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The origin of the hypersaline fluids (magmatic or basinal brine?), associated with iron oxide (Cu–U–Au–REE) deposits, is controversial. We report the first chlorine and strontium isotope data combined with Cl/Br ratios of fluid inclusions from selected iron oxide–copper–gold (IOCG) deposits (Candelaria, Raúl–Condestable, Sossego), a deposit considered to represent a magmatic end member of the IOCG class of deposit (Gameleira), and a magnetite–apatite deposit (El Romeral) from South America. Our data indicate mixing of a high δ 37Cl magmatic fluid with near 0‰ δ 37Cl basinal brines in the Candelaria, Raúl–Condestable, and Sossego IOCG deposits and leaching of a few weight percent of evaporites by magmatic-hydrothermal (?) fluids at Gameleira and El Romeral. The Sr isotopic composition of the inclusion fluids of Candelaria, Raúl–Condestable, and El Romeral confirms the presence of a non-magmatic fluid component in these deposits. The heavy chlorine isotope signatures of fluids from the IOCG deposits (Candelaria, Raúl–Condestable, Sossego), reflecting the magmatic-hydrothermal component of these fluids, contrast with the near 0‰ δ 37Cl values of porphyry copper fluids known from the literature. The heavy chlorine isotope compositions of fluids of the investigated IOCG deposits may indicate a prevailing mantle Cl component in contrast to porphyry copper fluids, an argument also supported by Os isotopes, or could result from differential Cl isotope fractionation processes (e.g. phase separation) in fluids of IOCG and porphyry Cu deposits.  相似文献   
In the recent paper by J.P. Le Roux [Coastal Engineering 54 (2007) 271–277], the author provides a simplified approach to calculating the depth, length, and height of waves at the onset of depth-induced breaking (i.e. at the breaker line). However, the proposed methodology and the comparisons to other methods suffer from a large number of inconsistencies and basic calculation errors. In addition, there are a number of erroneous physical interpretations and many of the conclusions are based on erroneous data. The remaining conclusions are either not new or based on circular logic, such as to render them moot. In the following, we will not attempt to point out all the errors or inconsistencies that we found, instead we focus on major points of contention.  相似文献   
Since Hutton's doctrine of internal dynamics, geologists have striven to find a rationale for the forces that engender mountain ranges. The 19th century vogue in geological opinion came to a consensus of thermal contraction, and ana priori assumption of shrinking of the globe. Outcrop relations were interpreted accordingly. But leading geologists on both sides of the Atlantic soon observed structures not accounted for by the prevailing hypothesis. The Alpine school of mobilism introduced tectonic polarity (Suess, 1875), nappes (Bertrand, 1884), thrust plates (Termier, 1903) and reached its climax with Argand's visionary perception of crustal flux, of closing ocean basins, and of colliding continents. While the nappe theory was being debated in Europe, another controversy with respect to mountain building surfaced in the American West: the derivation of the Basin Ranges (Gilbert, 1876). Just as the early proponents of large-scale crustal shortening felt that they must dissent from established views, so their contemporaries in America paradoxically discovered still another reason for mountain building, namely, that of crustal extension (Russel, 1884;Le Conte, 1889).
Zusammenfassung ObwohlHutton (1795) die endogene Herkunft der gebirgsbildenden Kräfte bereits erkannt hatte, sind die physikalischen Grundlagen der Orogenese bis heute nicht abgeklärt worden. Im letzten Jahrhundert waren sich die Forscher zwar einig, daß thermale Erdschrumpfung den Faltenschub bewirke; und entsprechende Querschnitte durch die Faltengebirge sind denn auch zu wissenschaftlichem Allgemeingut geworden. Der bekannteste Fall ist wohl die Glarner Doppelfalte in den Zentralpen (Heim, 1878). Im Gefolge fortschreitender Geländeaufnahmen in den Gebirgen Europas und Nordamerikas erschien das Kontraktionsmodell der Orogenese allerdings stets fragwürdiger. Die Alpengeologen insbesondere verwiesen auf die paläogeographische Konsequenz der einseitigen tektonischen Verfrachtung (Suess, 1875), der Gleitdecken (Bertrand, 1884;Schardt, 1893) und Schubdecken (Termier, 1903). Die neue Anschauung über mobile Orogentektonik fand ihren Niederschlag in Argands meisterhaftem Vortrag über den Bau Asiens am Internationalen Geologen Kongreß 1922 (Argand, 1924).Gleichzeitig mit der Zuspitzung der Diskussion über die Deckentheorie der Alpen, spielte sich auch in Nordamerika eine Kontroverse ab. Auch hier drehte sich die Frage um die Entstehung der Gebirge. Zwar ging es nicht um die üblichen Faltengebirge, sondern um den neuen Typ des Blockgebirges, der im Großen Becken der westlichen Vereinigten Staaten als Basin Ranges (Gilbert, 1876) bekannt wurde. Während die Alpengeologen tektonische Schübe von bisher ungeahnter Größe entdeckten und damit weit mehr Verkürzung der Kruste als die Lehrmeinung wahr haben wollte, hatten es die Erforscher des amerikanischen Westens noch schwieriger, da das Blockgebirge des Großen Beckens offensichtlich durch Ausweitung der Kruste entstanden war (Russell, 1884;Le Conte, 1889). So haben in der alten und der neuen Welt gerade diese, der Lehrmeinung abtrünnigen Ansichten, dem heutigen geotektonischen Denken zum Durchbrach verholfen.

