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The solar magnetic fields observed in active regions and their residues are thought to be parts of toroidal field systems renewed every 11-yr cycle from a poloidal field. The latter may be either a reversing (dynamo) field or a non-reversing, primordial field. The latter view was held for some 70 yr, but the apparent reversals of the polar-cap fields in 1957–8 and the development of dynamo theory brought wide acceptance of the former. Here we consider evidence for and against each model, with these conclusions. (i) Several errors combine so that the non-spot measurements of gross magnetic fluxes are too low by factors of 10 or more. A permanent field of 2 G or more might remain unobserved. (ii) Measurements of average magnetic field strength are subject to various large errors. In particular, the reported reversals of the polar-cap fields are better explained in terms of tilts of toroidal field residues. (iii) Observations of new-cycle magnetic fields among old-cycle fields, of the gradual fading away of large unipolar regions, and the ubiquitous jumble of very small magnetic loop structures appear explicable only in terms of a primordial field. (iv) More positive evidence of a primordial field is found in the extreme order, symmetry and long-term stability of the polar cap streamers or rays. During one eclipse (1954) the primordial field was seen in the absence of all toroidal field residues. (v) A form of reversal of the interplanetary magnetic field is re-interpreted and shown to be consistent with a primordial, but not a dynamo, field. (vi) A test for a primordial field is that the fields below coronal holes should tend to be positive (outwards) in the northern hemisphere and negative in the southern hemisphere. (vii) Further evidence may be available by studying various plasma structures below coronal holes. An urgent requirement is a study of fibrils, faculae, macrospicules and rays in these regions.  相似文献   
(i) The controversy of dynamo or primordial origin of galactic magnetic fields is summarized and extended to show that the dynamo theory appears to fail. However, much more important than their origin are the characteristics of the fields and their interactions with the gas and cosmic rays. (ii) A passive magnetic field frozen into a turbulent plasma is not dissipated like a cloud of smoke (turbulent or eddy diffusion) as believed previously. On the contrary it is amplified exponentially until, within a few eddy periods, either the growing magnetic stresses halt the turbulence or the field becomes chaotic. Even if the Petschek reconnection mechanism operates, the field is always disordered to a scale <0.1L, whereL is the eddy dimension. The investigation may at last provide a semi-quantitative deductive theory of hydromagnetic eddies. (iii) It is concluded that the gas motions observed in our Galaxy are not convective but are mainly hydromagnetic waves or oscillations, with the magnetic field in control. The significance of this result is discussed in connection with the overall gas velocity field, the creation of stars and stellar systems, and with the origin and distribution of cosmic rays.  相似文献   
Recent developments in solar dynamo and other theories of magnetic fields and convection are discussed and extended. A basic requirement of these theories, that surplus fields are eliminated by turbulent or eddy diffusion, is shown to be invalid. A second basic requirement, that strong surface fields are created by granule or supergranule motions, is shown to be improbable. Parker's new thin-filament dynamo, based on the Petschek mechanism, is shown to provide the alternative possibilities: either the magnetic fields halt all convection or a steady state is reached in which the fields are a tangle of long, thin filaments. From the above and other considerations it is concluded that the dynamo and related diffuse-field theories are unacceptable, that solar magnetic fields are not dominated by convection, and that all the fields emerge as strong, concentrated fields (flux ropes) which were wound and twisted from a permanent, primordial field. The discussion may, incidentally, provide the physical elements of a deductive theory of hydromagnetic convection.  相似文献   
The solar atmosphere may be divided into a number of isolated active components and a quiet residue. On the largest scale the latter is dominated by a general dipole magnetic field of strength 1–2 G; its observable components are flux concentrations in supergranule boundary regions (SBRs), spicules, mottles and polar plumes. The velocity field in the SBRs is discussed. There are continuous gas streaming motions up and down between the photosphere and the corona; spicules may be mainly downward moving gas.A unifying model is developed of these various components, as well as the heating mechanism of the whole quiet atmosphere. Highly ordered velocity fields of the cell, together with a gravitational wave, cause a vertical magnetic force tube to collapse below a critical level; the result is an upward eruption of a vortex ring at the Alfvén velocity. The complex mass velocity pattern may explain spicules, mottles and plumes, as well as unobservable streaming motions.The quiet atmosphere is divided into regions above SBRs and those above the inner parts of the cells. Hydromagnetic eruptions from the former may account for the entire heat requirement of the atmosphere. The model atmosphere has a chromosphere-corona transition layer which bulges upwards above the SBRs and so conforms with EUV data. The energy and mass balances in this solar atmosphere are considered, and it is also shown to be consistent with the radio data.  相似文献   
It is confirmed that the creation of stars in spiral (and perhaps also Irri) galaxies requires a physical parameter (X factor) additional to gas density. Consequently theX factor is an essential feature of stellar patterns and perhaps of stellar systems (spiral and other disk and spheroidal systems, globular clusters) and may be the key to the origin of the few, yet remarkably varied Hubble system of galaxies.
  1. It is shown that theX factor is organized over the whole galaxy and is a function of azimuth φ as well as radiusr. Only a galaxy-wide force field seems capable of explaining such anX(r, φ) factor either magnetic or gravitational in origin.
  2. If gravitational in origin, theX factor must be a shock wave, but a survey of observations in eight galaxies, including our own, shows no large-scale shocks associated with star creation. This provides further strong evidence against the density-shock theory of twin spiral arms.
