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New major and trace element data on over 70 samples are combinedwith a wider knowledge of the regional stratigraphy, and ofthe tectonic evolution of the boundary between the ColumbiaPlateau and the northern margin of the Basin and Range province,to distinguish three subgroups within the Columbia River BasaltGroup (CRBG): the Picture Gorge Basalt; the main sequence ofColumbia River flood basalts, here named the Clarkston Basalt;and the Saddle Mountains Basalt. The subgroups are characterizedby different incompatible element and Sr-, Nd-, and Pb-isotoperatios, and they are interpreted in terms of different sourceregions mobilized under different tectonic conditions. The majordifferences between the subgroups are consistent with partialmelting processes in the upper mantle, and it is argued thatthey reflect previous partial melting episodes which resultedin source regions that were variably enriched and depleted inincompatible elements. The major variations within the PictureGorge and Clarkston Basalt subgroups include increases in theabundances of large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and increasesin the ratios of LILE/high field strength elements (HFSE) whichare interpreted as the addition of a lithospheric/subduction-relatedcomponent. The Picture Gorge Basalt has a depleted isotopic and chemicalsignature on which is superimposed an enrichment of LILE toproduce a trace element pattern similar to that of other 17–0-Mabasalts erupted south of the Olympic Wallowa Lineament. Thispattern is characteristic of volcanism associated with the Basinand Range extensional province, and others have attributed itto a source component derived from an enriched subcontinentallithospheric mantle (SCLM). Of the Clarkston Basalts, the Imnaha and Grande Ronde Basaltsform chemical and isotopic arrays which indicate mixing of componentsfrom two distinct source regions. One had high ratios of LILE/HFSEand light rare earth elements (LREE)/HFSE, and as these arenot common in oceanic basalts, this component is thought tohave been derived from the continental mantle lithosphere. Itsisotope ratios are more enriched (older?) than those of thePicture Gorge Basalt, and its Rb/Sr ratios are much higher thanthose in its source rocks, consistent with preferential mobilizationof LILE at the time of magmatism. The second component was derivedfrom an asthenospheric source similar to that of Hawaii basaltsand is most obviously attributed to mantle plume activity. Basaltsof the Eckler Mountain and Wanapum Formations (smaller, separateformations of the Clarkston Basalt as redefined in this paper)fit this mixing model less well and may represent mixing betweenmore than two components. Flows of the third CRBG subgroup,the Saddle Mountains Basalt, also carry a lithospheric geochemicalsignature and have long been recognized as having more radiogenicisotopic signatures than the other two subgroups. Thus, SaddleMountains flows appear to require a lithospheric source enrichedin LILE at an even earlier time, and we concur with other workersthat the isotopic and chemical evidence implies their derivationfrom subcontinental lithospheric mantle enriched at {small tilde}2000Ma. Within each subgroup, the chemical effects of partial melting,fractional crystallization, and magma mixing processes can allbe distinguished within particular flow sequences. In the ImnahaBasalt variable degrees of partial melting during the generationof the CRBG magmas, and gabbro fractionation within the lowercrust, played major roles in their evolution. In the GrandeRonde Basalt fractional crystallization appears to be restrictedto >10%. The chemical and isotopic data for each CRBG subgroup, and thedifferent sources which those data imply, can be accommodatedin a tectonic model which includes the passing of the Yellowstonehotspot south of the center of the CRBG eruption before significantBasin and Range extension had moved north of the Brothers Faultzone at 15 Ma.  相似文献   
