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Tetraploid induction was carried out by inhibiting mitosis I in fertilized eggs ofChlamys farreri. Mitosis I was blocked with cold shock (5–7°C), Cytochalasin B (0.75 mg/L) and 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) (60–75 mg/L) when 60% fertilized eggs released polar body II at 20°C. At 4-cells embryo stage, the ploidy was determined by counting chromosome number. In control groups, most embryos were diploids (72.22%) and aneuploids (24.78%). In Cytochalasin B, cold shock and 6-DMAP treated groups, tetraploids were respectively 10.51%, 4.08%, and 13.34%; aneuploids were 43.10%, 35.93% and 29.16%, and triploids were 7.84%, 8.52% and 18.33%. At D-larva stage, ploidy was determined by flow cytometry (FCM). The ploidy analysis of day 2 larvae showed diploids in control group and also in three treated groups. Juvenile scallops (0.2–0.3cm) which were harvested in two control groups and two CB treated groups were all diploids through checking ploidy individually by FCM. Contribution No. 3648 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contribution No. 238 from the Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project funded by grant (No. 819-01-07) from the Chinese Science and Technology Ministry and also by “Hundred Talents Plan” grant from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
人工四倍体皱纹盘鲍的发生   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用化学药物进行诱导皱纹盘鲍四倍体的研究。结果表明,在受精后10min开始,用1mg/l浓度的CB持续处理皱纹盘鲍受精卵30min,通过阻止极体释放,可获得21.9%的四倍体胚胎。用0.05g/L浓度的秋水仙素,在受精后40~50min的效应时间内开始处理,持续3min,能抑制皱纹盘鲍的第一次有丝分裂,四倍体诱导率最高为13.0%。此外观察到,秋水仙素对染色体组加倍最为敏感的效应时间,也是胚胎对诱导处理耐受性最弱的时期。化学药物的毒性作用和染色体的断裂或缺失,可能是导致皱纹盘鲍四倍体胚胎死亡率高的重要原因  相似文献   
The manipulation of the chromosome set for commercially valuable marine animals is important for enhancing aquacultural production. In this study, triploid and tetraploid sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus were induced by hydrostatic pressure shock, and the conditions of appropriate induction were tested with different starting times, and hydrostatic pressure intensities and durations. The highest rate of triploid induction reached 20% and that of tetraploid was 60%. In consideration of the survival rate and hatch rate, the appropriate treatment for triploid was 55 Mpa of hydrostatic pressure for 5 min at 55 min after fertilization (a.f.), while for tetraploid it was 60 Mpa for 5 min at 61 min a.f. The triploid of the sea cucumber could survive through the pelagic larval stage and attachment stage, and develop like the control group of the experiment. The tetraploid, however, could not survive the attachment stage.  相似文献   
贝类四倍体育种研究进展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
综述了国内外贝类四倍体育种的研究现状和最新进展。四倍体诱导的方法主要有抑制第1极体或同时抑制2个极体的释放、抑制第1次卵裂、细胞融合、人工雌核发育和利用三倍体诱导四倍体,其中利用三倍体获得四倍体是迄今报道的获得具存活力的四倍体的唯一成功方法。四倍体育种中染色体组操作的结果除了产生整倍体外,还产生大量的非整倍体。四倍体贝类存活力较低,但具有较高的繁殖力,能产生较大的生殖细胞,并能与二倍体杂交产生100%的三倍体。  相似文献   
An incubating temperature of 15℃ is used to induce triploidy in Eriocheir sinensis through inhibition of the release of polar body I1, and that of 18℃ to induce tetraploidy through inhibition of the first cleavage. Flow cytometry is used to identify the ploidy in different developmental stages. For induction of triploidy in fertilized eggs in vitro, the highest induction rate observed in blastula by cytochalasin B, 6-DMAP and KC1 is 49.1%, 51.7% and 77.5%, respectively. In the KC1 treatment of pregnant crabs with the fertilized eggs, the highest triploid induction rate observed in the zoea is 85.3%. For induction of tetraploidy, the highest induction rate observed in the blastula by cytochaslasin B, 6-DMAP and KC1 is 50.3%, 54.9% and 79.8% respectively. In the KC1 treatment of pregnant crabs with the fertilized eggs, the highest induction rate in zoea is 27.3%. Through this study such difficulty as in vitro culture is overcome. Triploid zoea Eriocheir sinensis has been developed for the fh‘st time. The induction rate of tetraploid zoea has also been greatly improved.  相似文献   
