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童馗  邢立达  姜巽  彭光照  叶勇  江山  丑春永  李轲  李智武 《地质通报》2018,37(10):1771-1776
四川西昌盆地白垩系小坝组尚未发现骨骼化石记录,其白垩系恐龙动物群的信息全赖于足迹化石。2017年,在喜德县洛甘发现小坝组迄今最大型的恐龙足迹群。该足迹点保存了大量的兽脚类足迹。足迹保存条件较差,但具备了基本的形态学特征。总体来看,兽脚类足迹具有尺寸较小(8~13cm),中等中趾前凹(0.5~0.6)和第Ⅱ趾和第Ⅳ趾间较宽趾间角(70°~100°)的特征;少量足迹保存了跖骨垫。初步分析认为,洛甘兽脚类足迹与四川盆地夹关组的兽脚类足迹Eubrontes和Grallator形态类型相似,为两地在白垩纪中期具有类似的恐龙动物群的观点提供了新的证据。该发现对于西昌盆地的古气候、古地理和地层对比都具有重要的意义,足迹详细分类还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
The Sichuan Basin,also known as the‘Red Basin’,is famous for its abundance of Mesozoic dinosaur fossils,especially in the Zigong area during the Jurassic era;the Middle Jurassic Shunosaurus and the Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus faunal assemblages are the most representative.The Qinglongshan dinosaur fossil site is located in Fuxing,to the northwest of Rong County,Zigong City.This new site is situated within the Middle Jurassic Xiashaximiao Formation,and geologically is roughly equivalent to the well-known Dashanpu dinosaur fossil site.More than 600 dinosaur fossils were found concentrated in the excavation area,including teeth;cervical,dorsal and caudal vertebrae;and various parts of appendicular skeletons.This fossil site is also most significant as it provides new information on non-avian dinosaur life during the poorly understood Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
我国卤水溴资源及其开发前景展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
溴在自然界无独立的矿物 ,呈强分散性稀有元素 ,散布在地壳水圈里 ,以油气田地下卤水、盐湖卤水、矿场盐卤水含溴浓度相对较高。溴在国民经济的用途广泛 ,是我国紧缺物资 ,产不敷消。而我国卤水溴资源分布广泛 ,类型齐全 ,同时常伴有K、B、I、Li等多种有用组分。充分发挥各类卤水溴资源特点 ,提高卤水溴资源综合利用水平 ,其开发前景广阔  相似文献   
邢立达  董辉  彭光照  舒纯康  胡晓冬  江华 《地质通报》2009,28(10):1390-1395
记述了自贡地区的和平永川龙(和平中华盗龙)(Yangchuanosaurus(Sinraptor)hepingensis)ZDM 0024存在一断裂后愈合的肩胛骨,这是中国兽脚类病理学的首次详细记录。该肩胛骨有骨皮质不连续、成角畸形、骨痂形成,符合骨折后愈合的表现,而且从其病理特征看,病理性骨折的可能性很小,直接暴力所致骨折的可能性极大。还分析了同时期动物群中可能存在暴力施加者,拥有尾锤的合川马门溪龙(Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis)可能性最大,这为和平永川龙的骨折提供了一种有趣的解释。  相似文献   
The newly discovered large(350 m^2) Yantan dinosaur tracksite, in the Lower Jurassic Ziliujing Formation of Guizhou Province, China, reveals at least 250 footprints of which ~97 can be resolved into trackways of sauropodomorphs. All the trackways are sub parallel likely indicating gregarious behavior. One theropod track(cf. Grallator) was recorded. The sauropodomorph tracks predominantly represent quadrupedal progression(Morphotype A), and footprint morphology is similar to the ichnospecies Liujianpusshunan, characterized by outward pes rotation. Three trackways indicate bipedal progression, and two of these(Morphotype B) indicate inward pes rotation, accompanied by elongate pes digit scratch marks. For the latter phenomenon three possible scenarios are discussed:(1) significant rotation changes accompanying changes in gait,(2) swimming