New REE data, and new Nd, O, Sr, and Pb isotopic data are presentedand integrated with previous data for this low-K intra-oceanicarc suite. Geochemically, the arc tholeiites and basaltic andesitesrange from extremely HFS element depleted (northern Tonga) tonear N-MORB-like HFS element abundances in L'Esperance (southernKermadecs). LIL elements (Sr, Rb, K, Rb, Ba, Th) show the characteristicselective enrichment generally recognized in arc magmas, andthus indicate decoupling of the HFS and LIL elements. Modellingsuggests a compositionally variable source (mantle wedge) alongthe arc, ranging from restite after remelting an N-type MORBsource (northern end), to progressively less depleted, MORB-likesources southwards. Thus, the low HFS/LIL element ratios areinterpreted in terms of HFS depletion followed by LIL elementenrichment associated with subduction; broad correlations occurbetween Zr/Ba and Sr/Nd ratios (fractionation corrected) and87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios. Derivation of the arc magmas from depleted peridotote requiressuperimposed fractional crystallization, which has been modelledthermodynamically using SILMIN (Ghiorso, 1985), utilizing experimentallyproduced partial melts from depleted lherzolite (Jaques &Green, 1980). It is shown that the arc tholeiites and basalticandesites (and also high Mg-andesites) are potentially developedat low pressures 5 kb), from parental magmas also generatedat relatively low pressure ( 10 kb). These data further suggestthat a southward increasing depth of magma segregation (correlatingwith Benioff Zone geometry) could account for differences inchemistry between the Tonga and Kermadec arc segments. The mechanism of LILE enrichment is still highly problematic,but it is suggested that the model of Tatsumi et al. (1986)may account for much of the geochemical data; this involvesrelatively shallow release, via fluids, of LIL elements intooverlying peridotite beneath the fore-arc region. Induced convectionin the mantle wedge moves the metasomatized mantle into thezones of magma generation. The development of the inferred, variably depleted mantle wedgesource is here related to active back-arc spreading which isslightly older and more rapid behind the northern region ofthe arc. The lherzolite restite from this spreading processis interpreted to undergo further partial melting in the metasomatizedmantle wedge overlying the subduction zone, involving inducedconvection. The back-arc island of Niua fo'ou is geochemically quite distinctfrom the arc magmas, being similar to N-MORB in its trace elements,but to OIB in its isotope ratios.  相似文献   
New thermal ionization mass spectrometry U-series disequilibriumdata are presented for 24 basaltic to dacitic glasses from activespreading centres in the back-arc Lau Basin (SW Pacific), togetherwith additional inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometrytrace element analyses and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data.Valu Fa Ridge samples, adjacent to the arc front, have highU/Th and (230Th/238U) <1, implying a recent (<<350ka) addition of a U-rich slab-derived fluid. The Valu Fa datacan be combined with existing 230Th–238U data for theCentral Tonga arc to infer a fluid addition event at  相似文献   
Major, rare earth and transition elements, have been determinedon a selection of volcanic rocks from greenstone belts in Rhodesia(2.6 by) and South Africa (3.4 by). In Rhodesia two distinctseries can be recognized: a komatite-tholeiite series whichoccurs early in the greenstone belt evolution and apparentlygrades into a second, calc-alkaline, series at higher structurallevels. Peridotitic komatites reflect higher degrees of partialmelting than any Phanerozoic rocks so far observed and are thereforeused to place limits on the composition of their source. Atlower MgO contents they merge into low K tholeites which havesignificantly higher CeN/YbN and Rb/Sr ratios (at any MgO content)than those observed in modern ocean floor and island are environments.The calc-alkaline series is characterized by andesites whichexhibit a marked heavy REE depletion, but similar light REEand transition metal contents to the more evolved tholeiticrock types. The continuum of compositions from komatiites totholeiites and calc-alkaline andesites suggests that the bulkof greenstone belt volcanics could have been derived by differentialpartial melting, and polybaric fractionation of an essentiallyhomogeneous peridotite source. Late stage dacitic lavas andintrusions probably reflect melting of a more eclogitic sourceregion. The distinctive trace element geochemistry of Archaeanvolcanics, particularly the high Ni and low Yb values of thecalc-alkaline rocks precludes direct comparison with modernisland are associations. Rather the large decrease in liquidustemperatures (500 °C) with increasing structural heightwithin greenstone belts, coupled with the fact that most ofthe volcanics could have been derived from an essentially homogeneoussource, may suggest that greenstone belts developed in a riftingenvironment. It appears unlikely that the tholeiite/calc-alkalineassociation observed in the Archaean may be taken as an indicationof subduction at that time.  相似文献   
