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地幔转换带中的水及其地球动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
综述了近20年国际上地幔转换带中水的研究进展。前人研究表明,地球深部的水主要以OH-(hy-droxyl)形式存储在名义上无水矿物(NAMs)中。高温高压实验研究表明,地幔转换带中的主要矿物均具有较高的储水能力,且在转换带的温压条件下,其储水能力随着温度的升高而降低,其中瓦兹利石(β-Ol)和林伍德石(γ-Ol)的储水能力为2%~3%,超硅石榴子石(Mj)的储水能力为0.1%左右,据此估算地幔转换带的储水能力约为1.2%~1.91%,是地表水总量的3.9~6.2倍;而转换带除外的上地幔和下地幔主要矿物的含水量或储水能力均小于0.1%,因此与上、下地幔相比,地幔转换带可能是地幔的主要储水库。尽管地幔转换带具有较强的储水能力,但对地幔转换带的实际含水量还存在干、湿两方面的地质和地球物理证据和争议。地幔转换带中的水会对转换带中一系列的过程产生重要影响,当水含量增加时,橄榄石(Ol)向β-Ol、γ-Ol分解以及超硅石榴石的分解反应分别向低压、高压和低压方向迁移,从而由橄榄石向β-Ol和γ-Ol分解两个相变反应界定的转换带宽度也会增加;水还会使地幔深部的部分熔融温度降低,熔体的密度降低;同时,水的加入可以很好地解释地幔岩"pyrolite"模型在410km不连续面处产生的与地震波测量不相符突变,也可以解决全地幔对流模式所不能解释的地幔成分分层问题。因此,深入研究和探讨转换带中的水对地球深部动力学过程的影响,包括中国东部地区受太平洋板块深俯冲作用的影响,均具有重要的约束和研究意义。  相似文献   
本文通过相图分析,对利用不纯净十水芒硝与纯净氯化钾通过二步转化制取硫酸钾进行了物料配比计算.给出了最佳物料配比及十水芒硝中氯离子的最大含量,对实际生产有指导意义。  相似文献   
High-pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction experiments of phase anhydrous B and superhydrous B have been carried out to 7.3 and 7.7?GPa, respectively, at room temperature. Fitting a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the P-V data yields values of V 0?=?838.86?±?0.04?Å3, KT,0?=?151.5?±?0.9?GPa and K′?=?5.5?±?0.3 for Anhy-B and V 0?=?624.71?± 0.03?Å3, KT,0?=?142.6?±?0.8?GPa and K′?=?5.8?±?0.2 for Shy-B. A similar analysis of the axial compressibilities in Anhy-B reveals that the c-axis is most compressible (Kc?=?137?±?3?GPa), the b-axis is least compressible (Kb?=?175?±?4?GPa), and the a-axis is intermediate (Ka?=?148?±?1?GPa). In Shy-B, the a-axis is most compressible (Ka?=?135?±?1?GPa), followed by the b- and c-axes which have similar compressibilities (Kb?=?146?±?3?GPa; Kc?=?148?±?3?GPa). The fact that the b-axis of Shy-B is approximately 16% more compressible than Anhy-B is primarily due to differences in the O-T layer in which the H atoms are located and the linkages with the adjacent O layers. The rigid edge-sharing chains of MgO6 and SiO6 octahedra in the O layer control compressibility along the a- and c-axes in both structures. The net result is a reduction in the overall anisotropic compression from ~22% in Anhy-B to ~9% in Shy-B.  相似文献   
中国芒硝类矿床研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文综述了近二十年来中国对芒硝矿的地质研究进展,包括芒硝分类、沉积环境、成因以及在地质上的作用等。芒硝矿的成因和成矿理论研究是当前芒硝矿研究的重点。  相似文献   
The influence of oil-expulsion efficiency on nanopore development in highly mature shale was investigated by using anhydrous pyrolysis (425–600 °C) on solvent-extracted and non-extracted shales at a pressure of 50 MPa. Additional pyrolysis studies were conducted using non-extracted shales at pressures of 25 and 80 MPa to further characterize the impact of pressure on pore evolution at high maturity. The pore structures of the original shale and relevant artificially matured samples after