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中国湖泊的数量、面积与空间分布   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
以11004景/幅CBERSCCD和LandsatTM/ETM卫星遥感影像数据为基础,参照GoogleEarth影像及其他文献资料,在6843幅1:10万和1:5万地形图(DRG)、1:25万地形图部分图层数据(DLG)的支持下,制定了湖泊边界判译原则,经过遥感判译、野外考察、室内校正、专家咨询、数据校正和成果确定等技术环节,确定全国目前共有1.0km2以上的自然湖泊2693个,分布在28个省(自治区、直辖市),总面积81414.6km2,约占全国国土面积的0.9%.近30年来,全国新生和新发现面积大于1.0km2的湖泊分别共有60个和131个,原面积大于1.0km2的湖泊消失243个.  相似文献   
Seasonal water-level fluctuations(WLF) play a dominate role in lacustrine ecosystems. River-lake interaction is a direct factor in changes of seasonal lake WLF, especially for those lakes naturally connected to upstream and downstream rivers. During the past decade, the modification of WLF in the Poyang Lake(the largest freshwater lake in China) has caused intensified flood and irrigation crises, reduced water availability, compromised water quality and extensive degradation of the lake ecosystem. There has been a conjecture as to whether the modification was caused by its interactions with Yangtze River. In this study, we investigated the variations of seasonal WLF in China’s Poyang Lake by comparing the water levels during the four distinct seasons(the dry season, the rising season, the flood season, and the retreating season) before and after 2003 when the Three Gorge Dam operated. The Water Surface Slope(WSS) was used as a representative parameter to measure the changes in river-lake interaction and its impacts on seasonal WLF. The results showed that the magnitude of seasonal WLF has changed considerably since 2003; the seasonal WLF of the Poyang Lake have been significantly altered by the fact that the water levels both rise and retreat earlier in the season and lowered water levels in general. The fluctuations of river-lake interactions, in particular the changes during the retreating season, are mainly responsible for these variations in magnitude of seasonal WLF. This study demonstrates that WSS is a representative parameter to denote river-lake interactions, and the results indicate that more emphasis should be placed on the decrease of the Poyang Lake caused by the lowered water levels of the Yangtze River, especially in the retreating season.  相似文献   
发达国家雨洪管理焦点历经管网设计、不透水面阈值控制、低影响开发及土地利用管理等过程,呈现“多尺度多视角衔接”趋势。本文聚焦太湖流域土地利用调蓄功能变化机制及管理应用,揭示了1985-2015年来建设占用耕地是调蓄功能降低的主要原因;发现基于小流域的调蓄功能变化与建设用地强度整体低关联,但局部高相关,高相关的地区位于大城市或某些乡镇周边的建设增长热区,而这些热区的建设用地与调蓄空间规模较大且接触机会更多,是开发之前调蓄空间保护、开发控制以及开发之后综合管理等3个土地利用调蓄目标因子协调不当的结果;最后提出流域尺度土地利用调蓄视角的雨洪管理“345”模式,即以3个目标因子和5类控制要素为基础,实施土地利用调蓄创建、防御、拓展与保护等4类差别化战略模式,从更大尺度认识老城区和新区的雨洪关联,拓展海绵城市建设的本土认知和视野。  相似文献   
The blocking or reversing effect of the downstream trunk river on its tributary lakes is an essential aspect of river-lake hydraulics.To measure how and the extent to which a trunk river can influence its tributary lakes,we made a case study in Changjiang River and one of its tributary lakes,Lake East Dongting(Lake ED)during a 35-year study period(1980–2014).Specifically,we investigated Lake ED’s discharge ability into Changjiang River using stage-discharge relationship curves,and hence the changes of the lake discharge ability under different hydrologic conditions of the Changjiang River.The results show that (1) the Changjiang River does exert a huge impact on the water regimes of Lake ED.And this impact varies seasonally.A variation of 3000in Changjiang River’s runoff would change the lake water level by about 1.1 min dry seasons,by 0.4 min wet seasons,and by 0.6 m during severe summer floods.