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The Girnar massif of Kathiwar plateau, Western India, occurs within the Deccan volcanic province and manifests a wide range of fractional crystallisation of the parent basic magma. Mineralogical variation in the suite comprising: gabbro-diorite-lamprophyric rock-nepheline syenite, has been studied in detail. The alkalinity of the suite is pronounced after crystallisation of gabbro and increases with fractionation of the magma. The history of fractional crystallisation has been influenced by growing water content of the magma followed by a depletion of water in the final residual liquid. Silicic porphyries developed in close spatial association with the Girnar massif, are established to have no genetic relation with the alkalic suite. Chemical variation for both major and minor elements in the suite is discussed.  相似文献   
The circulation patterns over the Indian Ocean and the surrounding continents have been studied during June 2009 and July 2002 to explain the failure of Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall. This study presents evidences that the failure of the ISM during these 2?months was probably due to the development of cyclonic circulation anomaly over the Western Asia and anticyclonic circulation anomalies downstream of Eastern Asia. These circulation anomalies were associated with the equatorward advection of cold air up to 10°N. This may be due to the equatorward intrusion of midlatitude Rossby waves. We hypothesize that the intrusion of midlatitude Rossby wave is responsible for breaking the east?Cwest circulation cell over the Indian region into two cells and weakening it. The weak east?Cwest cell reduces the strength of the easterly wind field usually present over the monsoonal region, thus reducing the cross-equatorial moisture transport into the Indian subcontinent and decreasing monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   
Khejuri- Hijili coastal area, now extends over the Khejuri police station, is situated in the southeastern part of the district of Purba Medinipur of West Bengal, on the western bank of the Hugli river. Between 21°47'42"N-22°4'N latitudes and 87°45'4"E-88°18"E longitudes the area covers about 267.97 sq. km. At the confluence of the rivers Bhagirathi-Hugli and the Bay of Bengal, Hijili emerged as an island from the estuarine surroundings around 1400-1500 A.D. afterward the island became covered with natural mangroves. Gradually it became the abode of fishermen. To gather some primary data, household survey by different questionnaire, topographic survey was done. Secondary data are mainly produced by assembling historical charts, maps, literatures for the specified work of the area concerned. Historical records including documents, survey notes, maps and photographs provided valuable information about the study area. Remains of early structures, monuments, and office buildings have been vigilantly watched and written reports and research articles have been carefully studied for sequencing the socio-economic history of the area. Later on accuracy assessment was performed by comparing two sources of information: classification of map derived from old records and maps and the ground truth information. The output obtained by performing the above steps includes land use and other maps and charts. These outputs were then analyzed to detect the historical significance of Khejuri-Hijili sector of the Hugli estuary and its sequential deterioration. These changes in the study area that were identified from classified maps, charts and diagram were tabulated.  相似文献   
Watershed development programmes provide an opportunity for sustainable management strategies, although currently, they remain largely supply-side mechanisms of water resources development. Hydrogeological conditions, community participation and status of groundwater usage are important in evolving strategies on demand-side groundwater management.Neemkheda aquifer is a typical low-storage, low-hydraulic conductivity aquifer from a watershed in the dryland regions of Madhya Pradesh State of central India. A shallow unconfined aquifer, it consists of an upper coarse, calcareous sandstone unit underlain by a fine-grained sandstone unit. A well commune of seven wells is poised to test the concept of joint groundwater management, wherein wells are mechanisms of tapping a common water source, the Neemkheda aquifer.The strategy for systematic groundwater management in the Neemkheda well commune is based upon the relationship between Transmissivity (T) and Storage coefficient (S), i.e. aquifer diffusivity, and its variation within the aquifer. Wells within a high diffusivity domain tend to dewater more quickly than wells within a low diffusivity domain. A well-use schedule during the dry season, based upon aquifer diffusivity forms the basis of the groundwater management concept. The distribution of local aquifer diffusivities governs the relationship between local and regional aquifer depletion times and forms the basis of the groundwater management exercise being proposed for the Neemkheda aquifer.
Resumen Los programas de desarrollo de una cuenca hídrica son una oportunidad para el uso de estrategias de gestión sostenible, aunque hoy en día estas siguen siendo principalmente mecanismos para el desarrollo de recursos hídricos con énfasis en la oferta. Las condiciones hidrogeológicas, la participación comunitaria y la condición de utilización del agua subterránea, son importantes en el desarrollo de estrategias para la gestión del agua subterránea, desde el punto de vista de la demanda.El acuífero de Neemkheda es un acuífero típico de almacenamiento bajo y conductividad hidráulica baja, perteneciente a una cuenca hídrica ubicada en las regiones secas del Estado de Madhya Pradesh, en la parte central de India. Un acuífero de tipo libre, somero, formado por una unidad superior de arenisca calcárea de grano grueso, subyacida por una unidad de arenisca de grano fino.Un campo de pozos comunitario compuesto por siete pozos, pone a prueba el concepto de gestión conjunta del agua subterránea, dentro del cual los pozos son mecanismos para usar una fuente de agua común: El acuífero de Neemkheda.La estrategia usada para la gestión sistemática del agua subterránea, en el campo de pozos comunitario de Neemkheda, se basa en la relación existente entre Transmisividad (T) y Coeficiente de Almacenamiento (S), es decir en la Difusividad del Acuífero y en su variación observada dentro del mismo acuífero. Los pozos cuya difusividad esta dentro de un rango alto, tienden a experimentar un descenso en su nivel mas rápidamente que aquellos pozos con una difusividad baja. El concepto de gestión de agua subterránea se basa en un programa especial de operación para cada pozo durante la estación seca, el cual a su vez se basa en la difusividad del acuífero. La distribución de difusividades locales del acuífero rige las relaciones entre las épocas de descensos de nivel en el acuífero a escala regional y local, y además constituyen la base del ejercicio de la gestión del agua subterránea que se esta proponiendo para el acuífero de Neemkheda.