  3. It is confirmed that galaxies of different Hubble types did not evolve from one another, so that each protogalaxy must possess a genetic factor which predetermines its evolution, and in particular its stellar systems. Thus the protogalactic genetic factor may be identical with theX factor.
  4. The case for a primordial magnetic field is strengthened, and it is shown that in our Galaxy and some others the field must be generally oblique to the disk. Such a field can explain theX(r, φ) factor in terms of a magneto-gravitational mechanism of gas clumping.
  5. An earlier, hydromagnetic theory of the Hubble types and of radio galaxies is extended by including theX factor to explain the various stellar systems observed in spiral, elliptical, lenticular and irregular galaxies.
Using a combination of solar and interplanetary measurements, a topological model is developed of the overall magnetic and plasma structures.
(i)  The basic framework is the magnetic field, whose structure is found by combining measurements made at the photosphere, the transition region, and at 1 AU. It divides the atmosphere into three physically isolated regions having quite different processes of energy and plasma transfer, and very different properties.
(ii)  A magnetically open atmosphere is confined within 10% of the surface magnetic flux in the form of tiny nozzles. It expands from 0.1% of the photospheric area to 10% of the low corona and 100% of the solar wind. Energy absorption and resulting expansion is traced from chromospheric levels.
(iii)  A model of M-regions, high-speed plasma streams and interplanetary sector structure is based on refraction of acoustic waves and their focusing into the centres of sectors.
(iv)  The average magnetically enclosed atmosphere occupies1% of the photosphere, spreading to 90% of the low corona. Surface flux is concentrated into strands of 4×1018 Mx, with 30 per supergranule cell. The strands spread and also divide into smaller flux tubes to accout for chromospheric fine structure in which magnetic forces dominate. It is questionable that this complex of plasma elements should be called an atmosphere.
(v)  The third, non-magnetic part of the solar atmosphere comprises on averae 99% of the photosphere and a large part of the chromosphere (the network interior), but little if any of the corona. It is stressed that measurements or models of the solar atmosphere have little meaning unless they relate to a particular one of the three regions described here.
(vi)  It is confirmed that most of the energy needed to heat the solar atmosphere traverses the photosphere as Alfvén waves. Some energy is converted to acoustic waves at the boundaries of the magnetic fields, some is dissipated when the Alfvén waves become non-linear.
The dynamo theory of the solar cycle as developed by Parker and others, and the observational models of Babcock and Leighton have been examined, with the conclusion that the dynamo theory is not applicable to the Sun and that the models fail.An essential part of the theory is an adequate effective diffusion coefficient. Fields are continuously sheared and amplified and, in this theory, these may not be allowed to accumulate; all subsurface fields of an old cycle must be eliminated. Ohmic diffusion is negligible and turbulent diffusion is invoked. However, this requires that all solar fields are tangled to a small scale, which is contrary to observation; for Hale's polarity laws are strictly observed, and large-scale surface features are common at the end of an 11-yr cycle in the same general area where new fields are appearing.The erupted (sunspot) fields lie generally above the unerupted, toroidal fields so that, even if they are merged as required, the centroid of the new system would be above that of the old. The result is not a steady-state oscillator, as required, but the complete loss of the solar field.It is concluded that for these and other reasons a shallow, reversing field is unacceptable, and that a deeply penetrating field is required. Reference is made to an alternative theory of the solar cycle based on a deep magnetic field.  相似文献   
Evidence is discussed showing that a representative solar flare event comprises three or more separate but related phenomena requiring separate mechanisms. In particular it is possible to separate the most energetic effect (the interplanetary blast) from the thermal flare and from the rapid acceleration of particles to high energies. The phenomena are related through the magnetic structure characteristic of a composite flare event, being a bipolar surface field with most of its field lines ‘closed’. Of primary importance are helical twists on all scales, starting with the ‘flux rope’ of the spot pair which was fully twisted before it emerged. Subsequent untwisting by the upward propagation of an Alfvén twist wave provides the main flare energy.
  1. The interplanetary blast model is based on subsurface, helically twisted flux ropes which erupt to form spots and then transfer their twists and energy by Alfvén-twist waves into the atmospheric magnetic fields. The blast is triggered by the prior-commencing flash phase or by a coronal wave.
  2. The thermal flare is explained in terms of Alfvén waves travelling up numerous ‘flux strands’ (Figure 3) which have frayed away from the two flux ropes. The waves originate in interaction (collisions, bending, twisting, rubbing) between subsurface flux strands; the sudden flash is caused by a collision. The classical twin-ribbon flare results from the collision of a flux rope with a tight bunch of S-shaped flux strands.
  3. The impulsive acceleration of electrons (hard X-ray, EUV, Hα and radio bursts) is tentatively attributed to magnetic reconnection between fields in two parallel, helically twisted flux strands in the low corona.
  4. Flare (Moreton) waves in the corona have the same origin as the interplanetary blast. Sympathetic flares represent only the start of enhanced activity in a flare event already in the slow phase. Filament activation also occurs during the slow phase as twist Alfvén waves store their energy in the atmosphere.
  5. Flare ejecta are caused by Alfvén waves moving up flux strands. Surges are attributed to packets of twist Alfvén waves released into bundles of flux strands; the waves become non-linear and drive plasma upwards. Spray-type prominences result from accumulations of Alfvén wave energy in dome-shaped fields; excessive energy density eventually explodes the field.
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