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Investigating the performance that can be achieved with different hydrological models across catchments with varying characteristics is a requirement for identifying an adequate model for any catchment, gauged or ungauged, just based on information about its climate and catchment properties. As parameter uncertainty increases with the number of model parameters, it is important not only to identify a model achieving good results but also to aim at the simplest model still able to provide acceptable results. The main objective of this study is to identify the climate and catchment properties determining the minimal required complexity of a hydrological model. As previous studies indicate that the required model complexity varies with the temporal scale, the study considers the performance at the daily, monthly, and annual timescales. In agreement with previous studies, the results show that catchments located in arid areas tend to be more difficult to model. They therefore require more complex models for achieving an acceptable performance. For determining which other factors influence model performance, an analysis was carried out for four catchment groups (snowy, arid, and eastern and western catchments). The results show that the baseflow and aridity indices are the most consistent predictors of model performance across catchment groups and timescales. Both properties are negatively correlated with model performance. Other relevant predictors are the fraction of snow in the annual precipitation (negative correlation with model performance), soil depth (negative correlation with model performance), and some other soil properties. It was observed that the sign of the correlation between the catchment characteristics and model performance varies between clusters in some cases, stressing the difficulties encountered in large sample analyses. Regarding the impact of the timescale, the study confirmed previous results indicating that more complex models are needed for shorter timescales.  相似文献   
高强钢组合偏心支撑钢框架是一种新型的抗震结构体系,为分析其抗震性能,利用ABAQUS有限元软件建立了简化分析模型。在验证该简化模型合理有效的基础上,建立了某十层算例的整体模型,施加竖向荷载的同时施加水平倒三角形循环荷载作用,进而分析了该算例的滞回性能。研究表明:本文提出的简化分析模型不仅可以较准确的模拟该结构体系的延性和抗侧刚度,还可以有效预测结构的变形分布和非线性性能。  相似文献   
针对悬臂柱顶有拉梁和无拉梁层间隔震体系的抗震性能问题,运用增量动力分析(IDA)方法进行弹塑性分析,模拟结构从弹性到弹塑性直至最后倒塌的全过程。通过调幅地震动得到相应的层间位移角及峰值加速度,分别绘制单条与多条IDA曲线分析拉梁对隔震结构动力响应的影响,研究两种结构的抗震性能。结果表明:在相同性能点,有拉梁和无拉梁对纤维铰弯矩值和曲率值基本无影响,而在不同性能点,纤维铰状态明显不同;两种体系从正常使用阶段到防止倒塌阶段所需的加速度峰值的差距慢慢增大;在极罕遇地震下,柱顶有拉梁层间隔震体系的下部结构抗震性能要高于柱顶无拉梁层间隔震体系。  相似文献   
增强型罗兰导航系统(eLoran)作为全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)的备份系统,是国家定位导航授时(PNT)安全的重要基础设施.针对目前标准eLoran信号存在易受交叉干扰、天波干扰,通信数据传输速率低等的问题,本文基于标准罗兰信号体制提出了两种波形改进方法(衰减函数法与对称波形法)并对新型波形进行性能评估.实验结果表明,两种方法能够有效缩短波形持续时间,加速后沿波形下降,减小发射机功耗.对称波形法能够大幅减小波形持续时间,但缩短波形持续时间也将改变原信号波形的频谱特性,利用衰减函数法可以最大程度保证信号的频谱性能.综合分析可知,新型波形能够有效利用时域资源,空余的时间可用于增加传输信号,进而提高数据调制技术的性能.  相似文献   
