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水下滑翔机器人运动分析与载体设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型水下机器人,具有噪声低、航行距离远、续航时间长、成本低等特点。分析了水下滑翔机器人的驱动机理和运动实现,给出了水下滑翔机器人典型运动的仿真结果,并以正在设计的一水下滑翔机试验样机为研究对象,描述了样机的整体结构布局,详细研究了浮力调节机构、俯仰调节机构和横滚调节机构的实现方法,并就样机中各执行机构的设计实现进行了论述。  相似文献   
This paper presents a computational model of simulating a deep-sea hydrothermal plume based on a Lagrangian particle random walk algorithm. This model achieves the efficient process to calculate a numerical plume developed in a fluid-advected environment with the characteristics such as significant filament intermittency and significant plume meander due to flow variation with both time and location. Especially, this model addresses both non-buoyant and buoyant features of a deep-sea hydrothermal plume in three dimensions, which significantly challenge a strategy for tracing the deep-sea hydrothermal plume and localizing its source. This paper also systematically discusses stochastic initial and boundary conditions that are critical to generate a proper numerical plume. The developed model is a powerful tool to evaluate and optimize strategies for the tracking of a deep-sea hydrothermal plume via an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).  相似文献   
深海在黑暗、高静水压、低温(黑烟囱等热液系统除外)和寡营养的极端环境下形成了特殊的生境。对深海生物/微生物的研究,不仅可以揭示各种深海生物的生理代谢特性和动态变化规律,而且有助于深海生物资源的开发利用,特别是深海微生物碳循环机制的相关研究可为全球实现碳中和目标提供新的路线图。研究深海生物的首要条件是获得大量保持原位特性的样本,然而传统深海采样手段的局限可能导致深海相关研究结果无法反映深海环境下真实的生命过程,亟需发展满足深海生物原位研究的采样方法和生态监测技术。本文对深海生物研究现状,相关科学问题和原位组学研究进展,以及原位生态监测装备研发和应用进行综述,并对深海原位生物实验室进行了展望。  相似文献   
南海拥有丰富的渔业资源,其中南海中南部大洋性、上升流区域更是具有很大的开发潜力和商业价值.西沙群岛位于南海中部,是我国海南省三沙市的重要组成部分之一.西沙群岛及其附近海域气候条件优越,拥有丰富的海洋渔业、海洋植被和油气矿藏等海洋资源,其中又以渔业资源的开发潜力最大.在南海问题近年来显著升温的背景下,通过推动加大南海特别是西沙海域的渔业资源开发力度,妥善处理南海争议、更好地维护我国南海主权权益,具有重要的现实意义和深远影响.  相似文献   
自治水下机器人机械手系统协调运动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单描述了自治水下机器人搭载的三功能水下电动机械手的设计,鉴于自治水下机器人-机械手系统运动学冗余、内部可能干涉以及载体圆筒式外形等特点,将惩罚调节因子引入系统运动学伪逆矩阵,保证了关节在允许范围内运动,避免载体大幅度姿态变化及载体与机械手之间的干涉,同时采用梯度投影法优化海流作用下的系统推力。仿真表明,该算法在解决系统冗余度的同时,有效地协调多任务下的系统动作。  相似文献   
水下机器人主动升沉补偿系统研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍一种基于水下机器人常规液压收放绞车的主动升沉补偿系统,利用加速度传感器获得母船的升沉运动信号,控制绞车的运转来降低母船的升沉运动对水下机器人的影响。通过理论计算建立主动升沉补偿系统的数学模型,仿真分析绞车运动对水下机器人升沉运动的补偿效果,并利用主动升沉补偿系统实验台验证基于常规液压收放绞车的主动升沉补偿方案的可行性。  相似文献   
为预测复杂海底环境下的小型履带式机器人转向运动性能,运用履带与土壤之间的剪切应力-剪切位移关系,考虑履带滑转以及转向离心力因素,并将水中浮力和水阻力参数引入构建履带式机器人深海底质土壤环境下的稳态转向动力学模型。将海底土壤参数、机器人结构参数代入动力学模型迭代求解,分析得到影响海底履带式机器人运动性能的因素。以一款深海小型履带式机器人为研究对象,在动力学仿真软件Recurdyn中构建动力学模型,通过动力学仿真得到的数据与理论计算数据具有较高的一致性,最后通过水池试验对比验证了动力学仿真的正确性。本文提出的稳态动力学模型可以作为海底履带式机器人不同机械结构参数、土壤条件下通过性预测的理论依据。  相似文献   
本文首先介绍了当前极地科学考察的背景与技术现状,重点阐述了水下机器人在极地科学考察中的作用及其应用的必要性。其次调查了国内外水下机器人在极地考察中的研究和应用现状,描述了我国研制的“海极”号水下机器人在“中国第二次北极科学考察”中的作业情况,对极地考察水下机器人的未来发展趋势做了分析。最后,本文针对极地环境和极地科学考察的需求,对极地考察水下机器人的一些关键技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Development and experiments of the Sea-Wing underwater glider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Underwater gliders,which glide through water columns by use of a pair of wings,are efficient long-distance,long-duration marine environment observatory platforms.The Sea-Wing underwater glider,developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation,CAS,is designed for the application of deep-sea environment variables observation.The system components,the mechanical design,and the control system design of the Sea-Wing underwater glider are described in this paper.The pitch and roll adjusting models are derived based on the mechanical design,and the adjusting capabilities for the pitch and roll are analyzed according to the models.Field experiments have been carried out for validating the gliding motion and the ability of measuring ocean environment variables.Experimental results of the motion performances of the glider are presented.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a geometrically exact formulation for three-dimensional static and dynamic analyses of the umbilical cable in a deep-sea remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system. The presented formulation takes account of the geometric nonlinearities of large displacement, effects of axial load and bending stiffness for modeling of slack cables. The resulting nonlinear second-order governing equations are discretized spatially by the finite element method and solved temporally by the generalized- implicit time integration algorithm, which is adapted to the case of varying coefficient matrices. The ability to consider three-dimensional union action of ocean current and ship heave motion upon the umbilical cable is the key feature of this analysis. The presented formulation is firstly validated, and then three numerical examples for the umbilical cable in a deep-sea ROV system are demonstrated and discussed, including the steady configurations only under the action of depth-dependent ocean current, the dynamic responses in the case of the only ship heave motion, and in the case of the combined action of the ship heave motion and ocean current.  相似文献   
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