behavior,(3) formation of undertracks.Sedimentological evidence indicates the tracks were made on a linguloid rippled, muddy, immature sandstone substrate characterized by significant differences in substrate consistency across the trackbearing surface. Microbially induced sedimentary structures(MISS) characterized by distinctive wrinkle marks indicate a stressed, probably semi-arid, paleoenvironment that was not conducive to habitation by invertebrate organisms. This is consistent with other evidence that Lower Jurassic sauropodomorph tracks are often associated with semi-arid paleoenvironments.  相似文献   
郝宝鞘  彭光照  秦钢  叶勇  江山 《地质通报》2018,37(10):1777-1782
剑龙类恐龙是一类长有骨板的中-大型有甲类恐龙。其最明显的特征是从颈部到尾部沿背脊有两列直立的骨板,呈对称或交错排列。已知最早的剑龙类恐龙发现于中侏罗世的欧洲和中国,在侏罗纪末期剑龙类迅速繁衍,在全球都有分布,但随后在白垩纪早期开始消亡。中国至今所发现的剑龙类恐龙化石有几十个个体材料,发表的属种共计9属10种,分别为嘉陵龙、乌尔禾龙、芒康龙、营山龙、华阳龙、沱江龙、重庆龙、巨棘龙,将军龙。从地层分布、头部、腰带、肢骨比值和骨板几个特征来看,中国剑龙类应该有一个从华阳龙-重庆龙-巨棘龙-沱江龙-营山龙-芒康龙-乌尔禾龙的演化过程。  相似文献   
Abstract: The structure and orientation of the posterior extremity (tail club) of the caudal vertebrae of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis Young and Chao, 1972 from the Upper Jurassic Shangshaximiao Formation has been analyzed to determine the tail club function using Finite Element Analysis. Of the four caudal vertebrae composing the tail club, the second largest (C"1") was probably the most proximal, and is fixed with the preceding sequence of the caudal vertebrae, whereas the smallest (C"4") is free and forms the termination of the tail club. Our analysis also suggests that the tail club is more efficient in lateral swinging rather than up-and-down motion, and that the best region for the tail club to impact is at the spine of the largest of the four caudals (C"2"), with a maximum load for impact at about 450 N. The tail club of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis probably also had limitations as a defense weapon and was more possibly a sensory organ to improve nerve conduction velocity to enhance the capacity for sensory perception of its surroundings.  相似文献   
恐龙足迹和骨骼的记录往往出现在不同的地区。然而,一些地层显示了关系紧密的骨骼和足迹,它们都指向同一个来源。报道了来自四川省攀西地区会理县通安镇通保村下侏罗统益门组中上部的蜥脚类足迹(雷龙足迹Brontopodus),其地理和地层归属均与真蜥脚类的何氏通安龙极为接近。通保足迹与造迹者的关联是可能的,但目前还需要更多的证据。通保的雷龙足迹是攀西地区首次发现侏罗纪的蜥脚类足迹,这也表明,在早侏罗世,原始蜥脚类和基干蜥脚型类共存于中国西南地区。  相似文献   
彭光照 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):113-123
自贡地区涵盖侏罗纪3个不同时期的恐龙动物群组合。早侏罗世是恐龙动物群的萌发阶段,以原蜥脚类和原始蜥脚类恐龙共存为主要特征,属禄丰蜥龙动物群范畴;中侏罗世蜀龙动物群具有过渡性质,代表恐龙动物群的繁荣阶段,特点是原蜥脚类绝迹,原始的蜥脚类和进步的蜥脚类共同成为动物群的主要成员,并开始出现一些特化的蜥脚类,肉食龙类和鸟脚类成为动物群的重要成员,剑龙类开始出现;晚侏罗世马门溪龙动物群代表恐龙动物群发展的鼎盛阶段,特点是成渝龟类被蛇颈龟类所取代,原始的蜥脚类已消亡,特化的长颈型的马门溪龙类为主要成员,肉食龙类、鸟脚类和剑龙类向大型化发展。自贡地区侏罗纪恐龙动物群的兴衰和更替与四川盆地古地理环境和古气候的变迁密切相关。  相似文献   
四川盆地三叠系地下卤水分布广泛,品质优良,是我国开采利用最早,工业价值最高的卤水资源。研究表明,地下卤水储层为低孔隙低渗透致密岩石,不利于卤水的运聚,而后期构造形成的断裂和裂缝控制了卤水的富集作用。  相似文献   
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