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建设功能齐全、能够服务于海洋探测技术的公共研发平台是推动我国海洋科学研究、海洋技术装备研发和成果转化的重要支撑。基于此,当前国家深海基地管理中心已开展集装备研发制造、性能测试、规范化海试、技术咨询与培训等功能一体化的深海技术装备公共研发平台的建设工作。本研究以深海技术装备公共研发平台为例,介绍平台在硬件设施建设的基本情况,阐述了平台运行管理制度的建设情况,论述了平台建设过程中的经验和不足之处,以期为其他公共研发平台的建设工作提供有益借鉴和经验。  相似文献   
在南黄海某一典型的砂质海底区域,采用全向性声源和全向性接收水听器开展了频率范围为6-24 kHz的海底反向声散射测量。测量结果表明,在避免海面散射干扰并满足远场条件的情况下,本次实验获得了掠射角范围为18~80°的海底反向声散射强度,其数值为-41.1~24.4 dB。在有效掠射角范围内,声散射强度总体上随掠射角的增大呈现出增大趋势,但对于不同的频率,其变化趋势有所不同,反映出不同的散射机理。在20°、40°和60°掠射角处,在6-24 kHz的频率范围内反向声散射强度总体上呈现出正相关的频率依赖性,其线性相关斜率分别为0.2229 dB/kHz、0.5130 dB/kHz、0.1746 dB/kHz。在最大掠射角80°处,反向声散射强度未呈现出明显的频率相关性。  相似文献   
经验模态分解是目前分解非线性非平稳信号的有效方法,但其在应用时存在容易导致信号分解失真的端点效应问题。通过对现有的压制方法所存在的不足进行改进,提出了基于灰度预测的变长度经验模态分解方法,在端点处向外对称延拓一部分原始信号使其变成新的信号,进而利用基于灰度预测的经验模态分解方法计算固有模态函数。每得到一个固有模态函数之后,在两端切掉一定长度的序列,即预测不准确序列,从而避免因该序列被代入下一个固有模态函数的求解而导致中间信号被污染;随后利用正弦叠加信号和非线性非平稳信号等仿真数据进行分解实验。实验结果表明:无论是正弦叠加信号还是非线性非平稳信号,基于灰度预测的变长度经验模态分解方法的计算结果误差均小于常规经验模态分解和基于灰度预测的经验模态分解方法,同时对端点处相位信息的处理也更准确。  相似文献   
随着7 000米级深海载人潜水器"蛟龙"号试验性应用阶段的圆满收官,以及4 500米级深海载人潜水器"深海勇士"号的交付使用,我国在载人深潜方面积累了大量的技术创新和实践经验。为加强东亚国家在载人深潜方面的国际合作与交流,发挥地缘优势,形成合力,缩短与欧美发达国家在该领域的差距,文章提出了依托国家深海基地建立东亚载人深潜国际合作与交流中心,开展东亚载人深潜科学考察与深潜技术应用机构调研和互访,举办东亚载人深潜合作与交流峰会,构建科学、高效、稳定的合作与交流运行机制,打造特色鲜明的东亚载人深潜国际合作与交流平台的构想,为促进东亚地区载人深潜技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
海底声散射特性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海底是水下声场的重要边界,其声散射特性对水下声场空间结构及分布规律具有至关重要的影响。对目前国际上海底声散射特性研究方面的进展进行了系统的分析和总结,从海底声散射测量技术、海底声散射特性及机理、海底声散射预测模型3个方面进行了论述,并提出了未来研究的方向、研究重点与难点。该工作对于充分了解和认识海底声散射研究的目前现状和未来发展趋势具有很好的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
一种分层海底反向散射模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to predict the bottom backscattering strength more accurately, the stratified structure of the seafloor is considered. The seafloor is viewed as an elastic half-space basement covered by a fluid sediment layer with finite thickness. On the basis of calculating acoustic field in the water, the sediment layer, and the basement, four kinds of scattering mechanisms are taken into account, including roughness scattering from the water-sediment interface, volume scattering from the sediment layer, roughness scattering from the sediment-basement interface,and volume scattering from the basement. Then a backscattering model for a stratified seafloor applying to low frequency(0.1–10 kHz) is established. The simulation results show that the roughness scattering from the sediment-basement interface and the volume scattering from the basement are more prominent at relative low frequency(below 1.0 kHz). While with the increase of the frequency, the contribution of them to total bottom scattering gradually becomes weak. And the results ultimately approach to the predictions of the high-frequency(10–100 kHz) bottom scattering model. When the sound speed and attenuation of the shear wave in the basement gradually decrease, the prediction of the model tends to that of the full fluid model, which validates the backscattering model for the stratified seafloor in another aspect.  相似文献   
实际地下储层是含流体的双相介质,常规的弹性波叠前逆时偏移多基于单相介质理论,不能充分考虑地层中的双相介质对地震波场的影响。为研究双相介质中地震波传播对逆时偏移结果的影响,基于Biot的双相介质理论实现了一阶速度-应力双相介质方程的逆时偏移,并基于CUDA实现了双相介质方程逆时偏移的GPU加速。模型实验结果表明,在含流体的双相介质中,双相介质方程逆时偏移的结果比弹性波方程和声波方程的结果更接近真实的构造形态,同时与基于CPU的双相介质逆时偏移相比,基于GPU的逆时偏移可达到27倍的加速比。因此基于GPU加速的双相介质逆时偏移不仅能够实现对双相介质地层的精确偏移成像,而且能够有效提高逆时偏移的计算效率。  相似文献   
Sea-surface acoustic backscattering measurements at moderate to high frequencies were performed in the shallow water of the south Yellow Sea, using omnidirectional spherical sources and omnidirectional hydrophones. Sea-surface backscattering data for frequencies in the 6–25 k Hz range and wind speeds of(3.0±0.5)and(4.5±1.0) m/s were obtained from two adjacent experimental sites, respectively. Computation of sea-surface backscattering strength using bistatic transducer is described. Finally, we calculated sea-surface backscattering strengths at grazing angles in the range of 16°–85°. We find that the measured backscattering strengths agree reasonably well with those predicted by using second order small-roughness perturbation approximation method with "PM" roughness spectrum for all frequencies at grazing angles ranged from 40° to 80°. The backscattering strengths varied slightly at grazing angles of 16°–40°, and were much stronger than roughness scattering. It is speculated that scattering from bubbles dominates the backscattering strengths at high wind speeds and small grazing angles. At the same frequencies and moderate to high grazing angles, the results show that the backscattering strengths at a wind speed of(4.5±1.0) m/s were approximately 5 d B higher than those at a wind speed of(3.0±0.5) m/s. However, the discrepancies of backscattering strength at low grazing angles were more than 10 d B. Furthermore the backscattering strengths exhibited no significant frequency dependence at 3 m/s wind speed. At a wind speed of 4.5 m/s, the scattering strengths increased at low grazing angles but decreased at high grazing angles with increasing grazing angle.  相似文献   
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