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甲状腺(Glandula thyreoidea)是海洋脊椎动物体内重要的内分泌腺,从海洋脊椎动物开始,才有了独立的甲状腺结构。海洋脊椎动物的甲状腺一般为实质性的组织。实质由甲状腺滤泡组成,构成滤泡的上皮细胞合成、贮存和分泌的甲状腺激素是调节机体生长发育的关键激素。从海洋脊椎动物开始才有了独立的甲状腺结构。对于动物甲状腺的研究多集中在甲状腺形态及甲状腺与生长发育关系方面,而对海洋脊椎动物的甲状腺的研究则越来越多的集中于环境因素所引起的甲状腺病变方面,环境因素对甲状腺功能的影响也逐渐成为科学研究的重点。海洋水体污染导致的甲状腺机能受损,使海洋脊椎动物不能正常生长发育,数目与种类骤减之时,我们不得不重视对海洋脊椎动物甲状腺的研究。  相似文献   
Mackerel(Pneumatophorus japonicus) proteins were hydrolyzed by five proteases:trypsin,papain,neutrase,acid protease,and flavourzyme.The hydrolysate treated by neutrase exhibited the highest antioxidant activity.Response surface methodology(RSM) was employed to optimize the hydrolysis conditions in an effort to obtain a mackerel protein hydrolysate(MPH) with the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity.The MPH was fractioned using a series of ultrafiltration membranes and five fractions,namely,MPH-Ⅰ(10kDa),MPH-Ⅱ(10-2.5 kDa),MPH-Ⅲ(1-2.5 kDa),MPH-Ⅳ(0.4-1 kDa),and MPH-V(below 0.4 kDa),were obtained.DPPH radical scavenging activity,reducing power,hydroxyl radical scavenging activity,and the lipid peroxidation inhibition capability of these fractions were evaluated.The fractions in molecular weights 2.5 kDa(MPH-Ⅲ,MPH-Ⅳ,and MPH-Ⅴ),which occupied 93.4%of the total fractions,showed the strongest antioxidant activity;and the antioxidant activities of the three fractions are similar to each other.Using SP Sephadex C-25 and Sephadex G-25 columns,eight fractions were obtained from the MPH(2.5 kDa).The isolated peptide I(1 664 kDa) displayed the highest DPPH radical scavenging activity.Therefore,MPH is a potential source of antioxidant peptides.  相似文献   
水母毒素的研究现状   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
水母 (Jellyfish)属于腔肠动物门 ,广泛分布于温带、亚热带及热带海域 ,是海洋杂食性生物。我国除北海分布偏少以外 ,大部分海域都广泛存在。自古以来 ,水母既能供人食用 ,又可入药为人治病,早在《本草纲目》中就有记载 ,如气味咸温 ,无毒 ,主治妇人劳损 ,积血带下 ,小儿风疾 ,丹毒 ,汤火伤等[1]。水母的刺丝囊中含有毒素物质。当水母大量存在时 ,人们在海上的活动如捕捞、游泳、养殖等将受到干扰 ,当水母刺到人时 ,轻则皮肤红肿 ,疼痛 ,重则死亡 ,因此它成为沿海地区伤人动物中的一个重要类群。日本一核电站曾因大量水母而被迫停机。另一…  相似文献   
甲壳素是一种天然高分子多糖,具有与纤维素相近的骨架结构,其资源丰富,用途广泛(方波,1998)。但由于分子内和分子间存在很强的氢键作用力,因而不能熔融,也不溶于普通溶剂(如水、乙醇等)(董炎明等,2002),实际应用中较多的是其部分或全部脱乙酰化产物--壳聚糖。壳聚糖虽然可以溶于酸性水溶液,但不能直接溶于水中,且在酸性水溶液中不稳定,也不溶于一般的有机溶剂,这在很大程度上限制了它的应用(董炎明等,2002)。所以,水溶性壳聚糖衍生物的研制正成为一个新的研究方向。壳聚糖  相似文献   
壳聚糖碱性氨基酸衍生物的合成及抑菌活性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用接枝反应,采用碱性氨基酸修饰壳聚糖,制备壳聚糖赖氨酸衍生物、壳聚糖精氨酸衍生物、壳聚糖组氨酸衍生物。通过红外(FT-IR)、核磁(~1H-NMR)、元素分析(EA)对其进行表征,并研究了不同壳聚糖氨基酸衍生物的抑菌活性。结果表明,壳聚糖赖氨酸衍生物、壳聚糖精氨酸衍生物、壳聚糖组氨酸衍生物、壳聚糖对金黄色葡萄球菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为320、160、320、640μg/mL,对大肠杆菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)分别为320、320、320、640μg/mL,三种壳聚糖氨基酸衍生物的抑菌活性均明显高于未修饰壳聚糖。通过引入碱性氨基酸增加壳聚糖的正电荷有利于提高其抑菌活性。  相似文献   
白色霞水母蛋白抗氧化活性的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过羟自由基清除作用、超氧自由基清除作用、还原能力和金属螯合能力等抗氧化活性实验,测定了白色霞水母蛋白的抗氧化活性。实验结果表明:白色霞水母蛋白具有较高的清除羟自由基的能力,蛋白质量浓度为41μg/mL时,清除率可达到85%;白色霞水母蛋白对超氧阴离子的清除作用较弱,蛋白质量浓度为77.7μg/mL时,清除率〈50%;白色霞水母蛋白有较强的还原能力,但没有螯合能力;白色霞水母蛋白的抗氧化活性受温度影响不大,且巯基含量不是影响抗氧化活性的主要因素。  相似文献   
水母毒素蛋白凝聚现象的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过测定水母毒素的凝聚速度,来初步研究水母毒素蛋白的凝聚现象,这为水母毒素蛋白的提取利用及研究毒素蛋白的结构、稳定性、生物活性等提供重要参考依据.实验结果表明,在0.01mol/L,pH 6的磷酸缓冲溶液中,0.003mol/L的Vc、EDTA、苯甲酸均能降低水母毒素蛋白的凝聚速度;蔗糖对水母毒素的抗凝聚现象不明显.  相似文献   
