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我国地方性氟病的地球化学问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Endemic fluorine disease is a chronic fluorine poisoning caused by high level of fluorine in drinking water or foods. Incidence of this disease has been knowu in many parts of the world. In China its occurrence has been observed in the Northeast, Northwest, Southwest and some other localities. Investigation shows that it is closely related to geochemical environment: Major fluorine sources in nature include fluorinerich volcanic rocks, calcareous dolomites, phosphorus-bearing rocks/loess and Quarternary loose sediments. Under special conditions fluorine is concentrated in ground water or soil and seeks its way into human body through diet. Areas With high fluorine concentration responsible for the fluorine disease can be classified into four types, depending on characteristics of geochemical environment: (1) Arid and semiarid calcium-rich soda saline areas; (2) Semiarid, alternatively marine-terrestrial strata with a high degree of salinity; (3) Semihumid iron- and aluminum-rich intermediate-acid soils; (4) Localities where fluorine-rich rocks or deposits are developed;and those with high fluorine content as a result of industrial pollution. Based on medical statistics and chemical analyses, of water, soil, food and other related samplcs,this work will provide a scientific baekground for the prevention and control of fluorine disease.  相似文献   
Discussed in this paper are the regularities governing the prevalence of Keshan disease and its relationship te the local rock type, soil, vegetation, climate and landform, as well aa to the characteristic variations of stereo-environment- environmental gradient in Yunnan Province. Based upon the foregoing discussion, the gradations of environmental quality and the coefficients of environmental quality mirroring the general picture of physical environment there have been determined, and a model of environmental quality has been established with an attempt to detail the relationship between the factors of environmental geology and Keshan disease.  相似文献   
岩石在风化过程中释放的碳,是全球碳循环的一个重要组成部分。对碳酸盐岩、泥质岩、花岗岩、玄武岩等母岩以及不同风化阶段和成土过程产物中无机碳的研究表明,碳都有一个从母岩中释放和又重新积累的过程。  相似文献   
贵州草海地区持续发展能力建设吴丰昌,万国江,余志成(中国科学院地球化学研究所.贵阳550002)关键词持续发展,草海,贵州草海位于贵州西部的威宁县境内,是一个由碳酸盐岩形成的喀斯特盆地,积水成湖(因其水草丰富而得名,据考查唯管束植物就有一百余种)。目...  相似文献   
微量元素钼预防克山病的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of trace element Mo in the prevention of Keshan disease is a new subject in environmental geochemistry. Experimental observations have shown that the natnral incidence of Keshan disease has dropped obviously among inhabitants in the Keshan disease-affeeted areas as a result of six-year successive spreading of anomium molybdate in the crop fields because in doing so the level of molybdenum has been enhaneed in grain crops while the concentrations of nitrates and nitrites have been reduced remarkably in the environment. Experimental results demonstrate that molybdenum may play an effective role in the prevention of Keshan disease.  相似文献   
土壤表层CO_2的释放与土壤水分波动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州虽地处雨量充沛、气候潮湿的亚热带,但近年来旱地土壤往往出现明显的干湿循环现象,这是因为:1)森林植被遭到破坏,使其对气候的调节功能大不如前,导致出现多年气候异常,最大的年降雨量与最小的年降雨量之间相差500mm以上,旱涝灾害频繁;2)喀斯特地貌土...  相似文献   
一、前言 地球化学环境与心脏健康的关系,是国际间热烈讨论的课题。但是,把岩石—土壤—水体—植物—动物—人体视为统一生态系统,去研究微量元素在此生态系统中的迁移富集规律以及人体的适应性反应的工作还很少;目前各国已注意到许多元素与心脏健康的关系,但还很少讨论环境中的钼对心脏健康的影响。 自1968年以来,我们对发生于我国一些农村的一种地方性心肌病开展了环境地球化  相似文献   
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