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东沙海域是南海北部一个重要的天然气水合物成藏区, 其陆坡广泛发育滑塌构造。文章对采自东沙陆坡中部973-4柱样和下部平坦区973-5柱样开展了沉积学粒度、底栖有孔虫种属特征和稳定同位素等的综合分析。研究结果表明: 两个柱样中底栖有孔虫的δ13C在末次冰期均出现明显负偏现象, 同时δ18O增高, 指示该时期东沙海域存在持续的天然气水合物分解事件; 末次冰消期以来, δ13C负偏现象逐渐消失, δ18O值降低, 可能是由于海平面上升阻止了天然气水合物分解。973-4柱样仅在末次盛冰期对应层位440~600cm段存在明显的滑塌沉积, 且该层段对应的特征底栖有孔虫Uvigerina spp.和Bulimina spp.的数量突增, 推测该区的海底滑塌可能是由于末次盛冰期海平面大幅度下降引起天然气水合物大量分解诱发所致; 973-5柱样同样记录到了海底滑塌现象, 但其滑塌沉积晚于973-4柱样的滑塌时间, 且其规模较小。  相似文献   
为了分析雅浦海沟中底栖生物群落的食物来源和营养级,本研究分析了雅浦海沟真光层中浮游植物和浮游动物、海底沉积物和巨型底栖生物(海绵、海参、海蛇尾、海星、海葵和钩虾)中的碳、氮稳定同位素组成。研究发现雅浦海沟真光层中的浮游植物和浮游动物δ13C值[(-22.8±0.4)‰和(-21.8±0.8)‰]和δ15N值[(5.4±0.4)‰和(6.8±0.2)‰]与巨型底栖生物的δ13C值(-20.1‰~-16.8‰)和δ15N值(11.9‰~17.9‰)的差异超过了一个营养级,表明作为底栖生物的初始食物来源的浮游植物和浮游动物在向下输送的过程中经历了食物链传递和细菌的降解。巨型底栖生物的δ15N和δ13C值之间无显著的相关性,此外不同物种之间营养级也存在明显差异,表现为海绵的营养级相对较高(3.4~4.7),海参(3.3~3.6)、海蛇尾(3.4~3.5)和海星(3.2~3.7)的营养级较为接近,钩虾(2.9~3.3)和海葵(3.1)的营养级则相对略低,反映了底栖生物不同物种之间食物来源的多样化。  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments on the New Zealand freshwater mussel Echyridella menziesii were used to investigate the short-term effects (7–8 days) of food type on rates of biodeposition and benthic substrate respiration. Post-feeding biodeposition rates ranged from 0.34 to 1.52?mg?g?1?h?1 (mean?=?0.50?mg g?1?h?1) and were unaffected by the addition of toxin-producing Microcystis. Addition of suspended sediment (30?mg?L?1) visibly altered substrate composition, and increased total and inorganic biodeposit production rates by 24–33% compared to mussels fed commercial phytoplankton stock. Biodeposition rates of mussels in lake bed substrates were 38% higher than those in silica sand for identical feeding regimes, suggesting that a significant proportion of material produced in this experiment could have been derived from feeding on organic matter in the lake bed sediments. Respiration rates were higher in treatments with Microcystis but were unaffected by the presence of mussels. This laboratory study suggests that biodeposition by E. menziesii is resilient to short-term exposure to Microcystis, and highlights the ability of mussels to alter benthic substrate composition by incorporating suspended sediment into substrates.  相似文献   
为了建立生态、高效的扇贝幼虫附着和变态诱导技术,采用底栖硅藻生物膜附着基对栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝开展了附着和变态诱导的现场实验。实验围绕底栖硅藻在扇贝幼虫培育池内的数量变动、存活状态、在栉孔扇贝食谱组成中的贡献以及其对两种扇贝附着和变态的诱导效果开展。结果表明,底栖硅藻附着基能极显著提高海湾扇贝和栉孔扇贝幼虫的附苗量和变态率(P<0.01)。在海湾扇贝实验中,底栖硅藻处理组比对照组附苗量提高220.19%(P<0.01),变态率和壳长两组差异不显著(P>0.05)。在栉孔扇贝实验中,底栖硅藻处理组比对照组附苗量提高43.02%(P<0.01),变态率提高87.31%(P<0.01),底栖硅藻处理组壳长和对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。对照组附着基比对照组早3d检查到变态的稚贝。底栖硅藻附着基在进入幼虫培育池的黑暗环境后光合作用受限,对于扇贝幼虫的日常管理导致底栖硅藻脱落,数量有一定的下降,但丰度最终能保持为56.0-183.9个/mm2。使用基于混合模型对栉孔扇贝稚贝食物来源进行分析结果显示金藻Isochrysis galbana对稚贝的食物贡献较高,底栖硅藻的贡献较低,其0.95水平的置信区间的贡献率为0%-44%,表明底栖硅藻也是扇贝物来源之一。本研究为底栖硅藻生物膜在贝类幼虫附着变态过程中作用的研究奠定了良好的基础,并为生态、高效的商业化苗种培育提供理论和技术支撑。  相似文献   