Résumé Les programmes de développement des bassins versants offrent une occasion de développer des stratégies pour une gestion durable, bien qu à présent elles restent en grande mesure le terme source dans le mécanisme de développement de la ressource en eau. Les conditions hydrogéologiques, la participation de la communauté et lusage des eaux souterraines sont importants pour le terme demande dans les stratégies de gestion des eaux souterraines. Laquifère de Neemkheda presents des caractéristiques typiques pour un bassin versant dans les régions arides de létat Madhya Pradesh de lInde centrale en ce qui concerne les faible valeurs de la conductivité hydraulique et du coéfficient demmagasinement. Il sagit dun aquifère phrèatique dont la partie supérieure est constitué par des grès calcaire qui restent sur des grés plus fins. Afin dessayer le concept de gestion integrée, on a réalisé dans laquifère de Neemkheda un captage ayant sept forages qui forment la ressource en eau communale. La stratégie de la gestion systématique du captage est basée sur la relation entre la transmissivité (T), le coéfficient demmagasinement (S), donc la diffusivité hydraulique ainsi que sa variation spatiale. Les puits forés dans les zones à grande diffusivité tendent à sassècher plus vite que ceux creusés dans des zones à faible diffusivité. Le concept de la gestion des eaux souterraines est donc basé sur la distribution spatiale des diffusivités. À partir de ce concept on a développé un programme dexploitation des forages pendant les saisons sèches. La relation entre les temps d épuissment locaux et régionaux est determiné par la distribution spatiale de la diffusivitée et forme la base de lexercice sur la gestion des eaux proposée pour laquifère de Neemkheda.
The Dalma volcanic belt of the Singhbhum Precambrian terrain in eastern India is developed along the median zone of a linear basin flanked by Archaean cratonic basement to the south. The lavas, in a low grade metamorphic environment, preserve a strong compositional bimodality, with highly magnesian picritic volcanics developed at the base and low-K basalt flows above, constituting the bulk of the lava pile. The ultrabasic lavas have low concentrations of immobile incompatible elements, ratios of which are probably controlled by the source character. Dalma mafic flows are closely comparable in geochemical character to modern day mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) with a dominance of light-REE-depleted basalts and ferrobasalts. However, in terms of certain element ratios (Th/Ta), deviation from MORB characteristics toward island arc tholeiites is apparent. In this respect the Dalma basalts appear to have a modified MORB composition and the closest chemical analogy may be basalts from back-arc basins, i. e. a supra-subduction zone environment. The bimodality of ultrabasic and mafic lavas is reminiscent of Archaean komatiitic provinces. The geochemical signature of the Dalma lavas, and the geological framework of the terrain, strongly point to a marginal basin domain developed in this crustal segment during the Proterozoic.
Zusammenfassung Der Vulkangürtel von Dalma liegt in der präkambrischen Region Singhbhum in Ostindien. Aufgeschlossen ist der Dalma-Gürtel im mittleren Bereich eines geradlinigen Bekkens, das im Süden durch Basement des Archaikums begrenzt wird. Die Laven befinden sich in einer geringmetamorphen Umgebung und weisen eine bimodale Zusammensetzung auf. An der Basis sind Magnesium-reiche und darüber Kalium-arme Basalte entwickelt, die repräsentativ für den Durchschnitt der Laven sind. Die ultrabasischen Laven enthalten niedrige Konzentrationen an immobilen nicht kompatiblen Elementen, deren Verhältnis wahrscheinlich von den Eigenschaften der Lavaquelle gesteuert wird. Der geochemische Charakter der mafischen Dalma-Vulkanite entspricht weitgehend den heutigen Basalten der ozeanischen Rücken (MORB). Dabei dominieren leicht abgereicherte REE-Basalte sowie eisenreiche Basalte. Vergleicht man allerdings Elementverhältnisse wie das von Th/Ta, wird eine Abweichung von dem typischen MORB-Charakter hin zu Inselbögen-Tholeiten deutlich. Berücksichtigt man diese Beobachtungen, scheinen die Dalma-Basalte eine modifizierte MORB-Zusammensetzung zu haben, die in ihrem Chemismus am ehesten den Basalten von Back-Arc-Becken, z. B. in einem Gebiet einer Supra-Subduktionszone, zu entsprechen. Die Bimodalität der ultrabasischen und mafischen Laven erinnert an archaische komatiitische Regionen. Die geochemische Zusammensetzung der Dalma-Laven sowie der geologische Rahmen des Gebietes deuten auf ein randliches Becken hin, das sich während des Proterozoikums entwickelt haben könnte.

