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为了解云南短时强降水发生前本地化中尺度WRF(Weather Research Forecast)模式输出结果的物理量特征及其对短时强降水预报的作用,使用WRF模式对2016年云南主汛期(6—8月)5次短时强降水过程进行模拟,利用模式输出的高时空分辨率资料计算5次过程中85个样本在短时强降水发生前6 h水汽类、动力类及不稳定条件类的部分物理量值,使用箱线图分析各物理量的分布特征及其与短时强降水的关系,应用经验累积分布函数图确定各物理量的阈值。研究表明,水汽类物理量样本数据值分布较为集中,随着短时强降水的临近数值逐渐增大;动力类的6 km垂直风切变中位数值及平均值随时间变化很小,所有时次的6 km垂直风切变阈值均低于12 m/s,表明短时强降水发生前有弱垂直风切变;不稳定条件类中对流有效位能样本数据的离散程度较大,对短时强降水无指示意义;LI指数、K指数和700 hPa假相当位温样本数据离散度较小,其中K指数中位数值、平均值及阈值的上下限在短时强降水发生前1 h有显著增大的特征,且数据集中度达到最高,大的K指数值与短时强降水有较好的对应关系。使用物理量阈值推算短时强降水落点的方法对云南本地化WRF模式短时强降水的预报性能有改进作用。  相似文献   
本文利用NCEP分析资料、多普勒雷达观测资料、常规气象观测资料以及数值模拟结果,对2016年7月30日发生在华北、辽宁附近的一次强飑线过程中后向入流的演变及成因进行研究。结果表明,此次飑线发生在中纬度新生冷涡槽前,低层有水汽辐合区和地面辐合线对应,且过程中伴有较强的对流有效位能释放。飑线后部中层(冷涡槽后)一直存在α中尺度西风大值带,此大风速带造成了上下层相反的水平涡度,并形成喇叭形环流结构,该结构不同于经典飑线结构。飑线后部水平方向上水平涡度分布不均匀,并形成水平涡度旋度上正下负的分布,即导致中层强风区上部上升运动、下部下沉运动,该下沉运动引发飑线中的后向入流和低层强风速带形成。在中层,飑线的后部边缘始终有较强的风速大值带伴随飑线的发展,该大值带的形成与对流强弱和非热成风涡度有关,对流过程中低层非热成风涡度为负,中上层非热成风涡度为正,导致飑线后部中层西风加速和低层西风减速,有利于后向入流的发展和飑线的维持,当对流减弱时,非热成风涡度与后向入流均减弱。文中给出了后向入流形成演变的概念模式。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料,计算了2009年第8号台风“莫拉克”引发浙江沿海地区强降水过程的湿位涡(MPV)和假相当位温(θse),重点分析了正压项(MPV1)和斜压项(MPV2)的正负值变化特征.结果表明,通过判断大气对流不稳定处,θse陡立面密集区,能量锋较强区域,同时结合上升运动,可以作为判断强...  相似文献   
Using the WRF (Weather Research Forecast) model, this work performed analysis and simulation on the rainband change during the landfall of Typhoon Haitang (2005) and found that breaking may occur over land and oceans leads to distinct asymmetric precipitation. The breaking is related to the topographic effect as well as interactions between the typhoon and midlatitude systems at upper levels. During the landfall, divergent flows at the 200-hPa level of the South-Asian high combined with divergent flows at the periphery of the typhoon to form a weak, inverted trough in the northwest part of the storm, with the mid- and low-level divergence fields on the west and northwest side of the typhoon center maintaining steadily. It intensifies the upper-level cyclonic flows, in association with positive vorticity rotating counterclockwise together with air currents that travel stepwise into a vorticity zone in the vicinity of the typhoon core, thereby forming a vorticity transfer belt in 22–25? N that extends to the eastern part of the storm. It is right here that the high-level vorticity band is subsiding so that rainfall is prevented from developing, resulting in the rainbelt breaking, which is the principal cause of asymmetric precipitation occurrence. Migrating into its outer region, the banded vorticity of Haitang at high levels causes further amplification of the cyclonic circulation in the western part and transfer of positive vorticity into the typhoon such that the rainband breaking is more distinct.  相似文献   
利用2013—2017年6—8月FY-2E和FY-2G地球静止卫星相当黑体温度(Black Body Temperature,TBB)资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对我国夏季东北冷涡下东北地区MCS的分布和活动特征进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1) MCS的活动具有明显的月际变化和日变化特征,6月对流活动最活跃。MCS的主要移向是东、东北和东南,平均移动距离3.99个经纬距。(2) MCS成熟时刻的面积、偏心率和生命史均小于江淮地区以及中国中东部,云顶高度低于江淮地区,整个生命史表现出发展快消亡慢的特征,与江淮地区相反。(3)基于MCS的定义得到的Z标准,对2016—2017年的MCS作了统计分析并与J标准统计得到的MCS进行对比,得出,两种定义下的MCS环境场特征基本一致,主要表现为MCS多生成于500 hPa槽前和槽后,对流层高层MCS位于双急流之间靠近北支急流的辐散区,南侧急流高度在200 hPa,北侧的急流高度在250 hPa。低层,位于低空急流左侧,低涡南侧、东南侧,有较强的水汽和动量输送。槽前生成的MCS南侧中层存在垂直反环流向MCS输送干暖空气与位涡,槽后生成的MCS两侧均有大值位涡向其输送,同时北侧冷干空气的输送使锋区及上升运动加强,更有利于MCS的形成。(4)两种标准下的MCS造成的降水明显不同,在统计强降水方面Z标准要优于J标准。由于Z标准空间与时间尺度较小,统计得到的MCS较多;但同时会遗漏部分相对弱的MCS。  相似文献   