采用Ludox-QPS方法,研究了2011年8月采自长江口邻近海域9个站位沉积物中纤毛虫的群落结构及分布特点,并结合沉积环境进行综合分析。结果表明,表层8cm沉积物中底栖纤毛虫的平均丰度为(2782±1493)cells/10cm2,生物量为(10.06±6.41)μgC/10cm2。长江口海域北部站位的丰度和生物量呈从近岸向外海增加,南部的站位呈现相反的分布趋势。在垂直分布上, 62%的底栖纤毛虫分布在表层2cm, 12%分布在5—8 cm。本研究共检获纤毛虫106种,隶属于15纲/亚纲, 24目, 69属,前口纲在丰度及生物量上均为最优势类群(丰度占45.5%,生物量占56.4%),核残迹纲在生物量上居第二位。就食性来看,肉食性纤毛虫物种数最多(44种),其丰度和生物量所占比例也最高(40.3%,66.8%),但在长江口外站位(M1站),菌食性纤毛虫为最优势摄食类群。分析表明,研究海域底栖纤毛虫群落结构与底层水盐度最相关。聚类分析结果显示,由于较多量的伪钟虫属(Pseudovorticella)和原领毛虫属(Prototrachelocerca)种类出现导致长江口北部L1站的纤毛虫群落结构不同于其他站位。本研究所获底栖纤毛虫的丰度和生物量较东海离岸海域已有研究结果均高,表层8cm沉积物中纤毛虫的丰度约是上层30m水柱中浮游纤毛虫的116倍,生物量约是后者的150倍。基于目前黄东海有关底栖纤毛虫物种多样性的已有报道,其多样性在长江口离岸海域高于近岸潮间带,且在离岸海域东海低于黄海。  相似文献   
以热带库里亚藻(Coolia tropicalis)为研究对象, 在不同锰浓度(0、1、5、10、50μmol·L -1)的人工海水培养15d, 利用叶绿素荧光动力学技术研究了其生长和光合作用对不同锰环境的响应。结果表明: 1)比生长速率(μ)和最大相对电子传递速率(rETRmax)与锰浓度均呈指数关系且对锰胁迫具有相同程度的响应; 2)锰浓度至少大于1μmol·L -1才能维持热带库里亚藻正常的光合作用活性, 当锰浓度低于该浓度时, 光合作用活性(Fv/Fm)在6d后开始下降, 而单位反应中心吸收光能(ABS/RC)和热能耗散(DI0/RC)升高; 两个反应中心之间的电子传递(φE0)及生长并未受影响, 表明此阶段锰缺乏只影响活性光反应中心数量并提高热耗散途径; 当锰缺乏延长至15d时, 胁迫作用显现(F0上升)并且电子传递(φE0)和生长受到抑制, 这阶段锰缺乏使光反应中心关闭且电子传递受阻; 3)锰缺乏的修复损伤比(r/k)并未降低, 表明锰缺乏并未影响热带库里亚藻的光保护能力。  相似文献   
There are thousands of seeps in the deep ocean worldwide; however, many questions remain about their contributions to global biodiversity and the surrounding deep‐sea environment. In addition to being globally distributed, seeps provide several benefits to humans such as unique habitats, organisms with novel genes, and carbon regulation. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are unique seep macrobenthic assemblages, by comparing seep and nonseep environments, different seep habitats, and seeps at different depths and locations. Infaunal community composition, diversity, and abundance were examined between seep and nonseep background environments and among three seep habitats (i.e., microbial mats, tubeworms, and soft‐bottom seeps). Abundances were higher at seep sites compared to background areas. Abundance and diversity also differed among microbial mat, tubeworm, and soft‐bottom seep habitats. Although seeps contained different macrobenthic assemblages than nonseep areas, infaunal communities were also generally unique for each seep. Variability was 75% greater within communities near seeps compared to communities in background areas. Thus, high variability in community structure characterized seep communities rather than specific taxa. The lack of similarity among seep sites supports the idea that there are no specific infauna that can be used as indicators of seepage throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico, at least at higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