The basalt stratigraphy of the Deccan Trap between MahabaleshwarGhat and Belgaum over-steps the basement from north to south.Sr-isotope and Zr/Nb ratios, and Sr, Rb, and Ba concentrationscorrelate portions of the post-Poladpur stratigraphy over 250km along the Western Ghats, thereby confirming a southerly componentof dip of 0?06?. At the southwestern margin, the stratigraphyextends upwards from the compositionally uniform Ambenali Formation(Cox & Hawkesworth, 1984) into a sequence of grossly heterogeneousflow units which have been allocated to the Mahabaleshwar andPanhala Formations (Lightfoot & Hawkesworth, 1988). TheMahabaleshwar Formation is represented only by a sequence ofhighly fractionated flows (termed the Kolhapur unit) with similar87Sr/86Sr0 to the Mahabaleshwar (0?7045), but with Sr<240ppm and TiO2>2?25%. Succeeding the Kolhapur unit are a seriesof flows with high 87Sr/86Sr0 (0?7045-0?705), Zr/Nb > 13,and low Sr (< 200 ppm), which have been allocated to thePanhala Formation, and a group of flows with high 87Sr/86Sr0(0?707–0?708) and Sr (>230), but trace element concentrationssimilar to the Mahabaleshwar Formation; these have been allocatedto the Desur unit of the Panhala. Geochemical variations in flows overlying the Ambenali definetwo distinct trends: one is attributed to gabbro fractionation,and the other to variations in the compositions of the parentalmagmas, and arguably their source regions. There is little evidencefor significant crustal contamination in these flows, and thedegree of fractionation and the composition of the phase extractare shown to vary along strike within the Mahabaleshwar Formation.The high TiO2 content of Kolhapur unit flows is shown to bethe result of shallow-level gabbro fractionation, rather thanthe presence of a primitive high-Ti magma. Mahabaleshwar Formationbasalts exhibit a broad negative correlation between the degreeof fractionation and Sr-isotopic composition. The endmemberwith lower 87Sr/86Sr0 has different Zr/Y from the Ambenali basalts,and would appear to have been generated by lower degrees ofmelting of a similar source. The other endmember has more radiogenicSr, lower Zr/Nb, similar Zr/Y, but higher mg-number. The simplestinterpretation is that these magmas were more primitive andhence hotter and more able to interact with the lithosphereen route to the surface, and that they then mixed to producethe Mahabaleshwar array. The Panhala Formation basalts ploton the Sr-Nd array defined by the Mahabaleshwar Formation, andthe Desur unit basalts plot on an extension of this array; thissuggests that the source characteristics are also lithospheric.The absolute elemental abundances may then be a function ofmelting and fractionation. We are impressed by the apparentswitch from crustal lithospheric contributions to mantle lithosphericcontributions through the stratigraphy, and suggest that this,together with the more protracted fractionation of the magma,reflects a change in the availability of the lithospheric componentsaccompanying the southerly migration of the volcanic edifice. * Present address: Geoscience Laboratories, Ontario Geological Survey, 11th Floor, 77, Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W4, Canada  相似文献   
A High-K, Mantle Derived Plutonic Suite from 'Linga', near Arequipa (Peru)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Linga Group consists of a suite of Cretaceous high-K calc-alkalinerocks intruded into 2?0 Ga old basement in S.E. Peru. The rocksrange in composition from gabbros, through diorites and grandioritesto granites. Microprobe, major and trace element and isotopedata suggest the suite evolved by fractional crystallization,with plagioclase as the dominant phase and with surprisinglylittle interaction with the pre-existing crust. The rocks yieldan Rb/Sr whole rock isochron of 68 ? 3 Ma with an initial Sr-isotoperatio 0.70516 ? 8, and from three Nd-isotope analyses initialNd = – 1?4 to – 2?0. 18 O increases from 5?0 permil in a gabbro to 7?0 per mil in a granite, and models arepresented which suggest that the suite evolved from parentalmagmas which had 18O = 5?8 to 6?0 per mil, 1.5 per cent K2O,63 p.p.m. Rb, 582 p.p.m. Sr, 35 p.p.m. Ce, 0.38 p.p.m. Ta, 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7052, and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51247. Trace element considerationsimply that these magmas contain contributions from incompatibleelement enriched upper mantle material and from a componentassociated with subduction. The latter is thought to reflectthe preferential mobilization of alkali and alkaline earth elementsby H2O-rich fluids from the subducted slab, and preliminarycalculations indicate that it was responsible for {small tilde}45 per cent of the Sr and {small tilde} 80 per cent of the Kin the more primitive Linga rocks. However, the isotope datasuggest that while the fluids may be from the subducted slab,the elements in this component may also have been mobilizedfrom the overlying mantle wedge.  相似文献   
