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日本沼虾染色体及其核型的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
于1992年3月在上海青县采集日本沼虾,以改进的空气干燥法研究精巢细胞染色体及核型,特别较详细地研究了减数分裂前期I染色体的行为。结果表明,日本沼虾染色体数n=53,2n=104,共分为A,B,C,D4个染色体组;核型组成是N=37M+4ST+11T;初级精母细胞减数分裂前期I可分为细线期/偶线期,粗线期、双线期和终变期5个时期,双线期的二价体存在弥散阶段,减数分裂的同步率高,大多处于双线期,且双  相似文献   
不同培养条件下多刺裸腹溞的生殖和种群增长参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
于 1996年在实验室对多刺探腹溞(Mbina macrocopa)种群的增长率及相关生态学参数进行了研究.结果表明,3个温度梯度(24、28和32℃)和3个面包酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisi-ae)密度(0.25、2 5和25 x 10_6cell.mL~(-1)下,以28℃时内禀增长力(r_m)最高;28℃时,面包酵母的投喂密度为25×10_6cell.mL_(-1)时,其r_m最大.温度28℃,面包酵母密度为25×10_6cell.mL~(-1)时,该溞的繁殖前期最短,繁殖期和寿命均最长,并且怀卵量(每窝产仔数)最大.该溞的种群密度和瞬时增长率分别在接种后第7d和第3-4d达高峰.该搔批量培养时采收时间以第5d为宜.  相似文献   
中国卤虫种群α—淀粉酶同工酶的基因表达特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳法,对中国卤虫种群中20个品系的α-淀粉酶(α-AMY)同工酶基因的表达特征进行了分析。实验结果显示:Artemiasinica和A.parthenogenetica各自有其独特的酶谱和基因型,A.sinica的主要基因型为:0/ab/bb和ab/ab/ab,而A.parthenogenetica的主要基因型为0/bb/ab和0/bb/bb,这可以作为区分两个种的重要生化指标;各品系间、品系内存在多态现象,并且平均杂合度值较高,与卤虫为了更好地适应不良的生活环境而积累大量有利基因和变异有关;从遗传距离和遗传相似系数可知A.sinica和A.parthenogenetica有共同的祖先,两者分化时间大约在距今576万年至100万年左右。  相似文献   

Ⅱ.温度和体重对能量收支的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

于1993年3-5月对采自上海市的日本沼虾的能量收支进行研究。结果表明,其日摄入能量主要受水温和体重影响,它们的关系式为:C=26.7W^0.389e^0.16T;在蜕壳间期,其摄食遥蚊幼虫时摄入能量有6.2%以粪便排掉,37.0%被用于生长,1.4%作为氨和尿素被排泄,其余55.4%被呼吸代谢;随水温提高其摄入能量中用于生长的比例减小,用于呼吸的比例增加。  相似文献   
中华绒螯蟹精子的研究——Ⅰ.精子的形态及超微结构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中华绒螯蟹的精子属无鞭毛精子。扫描电镜观察表明,这类精子呈不规则扁球形,前端有一光滑的圆面,圆面四周是凹陷的沟环,沟环后的精子表面凹凸不平,并伸出约20条辐射臂。透射电镜揭示了这类精子是由球形的顶体、杯状的核杯及辐射臂所组成,其中顶体形态较为复杂,包含多种亚显微结构。细胞化学反应证明了核杯为Feulgen阳性,顶体为PAS阳性。  相似文献   
作者提出镉对中华绒螯蟹肝胰脏R—细胞亚显微结构和血清谷丙转氨酶活力影响。在亚显微结构水平上,R—细胞中,受影响变化最明显的是线粒体;线粒体体积和其内膜嵴的破坏程度与介质镉浓度成显著的正相关关系;随镉浓度的升高,细胞器减少,内质网膨胀,细胞质和线粒体基质变稀薄。SGPT活力也随镉浓度升高而显著增大,并与R—细胞亚显微结构变化程度一致。本文还就处于不同镉浓度下的标本,与生理机能相联系的R—细胞形态变化的意义、R-细胞线粒体亚显微结构变化与SGPT活力变化的关系及SGPT活性变化的特点等进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
Monthly investigatiom were made on the population of Chinese freshwater crab, Sinopotamon yangteskiense Bott, 1967 from April, 1984 to Match, 1985. The data on 4413 specimens show that the growth was affected mainly by temperature. During the April to November growth period, the crabs' major development occured from June through October. One year was required for a fine white oocyte to develop into a mature egg. The reproduction period was June-October. Females bearing eggs were taken from June-August, and crabs with young were found from July-October. The females reproduced once a year but could for more than one year. The number of eggs carried by a female varied greatly according to the size of the crab, ranging from 30 to 100 eggs. New-bom crabs become mature after 1-2 yeats. The sex ratio was approximately 1:1 in the overall population. However, the larger crabs are predominantly male. The age distribution of S. yangtsekinese was estimated from size frequency histograms. There were more adult crabs  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheimportantenvironmentalfactorsaffectinggrowthanddevelopmentofEriocheirsinensislar vaearesalinityandwatertemperature.DifferentgrowthanddevelopmentstagesofEriocheirsinensisrequiredifferenttemperatureandsalinity (IngleandAndrews,1 976) .Ca2 +conte…  相似文献   
With increasing demand in China for the mitten crab larvae, understanding its survival mechanism gets more important. This research focused on the effects of temperature and Ca^2 on the larval growth and development. Eriocheir sinensis larvae were reared in laboratory under 21 different combinations of temperature (15, 20, 25℃) and Ca^2 content (120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180mg/l) and constant salinity (20) and pH (8), The results suggested that the survival rate increases with temperature and Ca^2 content. These combinations of temperature and Ca2 content maximized survival rate inour study and it may be the optimum water environmental conditions for culturing the larvae. To predict surviving larvae number under different water environmental conditions, 21 dynamic mathematical models were developed. This for the first time observation of the zoeal Ⅵ larvae of the Changjiang River E.sinensis population showed that they occurred under stressed water environmental conditions: temperature of 15℃ and Ca^2 content of 120,130mg/l.  相似文献   
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