pyrolysis were characterized by using low-pressure nitrogen and carbon-dioxide adsorption techniques, and gas yields during pyrolysis were measured. The results show that oil-expulsion efficiency can strongly influence gas generation and nanopore development in highly mature shales, as bitumen remained in shales with low oil expulsion efficiency significantly promotes gaseous hydrocarbon generation and nanopore (diameter < 10 nm) development. The evolution of micropores and fine mesopores at high maturity can be divided into two main stages: Stage I, corresponding to wet gas generation (EasyRo 1.2%–2.4%), and Stage II, corresponding to dry gas generation (EasyRo 2.4%–4.5%). For shales with low oil expulsion efficiency, nanopore (diameter < 10 nm) evolution increases rapidly in Stage I, whereas slowly in Stage II, and such difference between two stages may be attributed to the changes of the organic matter (OM)’s mechanical properties. Comparatively, for shales with high oil expulsion efficiency, the evolution grows slightly in Stage I, not as rapidly as shales with low efficiency, and decays in Stage II. The different pore evolution behaviors of these two types of shales are attributed to the contribution of bitumen. However, the evolution of medium–coarse mesopores and macropores (diameter >10 nm) remains flat at high maturation. In addition, high pressure can promote the development of micropores and fine mesopores in highly mature shales.  相似文献   
罗布泊位于新疆塔里木盆地的东端,可能是世界最大的单体(干)盐湖。罗布泊从中更新世开始进入盐湖演化阶段,直到晚更新世末以钙芒硝沉积为主,进入全新世出现石盐沉积。一些钻孔揭示在上更新统顶部出现一些芒硝岩薄层,对比研究,确认这些钻孔中的芒硝层属同一时期沉积产物。14C测年显示,芒硝层段年代从13.72~16.92ka,光释光测年结果为19.34~19.83ka,这些与末次冰期最盛期的年代(14~22ka)基本吻合,推断当时罗布泊年均气温在-2~-3℃。至全新世早期,随着短期干冷气候结束,罗布泊转为咸水湖环境,自全新世中期以来,转变为盐湖环境。  相似文献   
河西走廊末次冰期芒硝和砂楔与古气候重建   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
芒硝和砂楔是冷干气候环境的典型标志。河西走廊砂楔主要形成在晚更新世冲洪积砾石层中 ,楔体内充填的风成砂14 C年龄证明其是末次冰期的产物 ,古砂楔所对应的年均气温为- 5 6℃左右。芒硝主要分布在内陆河终端的盐湖中 ,花海芒硝矿粘土夹层中的陆生树枝残条普通14 C和AMS14 C年龄分别为 (116 0 0± 2 80 )aB .P .和 (11181± 54)aB .P .,证明芒硝层为末次盛冰期 (LGM )和新仙女木期 (YD)异常冷干气候的产物。计算表明 ,该区LGM年均气温较现在低 11~ 15℃ ,YD年均气温比现代低约 6~ 8℃。这一降温幅度与中国北方根据孢粉、砂楔、冰芯等所推测的气温下降值大体一致 ,亦与最近有关北半球高、中纬度冰期降温幅度的研究相符合  相似文献   
新疆巴里坤盐湖是一个常年性固、液并存的硫酸盐型盐湖。盐湖卤水中含Na+、K+、Ca2+、Cl-、SO2-4、HCO-3、CO2-3等主要成分,沉积物中有芒硝、无水芒硝、石膏、水钙芒硝、半水石膏、石盐等盐类矿物及碳酸盐和泥质矿物。盐湖中有大量卤虫及卤虫卵自湖中心向湖岸呈环带状分布,在成盐过程中起着重要作用。盐湖形成于第三纪,第四纪以来,曾经历2次成岩期,约自17kaB.P.湖水多次蒸发浓缩,成岩作用加强,形成芒硝等矿产  相似文献   
江苏有丰富的岩盐、芒硝等化工原料类资源。但由于缺乏整体的勘查和开发利用规划,造成了资源的极大浪费,出现了污染等问题。另一方面无序竞争,导致企业效益低下。这些问题,需要通过合理规划开发资源、提高回采率、提高产品科技含量和附加值、综合利用溶腔、积极开拓国内外市场、保护生态环境等渠道加以解决。  相似文献   
氯化镁和硫酸钠作原料,以K~+,Na~+,Mg~(2+)//Cl~-,SO_4~2-H_2O及Na~+,Mg~(2+)//Cl~-,SO_4~2-H_2O水盐体系相图为理论依据,研究了氯化镁和硫酸钠分解转化—冷却结晶法生产七水硫酸镁的工艺路线。考察氯化镁和硫酸钠分解转化温度、分解转化时间、各物料配比关系等因素对制备七水硫酸镁的影响,确定了各试验因素对试验结果的影响主次顺序,得出了试验结果。  相似文献   
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