地震时砌体结构窗间墙易发生破坏,为了提高其抗震性能,对高宽比为1的2组共4片墙体,其中:2片为双层打包带加固墙体,2片为原墙,进行了拟静力试验,研究墙体的破坏形态、水平承载力、滞回曲线和耗能等抗震性能。试验发现原墙发生剪切破坏,加固后墙体发生摇摆破坏,加固改变了墙体破坏模式,加固后墙体滞回曲线饱满但有捏笼,破坏荷载、延性和耗能能力都有提高,破坏时未发生剥离,表明双层打包带加固法有效地提高了窗间墙体抗震性能,对承受较大竖向应力墙体效果更好,建议加固时要加强加固层与窗下和窗上墙体的连接。  相似文献   
针对矿业城市长期矿产资源的开发,产生的一系列矿山地质环境问题,严重影响城市建筑物抗震性能的情况。以铜陵市为例,通过对铜陵市建筑物抗震性能开展全面普查,掌握建筑物抗震基本情况,研究了矿业城市滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、采空塌陷、岩溶塌陷等典型地质灾害对建筑物抗震性能的具体影响,提出加大棚户区改造、开展土地利用防灾适宜性评价、建立地质灾害监控体系等对策建议,对提高矿业城市抗震设防工作有实际意义。  相似文献   
经物探分析在河北省张家口尚义县大青沟镇南海子村东南1.0 km存在深部断裂构造,为了寻找开发坝上地区地热资源,决定在该位置施工一口2000 m深地热井,即穿过该断裂构造寻找导水通道,完成地热井施工任务。施工中采用了CMD180T型钻机,该钻机采用了先进的全液压传动系统,自动化程度高,性能优异,可大大降低操作人员的劳动强度且易于搬迁、易于操作。其优势在这次地热井工程施工过程中得到了充分的体现。  相似文献   
为进一步了解蔚县地区农村房屋的抗震性能,在该地区选取43个村庄、7732栋房屋进行实地调查和统计分析。主要调查房屋结构、建筑材料、房屋抗震构造措施等内容,分析各结构类型房屋抗震薄弱环节及房屋抗震性能,并统计分析经济、交通、地形等因素与房屋结构类型及抗震性能的关系,提出提高该地区农村房屋抗震性能的建议。  相似文献   
为了解地震作用下纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能,采用钢筋、混凝土、纤维编织网浇筑纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱,编织网主材为碳、玻璃纤维束;利用电液伺服加载系统为试件加载地震作用,监测相关数据,部分试件置入氯化钠溶液进行多次干湿循环。不同环境下的实验结果显示:纤维编织网层数越多,纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱承载能力越强,抗震性能越好;配箍间距较大时,纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能仅在地震作用的后期呈现较差状态;干湿循环次数越多,纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱承载力越弱,抗震性能越差。对于氯盐环境而言,可增加纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗腐蚀措施改善抗震性能。适当增加纤维编织网的数量、降低配箍间距有利于提升纤维编织网增强钢筋混凝土柱的抗震性能。  相似文献   
The water level of marsh wetlands is a dominant force controlling the wetland ecosystem function, especially for aquatic habitat. For different species, water level requirements vary in time and space, and therefore ensuring suitable water levels in different periods is crucial for the maintenance of biodiversity in marsh wetlands. Based on hydrodynamic modelling and habitat suitability assessment, we determined suitable dynamic water levels considering aquatic habitat service at different periods in marsh wetlands. The two-dimensional hydrodynamic model was used to simulate the temporal and spatial variation of water level. The habitat suitability for target species at various water levels was evaluated to obtain the fitting curves between Weighted Usable Area (WUA) and water levels. And then suitable water levels throughout the year were proposed according to the fitting curves. Using the Zhalong Wetland (located in northeastern China) as a case study, we confirmed that the proposed MIKE 21 model can successfully be used to simulate the water level process in the wetland. Suitable water levels were identified as being from 143.9–144.2 m for April to May, 144.1–144.3 m for June to September, and 144.3–144.4 m for October to November (before the freezing season). Furthermore, proposed water diversion schemes have been identified which can effectively sustain the proposed dynamic water levels. This study is expected to provide appropriate guidance for the determination of environmental flows and water management strategies in marsh wetlands.  相似文献   
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