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This paper deals with analytical and numerical modelling of the internal stress generated in argillaceous rocks during humidification/desiccation processes, which is an essential issue for damage study. This local stress field arises from two mechanisms: (i) complex interactions between free swelling/shrinking clay matrix and non‐strained inclusions of carbonate and quartz and (ii) a self‐restraint effect induced by the moisture gradient during the transient moisture exchange process. The inclusion–matrix interaction is investigated in different cases. Firstly, the analytical solution of the stress around a cylindrical inclusion embedded in an infinite swelling matrix is derived: The inclusion would suffer tension (compression) under humidification (desiccation), and the resulting cracking patterns are discussed. Then, the problem of two inclusions with different distances in an infinite swelling matrix is considered, and it is shown that the local stress around an inclusion will be perturbed and amplified by neighbouring inclusions. Finally, an inclusion outcropping at the free surface of a swelling matrix is modelled as to investigate the effect of free surface: The inclusion–matrix interface undergoes shear stresses of which the maximum is found at the free surface. In addition to the inclusion–matrix interaction, the self‐restraint effect is investigated: The induced stress is maximal at the beginning of humidification/desiccation processes and vanishes gradually with time. The quantity of the self‐restraint stress is strongly controlled by the hydric loading rate. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Erosion and the associated loss of carbon is a major environmental concern in many peatlands and remains difficult to accurately quantify beyond the plot scale. Erosion was measured in an upland blanket peatland catchment (0.017 km2) in northern England using structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry, sediment traps and stream sediment sampling at different spatial scales. A net median topographic change of –27 mm yr–1 was recorded by SfM over the 12-month monitoring period for the entire surveyed area (598 m2). Within the entire surveyed area there were six nested catchments where both SfM and sediment traps were used to measure erosion. Substantial amounts of peat were captured in sediment traps during summer storm events after two months of dry weather where desiccation of the peat surface occurred. The magnitude of topographic change for the six nested catchments determined by SfM (mean value: 5.3 mm, standard deviation: 5.2 mm) was very different to the areal average derived from sediment traps (mean value: –0.3 mm, standard deviation: 0.1 mm). Thus, direct interpolation of peat erosion from local net topographic change into sediment yield at the catchment outlet appears problematic. Peat loss measured at the hillslope scale was not representative of that at the catchment scale. Stream sediment sampling at the outlet of the research catchment (0.017 km2) suggested that the yields of suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon were 926.3 t km–2 yr–1 and 340.9 t km–2 yr–1, respectively, with highest losses occurring during the autumn. Both freeze–thaw during winter and desiccation during long periods of dry weather in spring and summer were identified as important peat weathering processes during the study. Such weathering was a key enabler of subsequent fluvial peat loss from the catchment. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
潮间带红藻海萝(Gloiopeltis furcata)对失水胁迫具有很强的耐受能力。为探索海萝周期性失水过程中的响应机制,本研究在24 h内设计了两次连续的失水-复水循环处理,测定了海萝抗氧化酶活力的变化情况。同时,利用转录组测序技术,结合荧光定量PCR方法(qRT-RCR),对海萝失水响应基因的转录表达进行了验证。结果表明:海萝转录组共组装到32681条基因。与对照组相比,处理组共表达了7161条差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes, DEGs)。KEGG分析显示, DEGs分布在代谢、环境信息加工、有机体系统、遗传信息加工、细胞进程等方面。海萝抗氧化酶活力测定发现,抗氧化能力对海萝响应失水胁迫十分重要。过氧化氢酶(CAT)、硫氧还蛋白还原酶(TrxR)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)参与抗氧化过程,其中CAT酶活力对海萝抵抗失水胁迫尤为重要。此外,qRT-PCR结果显示,海萝中渗透调节物质红藻糖苷合成的相关基因(GfUGPase、GfGK、GfGPDH)只对初次失水处理有正响应。而热激蛋白70基因(GfHSP70)、碳酸酐酶基因(GfCA)、MYB蛋白编码基因(GfMYB)以及谷胱甘肽S转移酶基因(GfGST)在两次失水过程中其转录水平均有上调表达,它们也参与了海萝失水响应机制。  相似文献   
The ability to model and predict the formation of desiccation cracks is potentially beneficial in many applications such as clay liner design, earth dam construction, and crop science, etc. However, most studies have focused on statistical analysis of crack patterns and qualitative study of contributing factors to crack development rather than prediction. Because it is exceedingly difficult to capture the nonlinear processes during desiccation in analytical modelling, most such models handle crack formation without considering variation of material properties with time, and are unattractive to use in realistic modelling. The data obtained from laboratory experiments on clay soil desiccating in moulds were used as a basis to develop a more refined model of desiccation cracking. In this study, the properties, such as matric suction, stiffness and tensile strength of soil, and base adhesion, could be expressed approximately as functions of moisture content. The initial conditions and the development of suction due to desiccation and the varying material properties were inputted to UDEC, a distinct element code, using its internal programming language FISH. The model was able to capture some essential physical aspects of crack evolution in soil contained in moulds with varying lengths, heights, and materials of construction. Extension of this methodology is potentially beneficial not only for modelling desiccation cracking in clay, but also in other systems with evolving material properties such as concrete structures and road pavements. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
何岱洵 《地质与勘探》2023,59(5):1083-1092
温度是影响土体干缩开裂的重要外部环境因素之一。为研究温度对红黏土干缩裂隙的影响,以昆明呈贡石灰岩上覆红黏土为对象,经风干、碾碎和筛分后,选取2 mm以下的细颗粒,用正方形钢化玻璃容器制备9个厚度为10 mm的饱和泥浆样,分成3组,每组3个平行样,利用控温烘箱分别进行30℃、50℃和70℃的干燥试验,试验过程中定时称重试样和对土样表面进行拍照,然后用PCAS软件对照片进行图像处理。结果表明:红黏土的蒸发过程可分为3个阶段,干缩裂隙的形成和发展可分为5个阶段;温度升高,干燥完成时间减短,常速率阶段的蒸发速率和蒸发量增大,最终含水率降低;初始临界含水率随温度升高而增大;随着土体含水率持续减小,表面裂隙率先缓慢增加,然后快速增大,最后趋于稳定;温度升高,裂隙交点数、裂隙条数、裂隙总长度和土块数减少,裂隙平均长度、裂隙平均宽度、表面裂隙率、土块平均面积、土块最大面积、干缩厚度和干密度增大。温度显著影响红黏土的水分蒸发过程,干缩裂隙的形成和发展,以及表面裂隙结构和形态。  相似文献   
