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混合岩型铀矿是康滇地轴上最有希望取得找矿突破的铀矿类型,海塔地区的铀矿化即是该类型铀矿的典型代表。本文针对区内的长英质脉矿石、富晶质铀矿石英脉矿石和含矿热液石英脉中的石英流体包裹体进行了研究。结果表明,海塔地区混合岩型铀矿的成矿作用可分为2个阶段:早期混合岩化热液成矿阶段为高温、中低盐度流体,流体包裹体均一温度集中在380~540℃,盐度变化范围为16.15%~23.18%NaCl eqv,是区内铀成矿的主要阶段;晚期热液叠加改造成矿阶段为中低温、低盐度流体,流体包裹体均一温度集中在140~220℃,盐度变化范围为5.56%~23.18%NaCleqv,是区内富铀矿的形成阶段。流体包裹体的气相成分测试表明,长英质脉矿石石英包裹体中以CH4、CO2为主,其次为H2O和N2;而富晶质铀矿石英脉及含矿热液石英脉石英包裹体中以H2为主,部分含有CO2、CH4、H2O。氢、氧同位素研究表明,早期混合岩化成矿阶段的成矿流体可能为岩浆水与变质水的混合,而晚期热液叠加改造成矿阶段成矿流体中可能有大气降水的加入。  相似文献   
A new model is presented for multiblock columns subjected to earthquakes, which contains an impact and an opening model. Both in the impact and in the opening model, all the possible opening configurations are investigated because it was found that in many practical cases, unexpected patterns may occur. The model is purely mechanical: assuming rigid blocks and classical (inelastic) impact. The effect of energy dissipation during impact was investigated. Using our model in accordance with the literature, it was found that monolithic blocks are more vulnerable to overturning than multiblock systems.  相似文献   
国际大洋发现计划(International Ocean Discovery Program, IODP)349航次在南海东部次海盆和西南次海盆残留扩张脊附近的U1431和U1433站位首次钻取基底玄武岩, 通过对16块基底玄武岩内的碳酸盐岩脉薄片镜下观察以及激光拉曼光谱分析, 揭示碳酸盐矿物为方解石和文石, 为典型的洋壳低温热液蚀变次生矿物。U1431站位碳酸盐岩脉为独立的方解石脉、文石脉交替出现; 而U1433站位则存在方解石脉、文石脉和方解石-文石共生脉三种情况。此外, U1431站位在基底~42.1m处出现了平行的方解石脉和文石脉, 揭示U1431存在不同来源热液的多期活动, 即可能存在多次或多阶段不同的热液注入。U1431和U1433站位的碳酸岩脉中, 文石的矿物集合体形状基本一致, 呈块状、纤维状和放射纤维状; 而方解石存在差异, U1431的方解石以斑块状、块状、粒状和纤维状出现, 而U1433的方解石仅出现块状。U1431站位的碳酸盐岩脉的丰度明显高于U1433站位。这些均揭示U1431站位的低温热液活动强, 而U1433站位则相对弱。两个站位的热液活动不同很可能是由于区域地质环境的差异造成——U1431附近的巨大海山为其提供了热液补给, 而U1433远离热液的补给/渗漏点。  相似文献   
采用室内实验生态学方法,以水体中氨氮、活性磷酸盐和溶氧变化为指标研究了光照强度和光色对番红砗磲代谢的影响。结果表明:(1)在0—10000lx光照时,番红砗磲排氨量逐渐减少,在光照12000lx时转为吸收海水中氨氮,并在16000lx时达到最高[1.89μg/(ind·h)];在2000lx光照条件下,番红砗磲可吸收海水中活性磷酸盐并释放氧气。其活性磷酸盐吸收量随光照强度增强而增加,在16000lx时达到最高峰。在实验光照范围内,番红砗磲产氧率随光照强度的增强逐渐增加。上述结果显示番红砗磲最佳光照强度约为16000lx。(2)当番红砗磲自黑暗转移至各光照组后,其氨氮、活性磷酸盐吸收率均随时间逐渐降低,而产氧率则逐渐升高。(3)光色显著影响番红砗磲合成代谢,蓝光最佳,红光次之,白光最差。  相似文献   
拉曼光谱是一种快速无损的分析手段,它既可观察样品的显微结构构造,也可分析样品的成分和结构。为了丰富多金属结核的岩石矿物学特征,文章对西太平洋某海山区的多金属结核样品进行了X射线粉末衍射分析和拉曼光谱分析。X射线分析结果显示该区域样品主要含有水羟锰矿、钡镁锰矿、斜长石、钙十字沸石和石英,显微构造主要有纹层状构造、柱状构造、树枝状构造、充填构造等。通过分析对比潮湿样品和烘干样品铁锰质矿物的拉曼特征谱峰,得出结核中水羟锰矿的特征谱峰位于490 cm~(-1)、570 cm~(-1)和626 cm~(-1)附近,钡镁锰矿的特征谱峰则位于640 cm~(-1)附近,与陆地上对应矿物的特征拉曼谱峰不同。结核中的钡镁锰矿结构不稳定,经过风干或者抛磨后部分产生相变,不同显微结构中,相变情况不同。经与RRUFF数据库比对,识别出钙十字沸石、斜长石等自形晶,多分布于结核最内层,往结核外层总体减少。矿物微晶多见铁锰质矿物微晶和钙十字沸石微晶,铁锰质矿物绕其向外生长。  相似文献   
从PEER强震数据库中选取4类场地的320条地震动记录作为输入,采用BISPEC程序对非线性单自由度(SDOF)体系(周期T=0.05—5s)进行非线性时程分析,得到相应的残余位移反应谱(Dres),进而研究地震动特性和恢复力模型动力参数对Dres的影响,得到如下结论:①Dres谱值随震级和PGA的增加而增大;其他设防烈度的Dres可由PGA其他与PGA基准之比调整基准烈度的Dres得到。②场地土较硬时,场地类型对Dres的影响较小;场地土较软时,Dres谱值随土质的变软而增大。③当位移延性比μ较小时,屈服后刚度比η对Dres的影响可忽略;但当μ较大时,Dres谱值随η的增加而减小。另外,Dres谱值还随阻尼比ξ的增加而减小。④随着T或μ的增大,Dres谱值均呈递增趋势;但当μ>3后,μ对Dres谱值的影响有所下降。  相似文献   
当强震台站场地资料不完整时,所收集到的强震数据因缺乏准确的场地类别信息而难以有效利用。为解决这一问题,本文提出一种基于离散Fréchet距离的强震台站场地分类方法。将获取到的664个KiK-net台站场地按照《建筑抗震设计规范(GB 50011—2010)》进行分类,并构建2个数据集。利用数据集1得到Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类场地标准谱比曲线,并结合离散Fréchet距离对数据集2中的台站进行场地分类,统计分类成功率与误判率。统计结果表明,本文方法能较准确地对场地进行分类,且误判率在可接受范围内。将本文方法分类统计结果与斯皮尔曼秩相关系数法分类的成功率与误判率进行对比,结合本文方法分类后得到的平均谱比曲线,均可表明应用本文方法进行强震台站场地分类具有合理性。  相似文献   
