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青岛沿海地区20,000年以来的古地理环境演变   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文通过微体古生物和孢粉分析,岩相古地理研究和海岸地貌调查资料,探讨了青岛沿海地区20,000年以来的海陆变迁和古植被古气候的演变规律。在距今12,000—11,000年前,由于气候转暖,全新世陆架海侵使晚更新世末期的平原和盆地变成浅海和海湾。8000—5000年前出现高海面,5m等高线构成全新世海侵最大范围的古海岸线。自3500年以来,气温降低,海面逐渐下降至现代海岸线附近。  相似文献   
浙江宁波地区第四纪自然环境变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第四纪自然环境的变迁,作为地球环境演変过程的最新一幕,对人类的生存和发展有着重要的意义。近年来,我们对中国东部沿海地区第四纪地质和海岸演化进行了研究,通过沉积物中孢粉和微体古生物等资料,对古气候及植被变化、海陆变迁等自然环境演变问题作了初步分析。宁波地区的研究是其中的一部分。 宁波滨海平原,地处东海之滨、杭州湾南岸,三面环山,一面临海,面积仅850平方公里。本区的第四纪地质调查主要是由浙江省地质局等有关单位进行的。我们利用浙江省地质局第六地质大队提供的钻探岩芯祥品,作了孢粉、微体古生物、软体动物化石分析,并委托中国科学院地球化学研究所C14实验室,作了部分样品的测年。本文总结已获得的资料,提出宁波地区第四纪自然环境演变的初步认识。  相似文献   
莱州湾南岸海水入侵类型及其分区   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
渤海莱州湾南岸,是我国海水入侵灾害最严重的岸段。依据入侵物源可将广义海水侵划分为两种基本类型:来源于现代海水的狭义海水入侵和物源于浅层第四沉积层中古海水的地下咸水入侵,它们的成因,机理和危害差异明显;地下卤水入侵是一种特殊类型,造灾程度最高。海岸地貌和第四纪水文地质环境,是控制海水入侵类型区划的主导因素。莱州湾南岸不同岸段海岸环境差异,形成了海水入侵区,地下咸水入侵区和海、咸水混合入侵区3种类型区  相似文献   
本文提出“生物环境容忍带”概念,讨论生物对气候环境的适应性和一定条件下的容忍性,以此为据,论证了中国东部沿海23000年以来的生物气候界线、冰缘外围环境和气候环境变迁轮廓。  相似文献   
ImODUcrIONGroundwaterwthAnneralimtionofmorethan5OgA(about5"Be')"iscalledunder-groundbrine.ltbelongstoevaporationoredepositinliquidstateandisantwortantrnaterialsourceforsaltonkingandthechewhcalindustry.QuatemarylittoralfadesundergroundbrinewasstoredinthelittoralsoneandhadtwobasictypesofgenesisenvironmentflittoralplaincoastenvironmentcharacterindbythecoastalongLaichouBay,andembayedcoastenvironmentcharaCterindbythecoastalzoneofQingdao.TheauthorresearchedthebrineintheLaizhoubaycoastareainthe…  相似文献   
Quaternary underground brine in the littoral plain region of the Bohai coast is new type littoral facies evaporation ore deposit in liquid state . This model of " littorally- forming brine " is based on study of the distribution, depositional environment, forming / storing process, and genesis of underground brine in the coast of Laizhou Bay . Essential conditions for genesis of brine are arid and semiarid climate , abundant sources of ancient seawater, and geological and geomorphological environment of wide tidal beach along a coast. The process of underground brine genesis may be : seawater/tidal beach-evaporation and concentration-seeping and accumulation- brine/tidal beach - burial (evolution of the sea- land )- underground brine .Underground brine is characterized by high content of chemical elements, shallow burial depth and easy exploitation . The process of extracting salt from underground brine present in the tidal flat is incomparably superior to that of producing salt from seawater, and has b  相似文献   
太湖平原第四纪古地理环境演变若干问题的讨论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
太湖平原第四纪沉积可划分出两个海相层及海陆过渡相及湖相、河湖相.其第四纪古地理环境演变大致经历六个阶段:更新世中期古太湖发育阶段、晚更新世中期的太湖湾发育阶段、晚更新世末期“江南湖泊群”发育阶段、全新世中期的太湖湾发展阶段、全新世后期湖泊—泻湖交替演化阶段和现代太湖发育阶段.就目前资料看长江对太湖平原的影响可能仅限于全新世后期.  相似文献   
Relevant geological, geographical, archaeological data were collected to study the characteristics of middle Holocene warm period and sea level high on North China coast. Middle Holocene climate and sea level change on North China coast were correlated to warm marine environment events in about 8-3 ka B.E The sea level in about 8 ka B.E was higher than present mean sea level, then fluctuated for 5 000 years and after that it became even in 3 ka B.E The highest sea level occurred in about 6-5 ka B.E; the maximum was about 2-3 m and minimum was about 1-2 m.  相似文献   
Based on the authors‘ 1986 to 1994 sporo-pollen assemblage analysis in the southern Yellow Sea area, data from 3 main cores were studied in combination with ^14C, palaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence data. The evolution of the paleoclimate environments in the southern Yellow Sea since 15ka B.P. was revealed that, in deglaciation of the last glacial period, the climate of late glaciation transformed into that of postglaciation, accompanied by a series of violent climate fluctuations. These evolution events happened in a global climate background and related to the geographic changes in eastern China. We distinguished three short-term cooling events and two warming events. Among them, the sporo-pollen assemblage of subzone A1 showed some cold climate features indicating that a cooling event occurred at about 15 - 14ka. B .P. in early deglaciation. This subzone corresponds to the Oldest Dryas. In subzone A3 , many drought-enduring herbal pollens and some few pollens of cold-resistant Picea, Abies, etc. were found, which indicated that a cooling event, with cold and arid climate, occurred at about 12- 11ka. B.P. in late deglaciation. This subzone corresponds to the Younger Dryas. The sporo-pollen assemblage of zone B showed warm and arid climate features in postglaciation. Although the assemblage of subzone B2 indicated a cold and arid climate environment, the development of flora in subzone B2 climate was less cold than that in A3 . Subzone B2 indicated a cooling event which occurred at about 9ka B.P. in early Holocene. Subzone A2, with some distinct differences from subzone A1 and A3 , indicated a warming event which occurred at 14 - 13ka. B.P. and should correspond to a warming fluctuation. The sporo-pollen assemblage of zone C showed features of warm-moist flora and climate, and indicated a warming event which universally occurred along the coast of eastern China at 8 - 3ka B.P. in middle Holocene, and its duration was longer than that of any climate events mentioned above. This period was climatic optimum and belonged to an altithermal period in postglaciation.  相似文献   
2—1.5万年前的低温期,平均气温比现代低8—10℃左右,海面最低时为现代海面的-130米;距今1.2—1.1万年气候开始回暖,全新世中期(8000—3000年前)为高温期,平均气温比现代高2—3℃,海面较现代高出2—3米。指出:对未来气候与环境变化的研究,要辅以过去一定时段气候——海面——环境变化史及其规律的研究。  相似文献   
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