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The biodiversity hotspot region of the Eastern Himalayas consists of a vast freshwater network enriched with species diversity. Many small-scale torrential rivers and water reaches contribute to the species pool of all the major rivers by converging downstream. These reaches are most likely to be degraded at a faster rate as compared to the large-scale rivers following an increased rate of urbanization, habitat alterations, and changing climatic conditions. Therefore, this study aims to explore River Murti, which is a representative small scale river system characterized by a large altitudinal gradient and a diverse watershed area. Ichthyofaunal diversity (i.e., diversity, evenness & richness) and 21 environmental variables are measured through a tri-seasonal sampling effort conducted along 14 selected locations. A total of 41 fish species (including species belonging to 4 Near Threatened, 8 Vulnerable, and 1 Endangered) are found inhabiting this river. Ichthyofaunal assemblage is found to be primarily modulated by habitat diversity and landscape variables. Three Aquatic Ecological Systems (AES) have been identified along this river in a top-down approach based on recorded environmental variables. We have calculated an observed/expected ratio for each diversity indices along 14 locations based on predicted temporal variability using boosted regression (BRT) models. The evaluation of diversity status has been kept at 0.5 to account for a 50% loss or deviation from observed (O/E50). This evaluation has been successfully used to delineate AES1 with majorly “Impaired” status and thus ensures its importance in terms of species conservation. Our study indicates the contribution of 11 major environmental drivers modulating the species assemblage patterns in these AES. Amongst them, altitude, substrate coarseness, river morphology, and shelter availability are strongly associated with species diversity as per the BRT models. These underlying factors are also correlated with “basin pressure,” suggesting that anthropogenic disturbances, as well as the changing climate, might play an important role in the gradual change in environmental conditions, which in turn could cause a shift in species assemblage structure.  相似文献   

The Australian government’s proposal to expand the Snowy Hydro Scheme to include a second pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) system, and support for feasibility studies for PHES in Tasmania, offer an opportunity to incorporate more intermittent renewable energy generation into the National Energy Market. However, the infrastructure construction required for PHES expansion may have negative effects for biodiversity in subalpine and alpine areas. To identify the potential effects of PHES on biodiversity in Kosciuszko National Park (KNP), this systematic literature review assesses: (i) the key environmental disturbances likely to arise from PHES construction; and (ii) the specific impacts of these construction processes on biodiversity in subalpine and alpine environments. We find that the effects of PHES construction-related disturbances are likely to be negative for subalpine and alpine biodiversity, with impacts including the proliferation of exotic flora, habitat loss resulting from vegetation clearing, altered landscape hydrology and reduced water quality. Management recommendations to limit these impacts are provided and further research is recommended to assess: (i) the effects of PHES on fish populations in alpine reservoirs; (ii) the utility of spoil as artificial habitat for endemic fauna; and (iii) the chemical and physical impacts of spoil dumping in alpine reservoirs.  相似文献   
城市热点时空预测是城市管理和智慧城市建设的一项长期而富有挑战性的任务。准确地进行城市热点时空预测可以提高城市规划、调度和安全保障能力并降低资源消耗。现有的区域级深度时空预测方法主要利用基于地理网格的图像、给定的网络结构或额外的数据来获取时空动态。通过从原始数据中挖掘出潜在的自语义信息,并将其与基于地理空间的网格图像融合,也可以提高时空预测的性能,基于此,本文提出了一种新的深度学习方法地理语义集成神经网络(GSEN),将地理预测神经网络和语义预测神经网络相叠加。GSEN模型综合了预测递归神经网络(PredRNN)、图卷积预测递归神经网络(GC-PredRNN)和集成层的结构,从不同的角度捕捉时空动态。并且该模型还可以与现实世界中一些潜在的高层动态进行关联,而不需要任何额外的数据。最终在3个不同领域的实际数据集上对本文提出的模型进行了评估,均取得了很好的预测效果,实验结果表明GSEN模型在不同城市热点时空预测任务中的推广性和有效性,利用该模型可以更好地进行城市热点时空预测,解决一系列如犯罪、火灾、网约车预订等等现代城市发展中亟需解决的相关问题。  相似文献   