运用密度泛函理论(DFT)在ωB97XD/gen (O、H元素Aug-cc-PVDZ; Rb元素Lanl2DZ)基组水平上研究了[Rb(H_2O)_n]~+(n=1~12)水合团簇的结构和光谱学性质。研究结果表明,通过分析气相和液相中的稳定能以及水合团簇可知,稳定构型出现在8配位的团簇中。第一配位层水分子数为8时形成Rb~+第一近似饱和水合层。此外,拉曼光谱显示[Rb(H_2O)_n]~+(n=1~12)水合团簇中O-H伸缩振动峰随着水分子数增加发生移动和加宽,Rb~+发生水合时,O-H对称和非对称伸缩振动发生红移,随着水合数的增多,频率蓝移。此外,文中对拉曼光谱中O-H振动的频率位置结合团簇结构进行了说明。  相似文献   
Boron resources are abundant in Da Qaidam salt lake of Qaidamu Basin. It has been given great attention for the polyborate species present in brine. In this study, the Raman spectroscopy was applied to investigate the existing-form of boron in brine during evaporation. The prepared solutions of MgO·2B2O3-H2O, MgO·2B2O3-MgCl2 -H2O, and MgO·2B2O3-MgSO4-H2O was also evaporated and recorded to study the influence of boron concentration, pH, and electrolytes on the borate speciation in brine. The mononborates of B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- were found to be the only forms present in the original salt lake brine. Brine evaporation promotes the formation of polyborate anions B3O3(OH)4-, B5O6(OH)4-, and B6O7(OH)62- and also disappearance of the B(OH)4- ion in brine with boron concentration of more than 11 g/L in B2O3. The pentaborate ion of B5O6(OH)4- was sensitive to the solution pH and found to be appeared under the pH value of 8.0. While the hexaborate ion of B6O7(OH)62- was observed more dependent on the electrolyte of magnesium chloride due to its special properties, such as promoting boron accumulation, lowering solution pH, and also the strong af?nity for water molecules, which is beneficial to the polymerization of borate ions in brine. The interaction mechanisms among polyborate anions during evaporation had also been proposed.  相似文献   
The application of some design and assessment approaches, such as the direct displacement-based design (DDBD) and the capacity spectrum methods, requires the modification of elastic design spectra by some displacement reduction factor, to account for the appropriate energy dissipation capacity of different structures. While several equations to correlate dissipation and hysteresis cycles are available, once the displacement reduction factor has been obtained, the correction of the spectra is operated reducing the displacement demand accordingly and conserving the period of vibration at each point. This procedure is here discussed and proved to be conceptually inappropriate, because the spectral acceleration rather than the period should be kept at each point. The application of this alternative procedure may result in increased shear strength demand in design and in larger required displacement capacity for the same level of strength in assessment, if all other factors are not modified. However, the calibration of the reduction factors applied in DDBD has been extensive, and the method has proved to be effective in predicting displacement demands consistent with those resulting from refined nonlinear time history analysis; therefore, a possible introduction of the proposed correction will require equally extensive studies and possibly compensating corrections in the calculation of the equivalent damping. On the contrary, an appropriate calibration of the factors to be used in the application of the “capacity spectrum” method is still being developed, and the consideration of a constant acceleration may facilitate the derivation of effective equations.  相似文献   
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