中华绒螯蟹多倍体诱导技术改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用抑制第二极体排放的方式对15℃孵育的中华绒螯蟹自然受精卵人工诱导三倍体,通过抑制第一次卵裂对18℃孵育的自然受精卵人工诱导四倍体,应用流式细胞仪进行倍性鉴定.分别使用CB,6-DMAP和KCl三种试剂对受精卵处理,发育至囊胚期检测,获得的最高三倍体诱导率依次是49.1%,51.7%和77.5%,获得的最高四倍体诱导率依次是50.3%,54.9%和79.8%.使用KCl试剂对抱卵蟹诱导处理,孵出潘状幼体检测,最高三倍体诱导率为85.3%,最高四倍体诱导率为27.3%.克服了以往三倍体诱导中离体培养的困难,首次获得了中华绒螯蟹三倍体潘状幼体,并极大提高了潘状幼体阶段四倍体诱导率.  相似文献   
Artificially induced tetraploid Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, produces more aneuploid gametes than normal diploid one, although they showed a comparable fecundity to diploidy. The meiotic chromosome configuration of 3 tetraploid and 1 tetraploid/triploid mosaic males were analyzed through direct chromosome observation. A majority of metaphase I spermatocytes contained both bivalents and quadrivalents. The chromosome configuration of these males was characterized by preferential formation of bivalents to quadrivalents. Bivalents appeared in all spermatocytes and consisted of 86% of all chromosome aggregates. In comparison, quadrivalents occurred in 91% spermatocytes and consisted of only 12.6% of all chromosome aggregates. The mean bivalent frequency per spermatocyte varied between 14.4 and 17.2; while that of quadrivalents varied between 2.2 and 2.7. Most quadrivalents were tandemly chained(58%) or circled(39%). The total number of chromosome aggregates per spermatocyte ranged from 13 to 20 with an average of 17.6; while 18(16 bivalents and 2 quadrivalents) was the most frequent. Univalents and trivalents appeared in very low frequency. Aneuploid(hypotetraploid) spermatocytes were observed in a low frequency. The chromosome configuration of in the mosaic individual was similar to that of tetraploid individuals. The percentage of triploid spermatocytes(2%) of the mosaic individual was significantly lower(χ2 =30, P 0.01) than that of triploid cells(46%) in its somatic tissue.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONInmollusccytogenetics,tetraploidisanimportantsubjectbecauseofits1 0 0 %triploidproduc tion.Thetriploidswereprovedlargerthandiploidsby 73 %inbayscallop ,Argopectenirradians(Tabarini,1 984 )andby 3 2 % 59%innoblescallop ,Chlamysnobilis (KomaruandWada ,1 989) .Butthedifficultiesassociatedwithtriploidproductionlimiteditswideuseinmolluscaquac ulture.Normally ,thetriploidswereinducedbyinhibitingpolarbodyII (Allenetal.,1 989) ,butthismethodcannevermakethetriploidproductionreach 1…  相似文献   
在不同海水温度和不同精子密度条件下对四倍体(4n)与二倍体(2n)太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigasThunberg)离体精子的存活能力进行了比较.结果表明,四倍体与二倍体太平洋牡蛎精子的存活时间均随水温的升高和密度的降低而缩短,四倍体牡蛎精子的存活能力低于二倍体.四倍体牡蛎精子在海水温度10℃可存活8 h,在28℃仅存活2 h;二倍体牡蛎精子在10℃可存活12 h,在28℃仅存活4 h.四倍体牡蛎精子在较高密度(6.4×10<'7>个/Ml)下可存活8 h,较低密度(2.0×106个/Ml)下低于1 h;在与四倍体牡蛎精子相同的高、低密度下,二倍体存活时间分别超过10 h和1 h.  相似文献   
利用引进美国的四倍体太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)雄贝与我国的二倍体雌贝杂交,规模化培育全三倍体牡蛎苗种。杂交组的平均受精率为48.27%,对照组为80.53%,杂交组较低的受精率可能与四倍体雄贝的精子活力及精子数量有关。杂交组的孵化率、幼虫成活率和变态率分别为81.10%,42.3%和1.82%,对照组分别为79.96%,37.0%和1.80%。杂交组共培育出稚贝1200万粒。不同时期取样的流式细胞仪分析结果表明,杂交组的三倍体率为100%。  相似文献   
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