Résumé Bien que Hutton (1795) ait reconnu la dynamique endogène des phénomènes géologiques, leurs fondements physiques ne sont pas, quant à présent, encore clarifiés. L'opinion en voque au 19ème siècle était en faveur de la contraction thermique comme déterminante de la poussée tectonique. Les profils transversaux dans les chaînes plissées devinrent alors de représentation courante. Tel est la cas bien connu du «Double-pli» de Glaris dans les Alpes centrales (Heim, 1878). Mais des géologues des deux côtés de l'Atlantique observèrent bientôt des structures ne concordant pas avec le modèle de la contraction dans l'orogenèse. L'école mobiliste alpine établit les concepts de la polarité tectonique (Suess, 1875), celui des nappes (Bertrand, 1884), celui des grands charriages (Termier, 1903). La nouvelle conception sur le tectogenèse atteignit son apogée avec la conférence magistrale d'Argand sur la Structure de l'Asie au Congrès géologique international de 1922. (Argand, 1924). — Pendant que la théorie des nappes était en pleine discussion en Europe, une autre controverse sur l'orogenèse se développait dans l'Ouest américain: les problèmes des «Basin Ranges» (Gilbert, 1876). De même que les premiers partisans du rétrécissement à grande échelle de l'écorce terrestre durent s'écarter des points de vue établis, leurs contemporains des Etats-Unis découvrirent paradoxalement une autre cause du soulèvement des chaînes de montagnes: l'extension de l'écorce terrestre (Russel, 1884;Le Conte, 1889).

(1795) , . , ; . (Heim, 1878). . , , (Suess, 1875; Bertrand, 1884; Schardt, 1893; Termier, 1903). , 1922 (, 1924): . , , , Basin Ranges (Gilbert, 1876). , , . . , , , . . (Russel, 1884; Le Conte, 1889). . ., , , .
An internally consistent thermodynamic dataset has been derived for 148 endmember phases (145 solids and 3 fluids) comprising the elements Li, Na, K, Be, Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Al, Si, C, H, and O. This has been achieved by simultaneous treatment of phase property (like standard enthalpy of formation, standard entropy, molar heat capacity, molar volume, thermal expansivity, bulk modulus etc.) and reaction reversal data by the Bayesian method. The theory underlying the approach, and the computational methods involved, are briefly outlined. (For the benefit of readers unfamiliar with inference statistics, the basic concepts of the Bayes method are also presented in such a way that they can be grasped intuitively.) Although not yet addressed, this method can be extended to refine the thermodynamic mixing properties of crystalline solutions. The sources of the input data, culled from the literature, are summarized in the Appendix. The resulting database is succinctly documented in this paper. It includes the enthalpies of formation and entropies, their uncertainties, and the correlation among them. The database allows calculation of P-T, T-X CO2, P-X CO2, and T-f O2 sections, with error propagation into the computed phase diagrams on a routine basis. A user-friendly computer program has been written to generate such phase diagrams. It is public domain software. The software and the thermodynamic database (which includes a complete documentation of the thermodynamic data above and beyond those listed (Table 2, here) may be downloaded from the web site http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/niranjan.chatterjee/Index.htm. Examples of computed phase diagrams are given to illustrate the quality of the data and the capabilities of the software. Received: 11 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   
Understanding basic controls on aquifer microbiology is essential to managing water resources and predicting impacts of future environmental change. Previous theoretical and laboratory studies indicate that pH can influence interactions between microorganisms that reduce ferric iron and sulfate. In this study, we test the environmental relevance of this relationship by examining broad‐scale geochemical data from anoxic zones of aquifers. We isolated data from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System for 19 principal aquifer systems. We then removed samples with chemical compositions inconsistent with iron‐ and sulfate‐reducing environments and evaluated the relationships between pH and other geochemical parameters using Spearman's rho rank correlation tests. Overall, iron concentration and the iron‐sulfide concentration ratio of groundwater share a statistically significant negative correlation with pH (P < 0.0001). These relationships indicate that the significance of iron reduction relative to sulfate reduction tends to increase with decreasing pH. Moreover, thermodynamic calculations show that, as the pH of groundwater decreases, iron reduction becomes increasingly favorable relative to sulfate reduction. Hence, the relative significance of each microbial reaction may vary in response to thermodynamic controls on microbial activity. Our findings demonstrate that trends in groundwater geochemistry across different regional aquifer systems are consistent with pH as a control on interactions between microbial iron and sulfate reduction. Environmental changes that perturb groundwater pH can affect water quality by altering the balance between these microbial reactions.  相似文献   
