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河口有孔虫的搬运作用及其古环境意义(Ⅱ)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
五、河口有孔虫群的搬运与潮汐作用其实,在强烈水动力条件下,底栖有孔虫可以呈悬移状态搬运的事实,早已见诸文献.英国在英吉利海峡一带(Murray 1965;Murray et al.,1982),美国在加里福尼亚岸外(Lidz,1968;Loose,1970)等处,都报道了浮游样品中有底栖有孔虫出现.长江口与易北河口类似的发现,进一步说明了这种搬运作用在河口有孔虫埋葬群形成中所起的重要作用.潮汐河口的潮流可以使一定大小的有孔虫空壳泛起,甚至使固着不牢的小个体活有孔虫脱离基底、卷入潮流,然后搬运到水动力弱的地区与较细粒沉积物同时沉降堆积.相反,在河流或潮流强盛的粗粒沉积区,细小的壳体与细粒沉积物一起被冲刷而去,留下比较粗大的壳体.当然,下一次强烈的潮汛或者风暴,还可以将细粒沉积物中的壳体连同矿物颗粒一起重新掀起,发生再悬移作用,直到最终埋葬为止.上述长江口内洪水期与枯水期底质中有孔虫丰度与壳径的重大差异,肯定与这种再悬移作用造成的粒度再分配有关.但是无论如何,总是壳体与矿物颗粒一起发生分选,有孔虫壳径与沉积物粒径相应的发生变化.  相似文献   
南海南部约30 ka来沉积有机质的生物输入特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
对位于南沙海区的1962柱状样中的有机质进行了热解色谱分析,估算了沉积有机质中水生生物输入和陆源生物输入的变化情况,得出了两种输入的高分辨率的堆积速率曲线,并依此探讨了有关的古海洋事件。发现Younger Dryas、Heinrich及Bond周期事件在本海区皆有表现,说明“西太平洋暖池”在末次冰期是不稳定的。  相似文献   
对南海西部表层沉积物进行系统取样分析表明,该区黏土矿物总体以伊利石为主,平均含量超过50%,其次为蒙脱石、绿泥石和高岭石含量较低,伊利石和蒙脱石含量变化较大,两者呈负相关关系,而绿泥石和高岭石含量变化较小,两者呈正相关关系。根据黏土矿物组合及其分布特征,南海西部海域大致可以分为A、B、C、D四区,其中A区以高伊利石和低蒙脱石含量为特征,B区伊利石含量明显下降,蒙脱石含量增多,C区以较高蒙脱石含量和低绿泥石、高岭石含量为特征,D区为相对低伊利石,高蒙脱石、绿泥石和高岭石,且往东南方向蒙脱石含量增大,而伊利石含量下降。与邻区黏土矿物组合对比研究表明,高伊利石含量的A区物源,除来自华南大陆的珠江、韩江等大小河流外,可能有相当部分来自东北方向,包括台湾岛及台湾海峡等。越南岸外的陆坡区细粒沉积物与陆架区有明显的继承性,表明其物源主要来自中南半岛,而红河物源对陆坡及深海盆的影响相对较小。南部陆架-陆坡区的物源主要有湄公河和加里曼丹岛,但两者的混合明显。因此,从区域分布来看,来自台湾海峡的细粒沉积物对南海深海盆影响最大,这可能主要是有由于表层环流所致。  相似文献   
新近纪海相生物地层事件年龄新编   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
介绍新近纪海相生物地层研究的新进展。2004年新的"国际地质年代表"以405ka偏心率长周期为基础来划分新近纪的主要地层界线,标志着轨道地层学时代的到来。新生代包括E1—E162偏心率长周期,底界的年龄为65.5±0.3Ma,其中新近纪有E1—E58周期,底界年龄为23.03Ma,并且根据天文调谐得出一系列新的古地磁年龄和生物事件年龄。由于这些新年龄,特别是接近新近纪底部的年龄与早期结果相差0.5Ma或更大,所以将其汇总介绍,以求与当前国际研究保持同步衔接,增强海洋新近纪高分辨率地层工作的准确性。  相似文献   
Combined data of physical property, benthic foraminifera, and stable isotopes from ODP Sites 1148, 1146, and 1143 are used to discuss deep water evolution in the South China Sea (SCS) since the Early Miocene. The results indicate that 3 lithostratigraphic units, respectively corresponding to 21-17 Ma, 15-10 Ma, and 10-5 Ma with positive red parameter (a*) marking the red brown sediment color represent 3 periods of deep water ventilation. The first 2 periods show a closer link to contemporary production of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Northern Component Water (NCW), indicating a free connection of deep waters between the SCS and the open ocean before 10 Ma. After 10 Ma, red parameter dropped but stayed higher than the modern value (a*=0), the CaCO3 percentage difference between Site 1148 from a lower deepwater setting and Site 1146 from an upper deepwater setting enlarged significantly, and benthic species which prefer oxygen-rich bottom conditions dramatically decreased. Coupled with a major negative excursion of benthic δ13C at ~10 Ma, these parameters may denote a weakening in the control of the SCS deep water by the open ocean. Probably they mark the birth of a local deep water due to shallow waterways or rise of sill depths during the course of sea basin closing from south to east by the west-moving Philippine Arc after the end of SCS seafloor spreading at 16-15 Ma. However, it took another 5 Ma before the dissolved oxygen approached close to the modern level. Although the oxygen level continued to stabilize, several Pacific Bottom Water (PBW) and Pacific Deep Water (PDW) marker species rapidly increased since ~6 Ma, followed by a dramatic escalation in planktonic fragmentation which indicates high dissolution especially after ~5 Ma. The period of 5-3 Ma saw the strongest stratified deepwater in the then