土体在气候作用下发育干缩裂隙是一种常见的自然现象,裂隙的存在会极大弱化土体的工程性质,诱发许多岩土与地质工程问题。为了实时掌握黏性土中干缩裂隙网络的发展状态,提出了一套基于高密度电阻率层析成像技术(ERT)的土体干缩裂隙动态发展过程精细监测方法。分别开展模型试验及原位试验,利用自行研制的测定系统持续采集电流-电位差数据,随后利用自行开发的有限元法电阻率层析成像(FemERT)系统进行数据处理,获取了裂隙网络在不同发育阶段的空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)ERT可以实现土体裂隙发育过程的精细监测,具备监测三维裂隙网络几何形态的能力,裂隙宽度的识别精度达到毫米级,裂隙深度的识别精度达到厘米级;(2)ERT的感度分布特征解释了裂隙发育对于土体电阻率的影响规律,测定电阻值时程曲线因裂隙产生位置的不同而呈现不同的变化规律;(3)反演电阻率及其相对变化率(Rev)可以直观表征裂隙网络在不同阶段的空间几何形态,凸显裂隙动态发育过程对于土体导电性的影响。  相似文献   
红层泥质胶结物在干燥条件下会因含水率变化产生开裂,裂缝进一步发展贯通最终导致红层泥岩崩解破坏。目前对红层泥岩崩解机制的研究多为定性描述,缺乏定量分析方法。因此,定量研究红层泥质胶结物开裂的产生及扩展对深化红层泥岩崩解理论研究具有重要意义。基于线弹性断裂力学及非饱和土力学,建立了考虑含水率变化的红层泥质胶结物裂缝深度及间距计算公式,并对公式参数敏感性进行了分析。应用CT试验数据对PFC2D数值模型进行了校准,并基于干缩开裂数值试验结果,对裂缝深度及间距计算公式进行了对比验证。结果表明:提出的计算公式能较好地预测红层泥质胶结物的开裂深度及间距,裂缝深度随含水率减小呈先快速增加再缓慢增长的特点。研究成果有助于加深对红层泥岩崩解的量化理论分析,并为预测工程中红层泥岩的开裂程度提供参考。  相似文献   
中国大别山东南缘首次发现大坝陨坑构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简介首次在大别山东南缘安徽省境内发现的大坝陨坑构造。经初步评价,知陨坑呈椭圆形,长轴呈北北东向,长约19km,短轴长约12km,最大坑深约2km,是一个有中央隆起区的复杂型陨坑。在卫片上陨坑显示环形影像,地貌形态为一洼地。陨坑基座保存尚好,可对它直观和追索陨坑构造边界。形成于230Ma左右的各类撞击变质岩石系列齐全,其中含有柯石英等典型的撞击变质矿物及撞击碎理等超微构造,特别是在陨坑基座内壁普遍发现有鉴别陨坑构造最可靠的标志——干裂自角砾岩,都证明大坝环形影像是一个典型的陨星撞击坑构造。它的发现,具有很大的科学及经济意义,对今后褶皱山区寻找和研究陨坑构造具有示范和指导作用,同时大大丰富了建设大别山世界地质公园的地质依据。无庸置疑此发现将促进大别山旅游业的发展及陨星撞击科普知识的传播。  相似文献   
研究了青岛潮间带地区的4种海藻:叉枝藻(Gymnogongrus flabelliformis Harvey,高潮带)、孔石莼(Ulva pertusa kjellm,中潮带)、缘管浒苔(Enteromorpha linza(L.)J.Agar-dh,中潮带)和扁江蓠(Gracilaria textorii(Suring)De Toni,低潮带)在干出状态下的脱水率及每天干出0、0.5、1、2、4和6h下的生长和光合作用。结果表明:干出状态下缘管浒苔的脱水率最小,因为它具中空管状构造;其余3种海藻的脱水率依次为扁江蓠>孔石莼>叉枝藻,但三者差异不大。与水中对照(0h)相比,高潮带的叉枝藻在不同干出处理下的生长和光合作用速率下降(P<0.05)。中潮带的孔石莼在一定干出时间内促进其生长和光合作用(P<0.05),缘管浒苔则未见显著的促进作用。低潮带的扁江蓠在干出处理下几乎不能生长和存活。  相似文献   
Strong winds are a characteristic feature of UK upland areas. Despite this, understanding of aeolian processes in upland environments of the UK is limited. This paper presents direct measurements and observations of blanket peat erosion by wind action during a two week period of desiccation in the North Pennines, Northern England. A circular configuration of mass flux sediment samplers was used to collect peat eroded by wind action from 16 cardinal compass directions. Meteorological conditions (wind speed, wind direction, precipitation and temperature) were recorded by an automatic weather station set up adjacent to the site. Surface desiccation led to peat crust erosion and dust deflation. During short (≤1 hour) periods of precipitation, wind‐driven rainfall also caused erosion. Typically, dust flux rates were up to two orders of magnitude lower than recorded during periods of sustained wet weather. Measurements demonstrate the hitherto unreported rapid switch in process regime between wind‐driven rainfall and dry blow deflation in blanket peat environments. Dry blow processes of blanket peat erosion may become more important in UK upland areas if climate change promotes more frequent surface desiccation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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