We analyze an extensive data set of immersion and emersion lightcurves of the occultation of 28 Sgr by Saturn's atmosphere on 3 July 1989. The data give profiles of number density as a function of altitude at a variety of latitudes, at pressures ranging from about 0.5 to about 20 μbar. The atmosphere is essentially isothermal in this range, with a temperature close to 140 K for an assumed mean molecular weight of 2.135. Owing to favorable ring geometry, an accurate radial scale is available for all observations, and we confirm the substantial equatorial bulge produced by zonal winds of ∼450 m/s first observed in the Voyager radio-occultation experiments. The fact that the bulge is still present at microbar pressures suggests that the equatorial winds persist to high altitudes. According to our radial scale, the 2.4-μbar level, which corresponds to half-flux in the stellar occultations, is at an equatorial radius of 60,960 km. This radial scale is in good agreement with the Voyager radio-occultation data at mbar pressures and allows smooth interpolation of the isothermal structure between the stellar-occultation and radio-occultation regions. We do not have such a smooth interpolation between our data and Voyager ultraviolet occultation data, unless we discard the lowest 200 km of Voyager ultraviolet data. When this is done, we obtain a complete atmospheric model from an equatorial radius of 61,500 km down to an equatorial radius of 60,500 km. This model gives excellent agreement between all 28 Sgr, Voyager, and Pioneer 11 data.  相似文献   
Abundant veins filled by calcite, celestite and pyrite were found in the core of a 719 m deep borehole drilled in Oftringen near Olten, located in the north-western Molasse basin, close to the thrust of the Folded Jura. Host rocks are calcareous marl, argillaceous limestone and limestone of the Dogger and Malm. The δ18O values of vein calcite are lower than in host rock carbonate and, together with microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in vein calcite, indicate precipitation from a seawater-dominated fluid at average temperatures of 56–68°C. Such temperatures were reached at the time of maximum burial of the sedimentary pile in the late Miocene. The depth profile of δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr values and Sr content of both whole-rock carbonate and vein calcite show marked trends towards negative δ13C, high 87Sr/86Sr, and low Sr content in the uppermost 50–150 m of the Jurassic profile (upper Oxfordian). The 87Sr/86Sr of vein minerals is generally higher than that of host rock carbonate, up to very high values corresponding to Burdigalian seawater (Upper Marine Molasse, Miocene), which represents the last marine incursion in the region. No evidence for internally derived radiogenic Sr (clay minerals) has been found and so an external source is required. S and O isotope composition of vein celestite and pyrite can be explained by bacterial reduction of Miocene seawater sulphate. The available data set suggests the vein mineralization precipitated from descending Burdigalian seawater and not from a fluid originating in the underlying Triassic evaporites.  相似文献   
The X-Ray Spectroscopic Explorer (XRASE) has a unique combination of features that will make it possible to address many of NASA's scientific goals. These include how galaxy clusters form, the physics and chemistry of the ISM, the heating of stellar coronae, the amount and content of intergalactic baryonic matter, the mass of black holes and the formation of disks and jets in AGN and galactic binaries. XRASE has a thin foil, multilayered telescope with a large collecting area up to 10 keV, especially in the Fe K region (1100 cm2). Its microcalorimeter array combines high energy resolution (7 eV at 6 keV) and efficiency with a field-of-view of 26 arcmin2 . A deep orbit allows for long, continuous observations. Monitoring instruments in the optical (WOM-X), UV (TAUVEX) and hard X-RAY (GRAM) bands will offer exceptional opportunities to make simultaneous multi-wavelength observations.  相似文献   
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