交通违法行为是引发交通事故的重要原因,然而现有研究主要关注交通违法行为的整体特征,缺少面向交通违法治理需求的分析框架。本文基于时空热点分析方法,提出从热点区域时间分布特征和典型时段热点区域空间分布特征两个角度识别交通违法行为特征的分析框架,分别用于支撑局部交通违法热点以及全局违法模式的原因分析和精准治理。基于该方法对福州市的机动车和非机动车(含行人)违法行为特征进行了识别分析,结果表明:机动车和非机动车违法行为在时间维度均呈现出9:00和16:00一日双峰特征,在空间维度呈现出“一片区、多热点”的聚集分布特征。二者也存在明显差异,具体表现为:① 在时间维度,非机动车违法行为呈现出更大的变化幅度,高峰时段与中午低谷时段、工作日与周末的违法行为数量差异均明显高于机动车;② 在空间维度,机动车违法行为在商业中心、医院等重要场所和交通枢纽呈现出聚集特征,分布范围更广,而非机动车违法行为则主要在人流量大且人车混行严重的城市中心路口区域呈现聚集特征;③ 不同违法热点地区产生的原因存在差异,需要有针对性制定治理措施。上述发现表明了本文方法能够全面快速识别交通违法行为特征,可以帮助指导城市交通违法行为动态监测分析系统建设,为持续优化城市交通现场执法警力动态分配以及交通违法行为精准治理提供决策支持。  相似文献   
为研究矿山开采及修复过程中如何开展生物多样性管理,本文借鉴IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)发布的《矿山生物多样性管理系列指南》成果,将相关理论和方法应用到广东大宝山矿生态修复实践中。文章在介绍IUCN的“综合生物多样性管理体系”方法主要内容的基础上,将其作为大宝山矿实施生态修复依据,阐述了该管理体系在矿山生态修复工程中的应用,并结合广东大宝山矿的实际情况,提出了大宝山矿生物多样性管理的保护与修复框架,包括全周期的生物多样性管理手段,重点阐述大宝山矿生物多样性调查与监测、评价、保护与受损控制及恢复的技术方案,最后分析了对中国矿山生物多样性保护和修复的启示,IUCN矿山生物多样性管理系列指南对于指导我国矿山生态修复具有重要作用。  相似文献   
针对现有职住空间关系的研究难以在微观维度上有效促进大城市职住功能空间的均衡发展以及规划政策与现状发展存在的时序错位问题,该文以北京市为例,从房屋建筑使用用途的角度切入,运用空间自相关分析模型、热点分析模型和职住用地比三个评价方法,同时借用ArcGIS软件平台进行空间分析与可视化表达,探究北京职住空间在乡镇尺度下的组织特征。研究发现:北京市职住空间表现为聚类分布的空间格局特征,以首都功能核心区为中心,大致呈现出环状圈层分布,北京市职住空间的“热点区”在空间分布上存在差异,而“冷点区”在空间分布上基本相同,职住空间关系存在失衡,与规划目标存在一定的偏差。提出的研究方法从微观维度分析了城市职住空间的组织特征,促进了城市规划与发展时序的有效结合,可在特大城市的职住空间关系的研究中进行推广应用。  相似文献   
The Siberian–Icelandic hotspot track is the only preserved continental hotspot track. Although the track and its associated age progression between 160 Ma and 60 Ma are not yet well understood, this section of the track is closely linked to the tectonic evolution of Amerasian Basin, the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge and Baffin Bay. Using paleomagnetic data, volcanic structures and marine geophysical data, the paleogeography of Arctic plates (Eurasian plate, North American Plate, Greenland Plate and Alaska Microplate) was reconstructed and the Siberian–Icelandic hotspot track was interlinked between 160 Ma and 60 Ma. Our results suggested that the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge could be a part of the hotspot track that formed between 160 Ma and 120 Ma. During this period, the hotspot controlled the tectonic evolution of Baffin Bay and the distribution of mafic rock in Greenland. Throughout the Mesozoic Era, the aforementioned Arctic plates experienced clockwise rotation and migrated northeast towards the North Pacific. The vertical influence from the ancient Icelandic mantle plume broke this balance, slowing down some plates and resulting in the opening of several ocean basins. This process controlled the tectonic evolution of the Arctic.  相似文献   
为探究洱海湖滨区环境因子与蜻蜓物种多样性之间的关系,2014年5月至2017年5月对洱海10个样点进行实地调查,记录植物20科46种,共采集蜻蜓11科22属28种1448个体,并对环境因子与蜻蜓多样性进行相关性分析.结果表明蜻蜓成虫多样性与植被丰富度、湿生植被覆盖度、挺水植被覆盖度和沉水植被覆盖度均呈正相关,与浮水植物覆盖度和人为干扰程度呈负相关;稚虫多样性与湖底底质和水体溶解氧呈正相关,并对结果进行了讨论.研究结果给洱海蜻蜓栖息地的保护及湖滨缓冲带生态修复提供了有益的参考和数据支持.  相似文献   
正Global Change includes climate change and other environmental changes caused by the joint interaction among various layers of Earth. From the positive side, global change provides new opportunities to human and other living forms on Earth. In the meantime, it creates tremendous challenges and negative impact. At present, the negative impacts have reached all primary processes of the global ecosystem and every aspect of human society, especially causing degradation of the ecosystem. For instance, intensive deforestation causes decline of biodiversity; global warming causes sea level rise and increases  相似文献   
罗海  李杰  邹亚菲  徐会明 《地学前缘》2020,27(6):289-299
湖泊是全球生态系统的重要组成部分。尽管湖泊初级生产力的生物多样性在湖泊生态系统中发挥着非常重要的作用,但对其如何在千年时间尺度上对气候变化做出响应却知之甚少,而千年时间尺度与预测未来变化最为相关。本文以云南云龙天池湖泊为研究对象,以湖泊重要的初级生产力硅藻为研究手段,分析了末次冰消期期间硅藻生物多样性对千年尺度上气候变化的响应。云龙天池硅藻生物多样性表现为暖期高、冷期低。随着全球温度的快速变化,硅藻生物多样性亦对应的快速响应:在转暖时(Bolling/Allerod暖期)快速增加,在转冷时(Herinrich 1和Younger Dryas)快速降低。这些变化主要与温度变化驱动的湖泊环境条件的变化(比如冰封期长短、边岸带水生植被的变化等)有关。研究结果还表明,在末次冰消期期间,云龙天池湖泊硅藻生物多样性与千年尺度的气候变化同步,而且在长时间尺度上,气候变暖对高山湖泊生物多样性可能是有利的。  相似文献   
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