甲壳质及壳聚糖的硫酸酯化反应是其化学修饰中最吸引人的研究内容之一。由于它们与肝素有相似骨架, 经硫酸酯化,引入-NHSO3H, - CH2OSO3H - OSO3H, COOH,-CH2COOH基团后得到甲壳质(壳聚糖)类肝素药物,显示出抗栓、抗凝血性能(李鹏程等,1998;曾宪放等,1992;Proeyanat et al.,2002);如Muzzarelli(1985)早已预见并证实其抗凝血活性;莫斯科血液研究中心病理药理系止血组的研究人员也证明了壳聚糖硫酸酯具有抗凝血活性,他们将肝素与壳聚糖硫酸酯以1∶1的比例给家兔静脉注射各0.5mg/kg,与单纯用肝素1mg/kg对照组比较,其抗凝血效应基本接近,但对照组有出血副作用,而试验组无副作用,可以证明壳聚糖硫酸酯具有既抗凝血又止血的双重调节作用;Tokura等(1994)证实分子质量大小和脱乙酰度不同对磺化产物的抗凝血活力有影响,样品分子质量26000 Da的活性最高,脱乙酰度70%比45%的抗凝血活性更强,脱乙酰度为95%的壳聚糖磺化后抗凝血活性最弱。在中国这方面的研究相对较少,特别是分子中含硫的多寡对生物活性的影响还未见报道。本文作者就壳聚糖的磺化产物对大鼠抗栓、抗凝血进行了研究,表明壳聚糖硫酸酯具有一定的抗栓、抗凝血效果,且具有一定的量效关系,这对今后该方面的进一步研究提供了科学理论依据。  相似文献   
Cyanea nozakii Kishinouy e (C. nozakii), a giant cnidarian of the class Scyphomedusae, order Semaeostomeae and family Cyaneidae, is widely distributed in the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea, and is abundant from late summer to early autumn. Venom produced by C. nozakii during mass agglomerations can contaminate seawater resulting in death of the halobios and seriously damage commercial fisheries. Swimmers and fishermen commonly suff er painful stings from this jellyfish, resulting in local edema, tingling, breathing difficulties, depressed blood pressure and even death. Such effects arise from the complex mixture of biologically active molecules that make up jellyfish venom. In the present study, the hemolytic activity of venom from tentacles of C. nozakii and factors aff ecting its activity were assayed. The HU50 ( defined as the amount of protein required to lyse 50 % of erythrocytes) of the venom against dove and chicken erythrocytes was 34 and 59 μg/mL, respectively. Carboxylmethyl chitosan and glycerol could increase hemolytic activity at concentrations greater than 0.06% and 0.2 mol/L, respectively.  相似文献   
Heparin has been used as an anticoagulant drug for many years, but it has significant side ef fects. In the search for good substitutes, low molecular weight(MW) polysaccharides from S argassum fusiforme have been examined and confi rmed to possess biological activities. Here, S. fusiforme polysaccharides(SFP) were extracted and subjected to a hydrogen peroxide(H_2O_2) oxidation method for the preparation of low-MW SFP(LSFP). The effects of temperature, pH, and H_2O_2 concentration on the degradation process were also examined. Several LSFP of 36, 9, 5.7, and 2.7 kDa were obtained under different conditions, and their anticoagulant activities studied in vitro. The results showed that SFP and LSFP prolonged activated partial thromboplastin(APTT), prothrombin(PT) and thrombin times(TT) significantly, indicating that these low MW polysaccharides possessed anticoagulant activity in the intrinsic, extrinsic, and common coagulation pathways. As these ef fects were related to the MW of the polysaccharides in APTT and TT but not in PT, the contents of the monosaccharide fucose and sulfate and the polysaccharide MW could have exerted combined ef fects. The details of this mechanism require further verifi cation.  相似文献   
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