A suite of peralkaline trachytes from Longonot volcano, Kenya,which erupted during the last 6000 years, has been analysedfor major and trace elements, Pb and Nd isotopes, and U–Th–Radisequilibria. The lavas are divided into three stratigraphicgroups of trachytes (Lt2a, Lt2b and Lt3), and hybrid lavas,designated LMx1 and LMx2, which, respectively, pre-date andpost-date the Lt2 lavas. Major and trace elements are consistent,with up to 37% within-group fractional crystallization of predominantlyalkali feldspar. The parental magma for the different trachytegroups had a more mafic composition—probably hawaiitic.Nd and Pb isotopes show minimal variation, both within and betweenmagma groups, and indicate that up to 10% comendite magma fromthe neighbouring Olkaria volcanic field may have intermixedwith the Longonot magma. (230Th/238U) disequilibria indicatethat limited U/Th fractionation occurred during the past 10kyr, whereas (226Ra/230Th) disequilibria reflect the effectof alkali feldspar fractionation >8 kyr ago in the Lt2a lavas,between 3 and 7 kyr ago in the Lt2b lavas and in the past 3kyr for the Lt3 lavas. (226Ra/230Th) disequilibria in the Lt2blavas are interpreted using a model that combines the equationsof radioactive decay and in-growth with Rayleigh crystallizationto give fractionation rates of about 0·2 x 10–4/yearfor the evolution of hawaiite to trachyte, but more rapid ratesof up to 3 x 10–4/year for fractionation within the trachytesequence. (226Ra/230Th) from two whole-rock–alkali feldsparpairs are interpreted to show the crystals formed at 5800 yearsBP (Lt2b) and 2800 years BP (Lt3), implying that phenocrystformation continued almost up to the time of eruption. The resultsstrongly indicate that fractionated magmas can be stored forperiods on the order of 1000–2500 years prior to eruption,whereas other magmas were erupted as fractionation was proceeding. KEY WORDS: trachyte; magma chambers; u-series; Kenya  相似文献   
The geochemical evolution of Montserrat provides an importantbackground to understanding the current activity of this islandarc volcano. Here we present major and trace element, and U-,Th- and O-isotope data for rocks generated in the last 300 kyrthat provide constraints on the magmatic processes occurringbeneath the volcano. Samples range from low- to medium-K calc-alkalinebasalts to dacites. Three suites can be distinguished on thebasis of major and trace element compositions: the South SoufrièreHills suite; the Soufrière Hills suite, including thelava from the current eruption; and the mafic inclusions. Magmaticdifferentiation of the magma that crystallized to form the maficinclusions appears to have been governed by closed-system processes,modelled by fractional crystallization (F  相似文献   
Since 1995, the Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat,Lesser Antilles island arc, has erupted crystal-rich andesitemagma that is geochemically very similar to the volcanic productsof at least the last 174 ± 3 kyr (1  相似文献   
The Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of southern Uruguay comprisemafic and felsic volcanics. The position of these outcrops atthe southern edge of the Paraná–Etendeka continentalflood basalt province provides an opportunity to investigatepossible lateral variations in both mafic and more evolved rocktypes towards the margins of such an area of plume-related magmatism.The mafic lavas are divided into two compositionally distinctmagma types. The more voluminous Treinte Y Trés magmatype is similar to the low-Ti basalts of the Paraná floodbasalt province. The Santa Lucía magma type is a distinctand rare basalt type with ocean-island basalt type asthenosphericaffinities (high Nb/La, low 87Sr/86Sri). The felsic volcanicsare divided into two series, the Lavalleja Series and the AigüaSeries. The Lavalleja Series are chemically and isotopicallysimilar to the Paraná–Etendeka low-Ti rhyolites,and are considered to be related to the Treinte Y Tréslavas by extensive fractionation and crustal assimilation. TheAigüa Series have low 143Nd/144Ndi and low 87Sr/86Sri andunlike the rhyolites of the Paraná, are interpreted asmelts of pre-existing mafic lower crust that subsequently underwentextreme fractionation. The differences observed in the felsicsuites may be linked to differences in the volumes of the associatedbasalts and the amounts of extension. KEY WORDS: South America; flood basalts; felsic volcanics; crustal melts; plume  相似文献   
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