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In identifying sites of geoheritage significance, commonly there has been an emphasis on the larger-scale features. However, the story of geology and the significant features that are critical to unravel geological processes and geological history are commonly small in scale. This contribution focuses on bubble sand and bubble-sand structures as features that are small-scale but nonetheless important to geology, and hence are of geoheritage significance. Bubble sand and bubble-sand structures are ubiquitous on modern beaches and tidal flats, occurring in the uppermost tidal zone of sandy beaches, as a distinct layer in a shoaling beach-to-dune stratigraphy, and are a diagnostic indicator of upper-tidal conditions where a rising tide and a concomitantly rising water-table interacts with the upper swash-zone wave processes. On sandy tidal flats, bubble sand and bubble-sand structures may occur in the mid- to upper-tidal zones; here they are also diagnostic indicators of tidal conditions, forming during a rising tide where a rising water-table forces air upwards to be trapped in moist sand. If found in ancient sequences, bubble-sand structures are a powerful environmental indicator of tidal conditions and, for beach sequences, an indicator of the high-tide level and sea level. Bubble-sand structures have been found in a number of ancient sequences throughout the geological record as far back as the Neoproterozoic, e.g. within beach-to-dune stratigraphy in Pleistocene limestones of the Perth Basin and in southeastern USA, and in tidal-flat sands of the Mesozoic Broome Sandstone of the Canning Basin. The bubble-sand structure is a significant geological tool for use in paleo-environmental and paleo-oceanographic reconstructions, and determination of the position of a paleo-water-table. Given the rarity of their preservation, these occurrences of bubble-sand structures are of geoheritage significance in their own right and, depending on age of sequence and how common they are in the region, they may be nationally significant or globally significant.  相似文献   
为保证海上风电升压电站建设的经济合理与安全可靠,合理确定海上风电升压电站平台高程十分必要。文中从波浪与潮位的遭遇组合、最大波高取值与现行相关标准的比较、最大波峰高度计算的合理性等方面,全面分析了确定海上风电升压站平台高程各组成项取值标准的合理性,研究认为现行标准明显偏高。建议海上升压站平台底部高程按"100年一遇极端高水位+重现期50年波列累积频率1%的最大波峰高度+安全超高"确定。结合工程实例计算分析,按本文建议可使海上升压站平台高程明显降低,从而节省工程造价,还可减轻升压站工程对周边风机的遮蔽影响,以达到多发电量的效果。  相似文献   
The motion of a submarine in liquid under an ice plate covered with flooded snow is considered. The ice is modelled as an elastic plate and the snow cover is modelled as a viscous layer on the top of the plate. The submarine is modelled as a slender solid of revolution with scale 1:300. The experimental and theoretical study of the influence of the viscous snow layer on deflections of the floating ice plate is conducted. The viscous layer reduces the amplitudes of flexural-gravity waves. The greatest influence of the viscous layer on the plate deflections is achieved for velocities of the submarine, where the waves of maximum amplitude are generated. Theoretical results are in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the model experiments.  相似文献   
随着啁啾脉冲放大技术(Chirped Pulse Amplification,CPA)的飞速发展,激光功率密度实现了飞跃式的提升,利用短脉冲激光开展实验室天体物理研究的条件日趋成熟。短脉冲激光与靶相互作用可以产生相对论粒子(正负电子、质子、中子等)和高能电磁辐射(X射线、γ射线),这些粒子和辐射的产生过程与天体中的某些物理现象相对应。介绍了利用短脉冲激光开展实验室天体物理的研究进展,重点介绍了核天体物理、空心离子光谱学、相对论无碰撞冲击波以及等离子体状态诊断等。  相似文献   
不同厚度饱和砂土中群桩结构动力响应试验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
液化土中桩基础动力响应规律一直是工程抗震领域关注的热点问题。本文基于非液化砂土和不同厚度饱和砂土中的2×2群桩结构模型振动台试验,通过输入一定峰值加速度和频率的正弦波,对群桩在非液化土层和两种不同厚度饱和砂土层中的横向动力响应特性进行振动台试验研究。研究结果表明:在正弦波输入情况下,非液化砂土中群桩承台加速度和位移时程与台面输入时程相比,波形变化规律与峰值大小均相差不大;而对两种不同厚度饱和砂土中承台加速度和位移峰值放大较多,在相对较薄的饱和砂土中群桩承台加速度峰值较台面输入放大了1.83倍,较台面输出位移峰值放大了1.58倍;在相对较厚的饱和砂土中承台加速度和位移峰值则分别放大了2.18倍和1.91倍,说明在相同输入条件下,较厚的饱和砂土在发生液化后群桩承台的动力响应更加显著。  相似文献   
