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程亚军 《国土资源》2003,(11):20-22
党的十六大提出“支持老工业基地加快调整改造,支持以资源开采为主的城市和地区发展接续产业”,这是党中央、国务院科学分析新世纪、新阶段国内外形势,作出的加快我国全面建设小康社会进程的重大战略决策。发展接续产业是资源型城市实现可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   
低纬平均经圈环流异常与海表温度异常关系的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR的40年大气再分析资料中的月平均经向风速及垂直速度,计算了纬向平均经圈环流的质量流函数,分析了纬向平均的海表温度和纬向平均的经圈环流的气候态及异常态特征,结果表明,(1)南、北半球Hadley环流圈的共同上升支偏于赤道附近的夏半球一侧,与[SST↑-]极大值位置相对应;强下沉支位于冬半球一侧;(2)El Nino事件中低纬[SST]′是异常经圈环流产生的重要外强迫源,但其影响程度受基本气流和[SST↑-]及[SST]′的季节变化和年际差异的影响甚大。  相似文献   
山东夏季降水与热带海气相互作用区域特性的相关分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用一种能够反映热带海气相互作用区域特性的指数,分析了热带5个洋区(西太平洋、中太平洋、东太平洋、大西洋、印度洋)的海气相互作用指数与山东夏季(6~8月)降水的相互联系。结果表明,只有热带印度洋的海气相互作用的第1模态与山东夏季降水存在的显著相关。热带印度洋海温偏高时山东夏季降水偏少,反之偏多。热带西印度洋区域1000hPa风向赤道区域异常辐合,并伴随出现正海表温度异常的年份,山东夏季降水往往偏少  相似文献   
球函数分析中经向数值积分的改进方案   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在全球气候场的球函数分析中,定积分∫^noq(θ)sinθdθ的近似计算是重要的。本文基于几何分析给出了它的一个改进方案,对标准化缔化勒让德函数P^m,n的模和正交性计算表明,它可以明显提高气候场球函数分析的精度。  相似文献   
The mass stream function of zonal mean meridional circulation is calculated in terms of NCEP/NCAR monthly meridional wind speed and vertical velocity, and the climatic and anomalous features of zonal mean SST and meridional circulation are investigated. Results show that (1) a joint ascending branch of Northern and Southern Hadley circulation is on the side of the summer hemisphere near the equator ,being well consistent with the extremum of [SST ],and a strong descending by the winter-hemispheric side.(2)El Nino-related [SST] in low latitudes is an important outer-forcing source for anomaly meridional circulation, which is affected by seasonal variation of basic airflow and [SST ], and interannual and interdecadal changes of [SST] .  相似文献   
The mass stream function of mean meridional circulation is calculated in terms of NCEP/NCAR monthly meridional wind speed and vertical velocity,and the climatic and anomalous features of zonal mean SST and meridional circulation are investigated.Results show that(1) a joint ascending branch of Northern and Southern Hadley circulation is on the side of the summer hemisphere near the equator,being well consistent with the extremum of SST,and strong descending by the winter-hemispheric side.(2) E1 Ninorelated [SST]‘ in low latitudes in an important outer-forcing source for anomaly meridional circulation,which is affected by seasonal variation of basic airflow and [SST],and interannual and interdecadal changes of [SST]‘.  相似文献   
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