Résumé La ceinture volcanique de Dalma, dans le Précambrien de Singhbhum (Inde Orientale) est située dans la partie médiane d'un bassin linéaire bordé au Sud par un socle cratonique archéen. Les laves se trouvent dans un environnement de faible degré de métamorphisme et présentent une composition nettement bimodale: volcanites picritiques très magnésiennes à la base, surmontées de coulées basaltiques pauvres en K, qui constituent l'essentiel de l'ensemble. Les laves ultrabasiques montrent de faibles concentrations en éléments immobiles incompatibles dont les rapports sont probablement déterminés par le caractère de la source. Les coulées basiques de Dalma sont très comparables, dans leurs propriétés géochimiques, aux basaltes récents des rides océaniques (MORB), avec une dominante de basaltes pauvres en terres rares légères et de ferro-basaltes. Toutefois, les rapport de certains éléments (Th/Ta) font apparaître, par rapport au MORB, une déviation vers les tholéiites d'arcs insulaires. A ce point de vue, les basaltes de Dalma montrent une composition de MORB modifée et une analogie avec les basaltes de bassins d'arrière-arc, c'est-à-dire en situation de supra-subduction. La bimodalité laves ultrabasiques/laves basiques est une réminiscence des provinces komatiitiques archéennes. Le signalement géochimiques des laves de Dalma et leur situation géologique plaident en faveur d'un domaine de bassin marginal développé dans ce segment central au cours du Protérozoïque.

, . , , . , , . , , . , . : MORB. , . , , .: /, MORB . , , , MORB, , .: . . , , .
This study explores the surface variability of alluvial fans from digital elevations model (DEM) derivatives generated from 1-m planimetric resolution airborne laser swath mapping data. Channel and interfluve dimensions of debris flow (DF) fans and fans generated from predominantly fluvial flows and some older debris flows (mixed flow [MF]) are extracted with the aid of a planimetric curvature classification. Significant differences are identified between the fan surface topography of DF and MF fans. MF fans tend to have smaller channel and interfluve widths, have smaller elevation differences between the crest of the interfluve and channel, and are more dissected than DF fans. The morphometric differences between the two fan classes can be explained by differences in the primary processes that develop the surficial features, but also the preponderance for secondary erosional processes acting on the MF fans.  相似文献   
Antarctic sea ice cover plays an important role in shaping the earth’s climate, primarily by insulating the ocean from the atmosphere and increasing the surface albedo. The convective processes accompanied with the sea ice formation result bottom water formation. The cold and dense bottom water moves towards the equator along the ocean basins and takes part in the global thermohaline circulation. Sea ice edge is a potential indicator of climate change. Additionally, fishing and commercial shipping activities as well as military submarine operations in the polar seas need reliable ice edge information. However, as the sea ice edge is unstable in time, the temporal validity of the estimated ice edge is often shorter than the time required to transfer the information to the operational user. Hence, an accurate sea ice edge prediction as well as determination is crucial for fine-scale geophysical modeling and for near-real-time operations. In this study, active contour modelling (known as Snake model) and non-rigid motion estimation techniques have been used for predicting the sea ice edge (SIE) in the Antarctic. For this purpose the SIE has been detected from sea ice concentration derived using special sensor microwave imager (SSM/I) observations. The 15% sea ice concentration pixels are being taken as the edge pixel between ice and water. The external force, gradient vector flow (GVF), of SIE for total the Antarctic region is parameterised for daily as well as weekly data set. The SIE is predicted at certain points using a statistical technique. These predicted points have been used to constitute a SIE using artificial intelligence technique, the gradient vector flow (GVF). The predicted edge has been validated with that of SSM/I. It is found that all the major curvatures have been captured by the predicated edge and it is in good agreement with that of the SSM/I observation.  相似文献   
Element interrelations, with particular emphasis on alkaline earth metals, have been studied quantitatively for three alkaline suites of the Eastern Ghats Precambrian belt. Geochemical characterisation brings the Koraput and the Kunavaram suites closer, relative to the Elchuru suite. K-Ba and K-Rb correlations vary during the fractionation process, being strongly positive for the early members and almost noncorrelatable for the late fractions. The covariant relation between Ba and Sr is not well developed in any of the suites. Significant positive correlation between Rb and the degree of differentiation has been observed for the Koraput and the Kunavaram suites but not for the Elchuru suite. Liappears to be fractionated with the early mafic phases and is negatively correlated with Na. Zr shows a significant positive correlation with differentiation in the Elchuru but not in the Koraput suite although Ti/Zr falls remarkably with advancing differentiation for both the suites. P and Ti are mutually positively correlated in all the three suites and both tend to manifest significant negative correlation with progressive fractionation. K-(P + Ti + Sr) seems to be a good indicator of the fractionation process in the suites investigated.  相似文献   
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