Vacuum preloading is often used to improve the geotechnical properties of dredged slurry. Although the performance of this method has improved with rapidly developing technology, soil columns usually formed on the drainage boundary induce the decrease of permeability around the boundary, thereby limiting the further development of this method. To address this issue, this paper proposes a method for pretreating the slurry combined with sand prior to vacuum consolidation. This method partially replaces the fine particles with sand to reduce the formation of soil columns. Two groups of vacuum preloading tests were performed to investigate the effect of sand content and sand grain size on the vacuum consolidation of dredged slurry. The test results revealed that for a given sand grain size, increasing the sand content of the sand–slurry mixture increased the pore water drainage and accelerated the dissipation of pore water pressure, thereby increasing the vane shear strength. In contrast, for a constant sand content, the samples containing coarse sand exhibited increased pore water drainage and accelerated dissipation of pore water pressure, thereby increasing the vane shear strength of the soil.  相似文献   
本文基于具备间断捕捉能力的二阶全非线性Boussinesq数值模型,对规则波和随机波在礁坪地形上的传播变形进行了数值模拟。该模型采用高阶有限体积法和有限差分方法求解守恒格式的控制方程,将波浪破碎视为间断,同时采用静态重构技术处理了海岸动边界问题。重点针对礁坪上波浪传播过程中的波高空间分布和沿程衰减,礁坪上的平均水位变化,以及波浪能量频谱的移动和空间差异等典型水动力现象开展数值计算。将数值结果与实验结果对比,两者吻合情况良好,验证了模型具有良好的稳定性,具备模拟破碎波浪和海-岸动边界的能力,能较为准确地模拟波浪在礁坪地形上的传播过程中发生的各种水动力现象。  相似文献   
任兴月  陶军  彭伟 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):78-87
为了研究斜向入射波浪,基于三维不可压缩两相流模型,开发了一套圆形数值波浪水池数值模型。在圆形波浪水池中,通过源项造波法成功生成了任意入射方向的波浪,并且利用人工摩擦项模拟阻尼区以数值耗散反射波浪。模型基于嵌入式多块网格体系,采用FVM法(finite volume method)离散Navier-Stokes方程,VOF法(volume of fluid)追踪自由水面。试验结果表明,斜向入射波浪的模拟结果与理论值基本一致,圆形波浪水池在模拟斜向入射波浪时,有效区域的面积较传统波浪水池显著增大,而且有效区域受波浪入射角度的影响也较小。同时,通过叠加多列斜向入射波浪,模拟出了多向交叉波列,并通过与理论结果对比,发现其具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
大功率高频电波与电离层的相互作用会引起电子密度扰动,进而产生人工沿场不均匀体,其对无线电波特别是超短波信号有强的定向散射能力,可形成一种新型的超短波通信方式.基于各向异性介质的散射理论,首先通过求解电子密度扰动产生的附加极化势获得电子密度扰动散射方程,然后对电子密度扰动进行高斯自相关处理,并结合入射波/散射波与地磁场方向的空间几何关系,获得电子密度扰动的波数谱表达式,建立了人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数理论模型.利用模型对Platteville站实验中产生的人工不均匀体散射截面积进行了数值模拟,并通过与实测值对比验证了模型的正确性.根据人工沿场散射原理给出了利用其进行无线电信号传输的约束条件.重点仿真分析了人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数和散射覆盖区范围,结果表明:同等条件下,相对于高纬度地区,低纬度地区人工沿场不均匀体的散射系数小5~10 dB,但其散射覆盖区的地面范围大,东西向可达3000 km,南北向可达1500 km,完全可用于超短波信号的超远距离传输.本文结果为中低纬度地区开展相关实验研究提供了理论指导,对利用人工沿场不均匀体进行无线信号的超远距离传输应用研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Concepts derived from previous studies of offshore winds on natural dunes are evaluated on a dune maintained for shore protection during three offshore wind events. The potential for offshore winds to form a lee‐side eddy on the backshore or transfer sediment from the dune and berm crest to the water are evaluated, as are differences in wind speed and sediment transport on the dune crest, berm crest and a pedestrian access gap. The dune is 18–20 m wide near the base and has a crest 4.5 m above backshore elevation. Two sand‐trapping fences facilitate accretion. Data were obtained from wind vanes on the crest and lee of the dune and anemometers and sand traps placed across the dune, on the beach berm crest and in the access gap. Mean wind direction above the dune crest varied from 11 to 3 deg from shore normal. No persistent recirculation eddy occurred on the 12 deg seaward slope. Wind speed on the berm crest was 85–89% of speed at the dune crest, but rates of sediment transport were 2.27 times greater during the strongest winds, indicating that a wide beach overcomes the transport limitation of a dune barrier. Limited transport on the seaward dune ramp indicates that losses to the water are mostly from the backshore, not the dune. The seaward slope gains sand from the landward slope and dune crest. Sand fences causing accretion on the dune ramp during onshore winds lower the seaward slope and reduce the likelihood of detached flows during offshore winds. Transport rates are higher in access gaps than on the dune crest despite lower wind speeds because of flatter slopes and absence of vegetation. Transport rates across dunes and through gaps can be reduced using vegetation and raised walkover structures. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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