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介绍潘博教授分阶段论治肺癌的经验。潘教授认为,肺癌的病理机制十分复杂,其病机随着疾病发展而变化。在临证中,潘教授注重分阶段治疗,术前以攻伐邪实为主,兼扶正固本;术后以气血双补为主;放化疗、靶向治疗期间以健脾补肾为主,固本培元。审证求因,辨证论治,临床疗效满意。  相似文献   
介绍潘博主任医师治疗乳腺癌的临床经验。潘师认为乳腺癌的病因病机多为情志不畅,肝气郁结,肝失疏泄,致气血冲任失调,经脉壅阻,以致气滞、血瘀及痰瘀互结,阻滞乳络,形成乳岩。治疗上常以自拟乳腺癌I号方为基础,攻伐有度,灵活运用清热解毒、活血化瘀药物,以预防复发转移;注重肝脾(胃)肾的调理,并调和冲任,平衡扶正与祛邪;同时强调分阶段论治,采用中西医结合综合治疗;并辅以积极的心理干预,预防疾病进展。  相似文献   
根据野外调查获得的第一手资料,结合前人有关雾渡河断裂的研究成果,论述了雾渡河断裂的区域地质背景、构造应力场、深部构造特征、地貌水系样式,其中重点解决了雾渡河断裂的运动学特征和断裂活动时代.根据所采断裂上覆第四纪沉积物样品的TL测年数据(76.43±6.49 ka),确定雾渡河断裂晚更新世以来活动不明显.  相似文献   
介绍国医大师潘敏求教授治疗放射性肺损伤的临证经验。潘教授认为放射性肺损伤病位在肺,以气阴耗伤、瘀毒壅肺为基本病机,多辨为气阴亏虚、瘀毒内结证,临床治以益气养阴、清热解毒、化瘀散结为主。潘教授临床多以经验方肺复方配合经方加减治疗,并注重分期论治,放疗过程中易损伤脾、肾二脏,故其临证亦强调健脾益肾,并认为热毒贯穿疾病始终,整个病程可适当加以活血化瘀、清热凉血等药物,临床疗效颇佳。  相似文献   
介绍国医大师潘敏求教授治疗肺结节的经验。潘教授将肺结节的病因病机总结为虚、痰、瘀、毒,临证注重辨病、辨质论治、辨证论治三者结合,其中,偏颇体质以倦(白+光)质、腻滞质、热燥质多见,有症状患者证候以肺脾气虚、肺肾两虚、气阴两虚、痰湿蕴肺、瘀血阻滞、热毒内结为主,治疗采用香砂六君子汤、百合固金汤、金匮肾气丸、六君子汤合二陈汤、桃红四物汤等经方加减。其提出,肺结节证候多兼杂,故当以辨证为主,灵活配伍,针对病灶提早干预,调治患者偏颇体质、改善肺结节微环境、缓解患者临床症状,未病先防,既病防变。  相似文献   
The Xiannvshan fault zone, lying along the western margin of the Huangling anticline, is one of the most important fault zones in the Three Gorges reservoir area. The fault experienced strong activity during the Cenozoic Era. The question of whether the fault zone goes through the Yangtze River has been one of the key problems faced in previous studies as it has a significant influence upon the assessment of geological hazards and earthquake stability in the reservoir area. Based on tectonic and geomorphic observations along the fault zone between the Baixianchi village in Changyang county and Huangkou village in Zigui town, together with the comparisons between the geology in Guizhou and Quyuan town in the north bank of the Yangtze River and the Xiannvshan fault zone, it is suggested that the north end of this fault zone is located around Huangkou village and does not go through the Yangtze rivers northward. The evidence is as follows: ① On the basis of field data collection, it is found that the Xiannvshan Fault zone, which stretches 80km, underwent thrust movement in the Cenozoic period, resulting in ravines and fault scarps, topographically. Whereas, on the northern bank of the Yangtze River, faults are rarely found, and most of the faults are developed in the Jurassic strata,without topographical effects. Therefore, the Xiannvshan Fault zone has not stretched to the north bank of the Yangtze River. ② The fault gouge and tectonite zone were found developed on the Xiannvshan Fault zone at Baixianchi village, but only a tectonite zone was found at Zhouping village. There are also some branch faults close to the northern end of the fault zone. So, the activity of the fault zone weakened from south to north in Cenozoic. The fault zone extends northward and dies out at Huangkou. It doesn’t stretch forward any longer as indicated by continuous strata, sparse joints, and small folds, etc.  相似文献   
介绍潘敏求教授治疗放射性食管炎的经验。潘教授采用中医药辨治放射性食管炎,认为其基本病机为热结津亏,气阴两虚,痰瘀互结,主张以补气生津、清热解毒、祛瘀化痰之法治疗,并在临床上根据患者不同的临床表现进行辨证论治,以金石清解方加减灵活运用,可有效改善患者生活质量,稳定病情,并嘱患者勿必未病先防,调摄饮食。  相似文献   
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