SCS, as indicated by up to 40% CaCO3 difference between Sites 1148 and 1146. Apart from a strengthening PDW as a result of global cooling and ice cap buildup on northern high latitudes, a deepening sea basin due to stronger subduction eastward may also have triggered the influx of more corrosive waters from the deep western Pacific. Since 3 Ma, the evolution of the SCS deep water entered a modern phase, as characterized by relative stable 10% CaCO3 difference between the two sites and increase in infaunal benthic species which prefer a low oxygenated environment. Thesubsequent reduction of PBW and PDW marker species at about 1.2 Ma and 0.9 Ma and another significant negative excursion of benthic δ13C to a Neogene minimum at ~0.9 Ma together convey a clear message that the PBW largely disappeared and the PDW considerably weakened in the Mid-Pleistocene SCS. Therefore, the true modern mode SCS deep water started to form only during the "Mid-Pleistocene climatic transition" probably due to the rise of sill depths under the Bashi Strait.  相似文献   
中更新世气候转型时期南海生态环境的南北差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中更新世气候转型在南海浮游有孔虫、氧同位素和其它生物记录上主要反映在900 ka BP前后发生高频率变化,特别是指示表层水骤然降温。北部冬季表层水温从24~25℃降至17~28℃,而南部也从26~27℃降至23~24℃。总的降温趋势与开放西太平洋一致,直接反映了西太平洋暖池在900 ka BP之后MIS22期间有明显的减弱。表层水大幅度降温还发生在后继的MIS 20、18、16几大冰期,说明主要冰期旋回周期由41 ka转变为100 ka经历了长达400 ka的过渡时期,并且冬季风增强也在过渡时期的后半段最明显。南海南北生物组合和δ18O值的差异,突出了中更新世气候转型期边缘海区南北气候梯度反差和冬季风在冰期增强的讯号。结论是:生态环境系统反应总体表现与冰期旋回一致的同时,还包含了独特的地区性系统演变特征。但是,南海—西太平洋地区在0.9 Ma BP前后表层海水盐度因东亚冬季风和海平面下降的定量变化,以及这些变化对气候转型时期海—气耦合过程和生态环境系统的影响,尚缺乏足够的资料和证据。  相似文献   
南沙ODP1143站有孔虫同位素变化对地球轨道驱动的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1143站5 Ma有孔虫稳定氧、碳同位素记录揭示了南海南部上新世至更新世气候变化在斜率和岁差周期上对地球轨道驱动的线性响应. 赤道太平洋地区频繁爆发的厄尔尼诺现象可能与氧、碳同位素相对于地球轨道驱动呈相反相位相关. 北极冰盖在3.3 Ma的扩张可能影响了气候变化100 ka周期的发展, 它的进一步扩张可能导致该周期成为晚更新世冰期旋回的主要周期. “中更新世转型”事件对南沙海区同位素变化的影响具有局限性. 1143站有孔虫的碳同位素在长偏心率周期上与地球轨道驱动高度相关, 且在短偏心率周期上领先于氧同位素的变化, 这进一步突显了碳循环在全球气候变化中的重要地位.  相似文献   
Using an improved CCM1/NCAR climate dynamic model and a combination distribution ofland-ocean-vegetation during 40-50 MaBP,a series of numerical experiments representingdifferent stages of the Tibetan Plateau uplifting and different land-ocean distributions are designedto discuss the influence of the Plateau uplifting and land-ocean distribution variation on Asianclimate change.It is shown that Tibetan Plateau uplifting can firstly increase the precipitation inChina during the period from initial uplift to half height of modern Tibetan Plateau and thendecrease the rainfall during the time from the half height to the present plateau.At the same time.the uplifting can reduce surface air temperature over China.Besides.the effects of the uplift andland-ocean distribution change on the variation of winter and summer Asian monsoon circulationare also discussed.  相似文献   
第四纪冰期旋回转型在南沙深海的记录   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34  
对南沙海区水深2772 m的ODP1143井上部105.08 m岩芯进行高分辨率氧同位素分析, 取得MIS 1~86期即2.25 Ma以来的历史, 时间分辨率约2 ka, 为迄今所知的最好记录之一. 氧同位素曲线详细展示了更新世的冰期旋回, 由早期的40 ka周期为主, 向晚期100 ka周期为主的"转型", 证明两者之间有一个长达近300 ka的过渡期, "中更新世革命"并非一次简单的突变. 而且在100 ka的冰期旋回中, 低纬区热带表层水的变化在先, 高纬区冰盖的反应在后. 对比表明, 北半球冰盖增大、冰期延长的原因不在冰盖本身, 而在北半球高纬区之外.  相似文献   
末次冰期以来南海深水区的沉积速率   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
根据 72个站位沉积柱状样的分析数据 ,首次对南海 1 0 0m以下的深水区 6个不同部位 ,在末次冰期与全新世的堆积速率变化进行统计 .结果发现末次冰期时的堆积速率远远高于全新世 ,而南海南、北陆坡是堆积速率最高的海区 ,两者在各时期具有不同的沉积特征 :南部陆坡在末次冰期、全新世之间陆源物质的堆积速率反差较大 ,而北部陆坡不甚明显 ,但是该处的生源沉积反差强烈  相似文献   
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