扰动生物作为生态系统工程建造者,通过对沉积底质的改造直接影响沉积物和水体之间的相互作用(营养物质的循环、迁移和存储),对底栖生态系统工程有重要的影响.遗迹化石作为底栖生物活动的载体,为研究寒武纪大爆发之后底栖生态系统工程建造者的演化规律,并评价底栖生态系统工程建造者对生态系统工程产生的影响提供了依据.对河南地区8个寒武系剖面的遗迹化石数据进行统计,应用现代生物学中生态系统工程影响值的概念,从功能群、阶层、生物灌溉3个方面对底栖生态系统工程建造者进行研究.研究结果表明,寒武系第三阶至鼓山阶底栖生态系统工程建造者功能群类型由生物扩散型扰动者往向上/下运输者转变,阶层逐渐加深,生物灌溉越来越普及,生态系统工程影响值不断增大.鼓山阶至第十阶,遗迹化石类型及结构变化不大,生态系统工程影响值趋于稳定.这表明从寒武纪生物大爆发至鼓山阶,底栖生态系统工程建造者的行为策略发生着明显的进化与创新,生态系统工程建造者不仅开拓了重要的生态空间,而且为其他底栖生物和微生物创造了新的生境,在寒武纪海洋生态系统中扮演着重要的角色.   相似文献   
The ecological importance of benthic macroalgal communities in coastal ecosystems has been recognised worldwide and the application of remote sensing to study these communities presents certain advantages respect to in situ methods. The present study used three CHRIS-PROBA images to analyse macroalgal communities distribution in the Seno de Corcubión (NW Spain). The use of this sensor represent a challenge given that its design, build and deployment programme is intended to follow the principles of the “faster, better, cheaper”. To assess the application of this sensor to macroalgal mapping, two types of classifications were carried out: Maximum Likelihood and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). Maximum Likelihood classifier showed positive results, reaching overall accuracy percentages higher than 90% and kappa coefficients higher than 0.80 for the bottom classes shallow submerged sand, deep submerged sand, macroalgae less than 5 m and macroalgae between 5 and 10 m depth. The differentiation among macroalgal groups using SAM classifications showed positive results for green seaweeds although the differentiation between brown and red algae was not clear in the study area.  相似文献   
This study shows that spatially and temporally recurring benthic macrofauna-habitat patterns validate the ecological relevance of habitat types to benthic macrofauna and suggest they can serve as elements in ecological periodic tables of benthic macrofaunal usage. We discovered patterns across nine habitat types (intertidal eelgrass [Zostera marina], dwarf eelgrass [Zostera japonica], oyster [Crassostrea gigas] ground culture, burrowing mud shrimp [Upogebia pugettensis], burrowing ghost shrimp [Neotrypaea californiensis], shell, sand, mud, and subtidal) on a variety of benthic macrofaunal community state variables in Grays Harbor, Washington, USA and compared them to those in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA. There were nominal differences in benthic macrofaunal Bray-Curtis similarity between all the habitats investigated except eelgrass and oyster in both estuaries. Across-habitat patterns on mean benthic macrofaunal species richness, abundance, biomass, abundance of deposit, suspension and facultative feeders, a dominance and a diversity index for the five habitats common to both studies were the same on a rank measurement scale: eelgrass ≈ oyster > mud shrimp > ghost shrimp ≈ subtidal. The patterns for most of the habitats and benthic macrofaunal measures were the same on a ratio measurement scale.  相似文献   
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