同起报时刻(2016年9月14日14时、20时及15日02时)(北京时,下同)模拟的福建省境内台风内核雨带和螺旋雨带逐时演变、台风路径与强度、逐时降水TS评分和空间相关差异显著,其中14日14时起报试验效果最好;而14日20时起报试验效果最差,这与该试验初始台风大风轴风速明显偏大有关;(4)在上述3个不同起报时刻试验基础上,分别增加双雷达反演风场资料的三维变分同化后,福建境内地面风场和台风内核雨带、螺旋雨带逐时分布、逐时降水TS评分和空间相关、台风环流结构以及U、V风垂直廓线分布均有明显改善,最大正影响时效可达24 h;但仅对1—6 h时效内台风路径有改善。   相似文献   
潘劲松  周玲丽  陆玮  罗玲  翟国庆 《大气科学》2019,43(6):1399-1412
本文利用ERA-Interim 0.5°×0.5°再分析资料、自动站小时和分钟加密资料、风云2G(FY-2G)卫星红外云图及多普勒雷达和风廓线雷达资料对2015年路径高度相似的“苏迪罗”和“杜鹃”台风在浙江沿海引发的局地特大暴雨进行对比分析。这两次降水过程都是在台风减弱为热带低压甚至残压并深入内陆远离浙江沿海后发生的。结果表明,“苏迪罗”降水过程是由低层强东南和偏南急流长时间辐合加上有利地形共同作用导致的;经向环流背景下来自季风持续的水汽输送有利于“苏迪罗”维持较长的生命史和稳定的降水。“杜鹃”残压特大暴雨的触发系统则是高纬地面冷高压底部的东东北出流南下与“杜鹃”北象限的东东南风交汇形成的中尺度倒槽;纬向环流和强盛副热带高压造成的弱引导气流及夏季风南撤和低涡卷挟造成的水汽通道断裂是“杜鹃”登陆后快速减弱为残压和降水维持时间较短的原因。两次台风降水过程中均无外部动能输送和来自有效位能的动能转换。动能收支的主要影响因子为中低层局地次网格运动间的能量转换、旋转风和散度风效应及下垫面的摩擦耗散。所以,虽然“杜鹃”的对流有效位能很小,但仍可造成强对流和特大暴雨。此外,降水过程中释放的凝结潜热造成的局地非绝热加热使气柱中显热能大量累积,促使地面中小尺度涡旋和倒槽不断加深,造成降水的增幅。  相似文献   
本文对不同定义的湿位涡做了理论分析,并利用1522号台风“彩虹”的数值模拟结果对各种湿位涡进行了诊断。主要结论有:经典湿位涡、广义湿位涡和改进湿位涡的差异主要是由不同定义的位温造成的,相当位温、广义位温和修改位温的构成均是在位温基础上添加一显含水汽的附加量;经典湿位涡、广义湿位涡和改进湿位涡的构成均能分为干、湿分量两部分,其干分量表达式相同,都与Ertel干位涡的定义一样,水物质相变潜热的影响隐含在位温中;不同定义湿位涡的本质差异表现在不同的湿分量上,湿分量的表达式中显含了水物质的作用。对台风的诊断分析发现,改进湿位涡分布与Ertel干位涡非常相似,呈现中空分布的位涡塔结构,大值区对应眼墙内侧,改进湿位涡湿分量与经典湿位涡的湿分量分布相似,只是湿分量的绝对值更小,这反映了改进湿位涡既能保持干位涡的分布特征,其分布和演变可反映台风的结构和演变,又能合理地体现水汽分布的影响,所以在台风诊断中有更广泛的应用前景。经典湿位涡在低层表现为负值,这与水汽梯度的分布关系很大,但与垂直速度、潜热加热大值区等都没有很好的匹配关系,用其分析台风结构和演变具有一定局限性;广义湿位涡其形式较复杂,仅在近饱和区域才能发挥其诊断优势。  相似文献   
The 2018 typhoon season in the western North Pacific(WNP) was highly active, with 26 named tropical cyclones(TCs) from June to November, which exceeded the climatological mean(22) and was the second busiest season over the past twenty years. More TCs formed in the eastern region of the WNP and the northern region of the South China Sea(SCS). More TCs took the northeast quadrant in the WNP, recurving from northwestward to northward and causing heavy damages in China's Mainland(69.73 billion yuan) in 2018. Multiscale climate variability is conducive to an active season via an enhanced monsoon trough and a weakened subtropical high in the WNP. The large-scale backgrounds in 2018 showed a favorable environment for TCs established by a developing central Pacific(CP) El Ni?o and positive Pacific meridional mode(PMM)episode on interannual timescales. The tropical central Pacific(TCP) SST forcing exhibits primary control on TCs in the WNP and large-scale circulations, which are insensitive to the PMM. During CP El Ni?o years, anomalous convection associated with the TCP warming leads to significantly increased anomalous cyclonic circulation in the WNP because of a Gill-type Rossby wave response. As a result, the weakened subtropical high and enhanced monsoon trough shift eastward and northward, which favor TC genesis and development. Although such increased TC activity in 2018 might be slightly suppressed by interdecadal climate variability, it was mostly attributed to the favorable interannual background. In addition, high-frequency climate signals,such as intraseasonal oscillations(ISOs) and synoptic-scale disturbances(SSDs), interacted with the enhanced monsoon trough and strongly modulated regional TC genesis and development in 2018.  相似文献   
This study deals with a unusual cooling event after Typhoon Mujigea passed over the northern South China Sea(SCS) in October 2015. We analyze the satellite sea surface temperature(SST) time series from October 3 to 18,2015 and find that the cooling process in the coastal ocean had two different stages. The first stage occurred immediately after typhoon passage on October 3, and reached a maximum SST drop of –2℃ on October 7 as the usual cold wake after typhoon. The second stage or the unusual extended cooling event occurred after 7d of the typhoon passage, and lasted for 5d from October 10 to 15. The maximum SST cooling was –4℃ and occurred after 12d of typhoon passage. The mechanism analysis results indicate that after landing and moving northwestward to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau(YGP), Typhoon Mujigea(2015) met the westerly wind front on October 5. The lowpressure and positive-vorticity disturbances to the front triggered meridional air flow and low-pressure trough,thus induced a katabatic cold jet downward from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP) passing through the YGP to the northwestern SCS. The second cooling reached the maximum SST drop 4d later after the maximum air temperature drop of –9℃ on October 11. The simultaneous air temperature and SST observations at three coastal stations reveal that it is this katabatic cold jet intrusion to lead the unusual SST cooling event.  相似文献   
以中国气象局提供的地面观测站点逐小时降水数据为基准数据,综合评估了目前国际上主流的高分辨率多卫星遥感降水在2015年强台风灿鸿所带来的极端降水事件中的表现。结果表明:1所有的卫星遥感降水产品在此次极端降水事件中对实际降水都存在着低估,其中IMERG系列下经过校正的Final产品IMERG-Final-Calibrated表现得最好;2IMERG-Late-Calibrated在实时产品中表现最好,一定程度上可以满足极端降水事件监测对实时性的要求;3总的来说,在此次极端降水事件中,不管是滞时类产品还是实时类产品,IMERG系列卫星降水的表现均要好于TMPA系列下卫星降水的表现。  相似文献   
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