(2)Changes in the Changjiang River runoff triggered by the Three Gorges Dam since 2003 have led to dramatic water regime variations in Lake ED.Other factors,including reduction of lake inflow and the lake bed erosion,also exacerbated the water regime variations in Lake ED.  相似文献   
Sea level rise could increase the salinity of an estuary by altering the balance between fresh water and salt water. The implications of sea level rise for increasing salinity have been examined in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary. By correlative analysis of chlorinity, discharge and tidal level and calculation of two-dimensional chlorinity, distribution of the Changjiang River estuary, the changes of the intensity and lasting hours of salt water intrusion at Wusong Station and the changes of chlorinity distribution in the South Branch of the Changjiang River estuary have been estimated when future sea level rises 50-100 cm. The intensity of salt water intrusion in the future will be far more serious than current trend.  相似文献   
苏北潮滩湿地不同生态带碳、氮、磷分布特征*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对比苏北潮滩湿地不同生态带的表层以及柱状沉积物中总有机碳、总氮、总磷和有机磷含量,并结合不同植被不同植株部位中碳、氮、磷的含量变化,分析了潮滩沉积物中碳、氮、磷的垂向和水平分布特征与规律,探讨了不同生态带以及潮滩植被对碳、氮、磷等生源要素的富集作用。对比分析结果表明:苏北潮滩湿地各生态带对不同的测量指标有着不同的富集作用,互花米草滩的总有机碳、总氮和有机磷含量要远大于其他几个生态带,光滩沉积物中总磷的含量最高; 粒度效应是控制互花米草前缘地带以及互花米草滩沉积物中有机碳和氮分布的一个重要因素,盐蒿和芦苇滩中有机碳和氮的分布更多的是受粒度之外的其他因素影响; 不同生态带表层沉积物中的C/N比值分布,大致可反映其有机物来源的差异,而不同生态带中柱状沉积物中的C/N比值相对接近,很难根据C/N比值大小来对不同生态带中的有机物来源进行判断,这可能是埋藏在柱状沉积物中的有机物更多的受到了早期成岩作用造成的。植被对潮滩湿地中碳、氮、磷的分布有着重要影响,3种物质在互花米草、盐蒿和芦苇中的含量差别不是很大,因此潮滩植被对沉积物中上述3种物质的贡献差别主要是由不同植被的生物量和其所处环境的沉积动力差异造成的。  相似文献   
古近系沙河街组是阳信洼陷最重要的生烃层段.其湖盆充填具阶段性和沉积演化的旋回性,形成了由沙四段、沙三段与沙一段组成的复合生烃系统和不同的地球化学特征.利用Rock-Eval生油岩评价仪、色谱-质谱仪等实验分析技术对不同层系样品进行了地球化学特征分析研究,其中生烃潜力指标包括有机碳含量(TOC)、残余生烃潜量(S1 S2)、氢指数IH、氯仿沥青"A";成熟度指标包括热解峰温Tmax、奇偶优势参数OEP、饱和烃轻重比(C21 C22)/(C28 C29)及∑C21-/∑C22 、镜质体反射率Ro、莫烷/藿烷及甾烷生物标志物参数C29ββ(ββ αα)、C29ααα20S(20S 20R);古环境指标包括异构烷烃参数Pr/Ph、Pr/n-C17、Ph/n-C18及伽马蜡烷等.结果表明,沙四段为弱还原-还原性的半深湖沉积,沉积了一套中等厚度、分布局限的烃源岩(TOC平均为1.5%),其较深位置的烃源岩基本进入成熟阶段,多形成成熟油;沙三段属弱还原-还原性的半深湖-深湖环境,其烃源岩中有机质丰度较高(TOC平均为3.5%),大部分烃源岩处于未成熟-低成熟状态,主要形成未熟油;沙一段为湖水咸化、还原性的半深湖相环境,其烃源岩中有机质丰度高(TOC平均为5%左右),但处于未成熟阶段,主要生成生物气.  相似文献   
地学信息图谱所研究的地理空间规律和地理过程均具有一定的区域相似性, 故其在空间和时间上具有一定的区域特征,因此对地学信息图谱的研究均有空间和时间尺度方面的范畴。尺度是研究客体或过程的空间维和时间维。根据研究性质、研究对象的空间规模等方面的不同,地学信息图谱的空间尺度可分为大尺度、中尺度和小尺度;按研究的时间尺度不同,地学信息图谱的时间尺度可分为长时间尺度、中等尺度和短时间尺度。地学信息图谱的时空维是指地学信息图谱数据源的时空维或地学信息图谱可以表达的时空维,不同的时空维表达不同的特征和内容。  相似文献   
江苏淤泥质潮滩对海平面变化的形态响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对江苏滨海平原淤泥质潮滩1980年以来19个固定潮滩断面112个测次滩面高程测量的统计分析,探讨典型淤泥质潮滩剖面形态对海平面变化的形态响应过程。结果表明,典型淤涨岸段海平面上升,多年平均潮位线以上滩面仍将淤积加高,但淤高幅度除多年平均高潮线附近滩面相对较大外,其余均较小,表明随海平面上升该滩带总体淤积速率将趋于减小;与此相反,多年平均潮位线以下滩面则趋于蚀低,且侵蚀强度较大,表明该滩带的侵蚀有加剧趋向,最终滩面总体形态将因上带不断淤高和下带不断蚀低而逐渐变陡,剖面上凸形态的曲率不断加大。曲型侵蚀岸段,海平面上升的效应则相反,海平面上升,多年平均潮位线以上滩面强烈蚀低;而多年平均潮位线以下滩面则强烈淤积加高,剖面的上凹形态最终将因上带不断蚀低和下带不断淤高而趋于平直。  相似文献   
全球海平面上升机制和趋势及其环境效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
杨桂山 《地理科学》1993,13(3):250-256
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