The horizontal vorticity equation used in this study was obtained using the equations of motion in the pressure coordinate system without considering friction, to reveal its relationship with vertical shear. By diagnostically analyzing each term in the horizontal vorticity equation during a squall line process that occurred on 19 June 2010, we found that the non-thermal wind term had a negative contribution to the local change of upward movement in the low-level atmosphere, and that its impact changed gradually from negative to positive with altitude, which could influence upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere greatly. The contribution of upward vertical transport to vertical movement was the largest in the low-level atmosphere, but had negative contribution to the upper-level atmosphere. These features were most evident in the development stage of the squall line. Based on analysis of convection cells along a squall line, we found that in the process of cell development diabatic heating caused the subsidence of constant potential temperature surface and non- geostrophic motion, which then triggered strong convergence of horizontal acceleration in the mid-level atmosphere and divergence of horizontal acceleration in the upper-level atmosphere. These changes of horizontal wind field could cause a counterclockwise increment of the horizontal vorticity around the warm cell, which then generated an increase of upward movement. This was the main reason why the non-thermal wind term had the largest contribution to the strengthening of upward movement in the mid- and upper-level atmosphere. The vertical transport of large value of horizontal vorticity was the key to trigger convection in this squall line process.  相似文献   
丁治英  陈久康 《气象科学》1994,14(4):344-353
本文通过1991年梅雨后期,7月1—13日200hPa非地转场分析得出,梅雨期200hPa非地转风主要由积云对流动量转换形成。其次是风速平流,并通过数值试验得以证明。非地转风形成的高层辐散,可进一步使暴雨增强与维持。另外梅雨期非均匀层结对非地转风及暴雨也有较大的影响。  相似文献   
不同雨强台风的诊断对比与数值试验研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过对不同雨强台风的诊断对比及数值试验得出一些结论。台风暴雨与锋区、高低空急流有关。强锋区可导致200hpa西南风高空急流与右后房非地转辐散的加强,并在其作用下,激发重力惯性波。其调整过程,即为暴雨的突然增幅过程。调整时间约3 ̄6小时。调整过程使低空急流加强,加大向暴雨区的水汽动量输送,有利于降水加强。调整过程结束后,雨量变化平稳。  相似文献   
In this paper, statistics were analyzed concerning correlation between the storm rainfall far from typhoon and non-zonal upper-level jet stream. The results show that the jet stream at 200 hPa is constantly SW (90.2 %) during the period in which storm rainfall occurs. Rainfall area lies in the right rear regions of the jet axes. While the storm intensifies, the jet tends to be stronger and turn non-zonal. With the MM4 model, numerical simulation and diagnosis were carried out for Typhoon No.9711 (Winnie) on August 19 to 20, 1997. The distant storm rainfall is tightly correlative to the jet and low-level typhoon trough. The divergence field of jet is related to the v component. The upper level can cause the allobaric wind convergence at low level. This is the result of the form of low-level typhoon trough and the strength of the storm. By scale analysis, it is found that there is a branch of middle scale transverse inverse circulation in the right entrance regions behind the jet below the 300-hPa level, which is very important to the maintenance and strengthening of storm rainfall. This branch of inverse circulation is relative to the reinforcement of jet's non-zonal characteristics. From the field of mesoscale divergence field and non-zonal wind field, we know that the stronger symmetry caused by transverse circulation in the two sides of the jet, rainfall’s feedback and reinforcement of jet’s non-zonal characteristics had lead to positive feedback mechanism that was favorable of storm rainfall’s strengthening.  相似文献   
利用1996~2005年4~9月的MICAPS和NCEP/NCAR 2.5×2.5°再分析资料和统计、平均合成、综合分析等方法,对影响华南地区西南低涡以及致洪低涡活动进行了系统性的研究。  相似文献   
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