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深水海洋平台的现场原型监测是对其最直接的研究方法和安全保障措施,是我国深水油气开发研究中的必要技术。为了改变我国缺乏南海半潜式浮体实测经验的现状,为半潜式浮体设计与安全保障提供实测数据支持,在南海LH11-1油田"南海挑战号"半潜式平台上进行了台风期的原型测量工作。原型测量工作采用针对南海浮式平台应用所研发的原型测量系统,对平台工作海域的环境参数、平台姿态以及水下系泊和立管系统进行了监测,获得了跨台风期中大量的实测数据,最终对所获得的数据进行了初步的分析。分析结果显示原型测量系统在海洋平台上使用具有很高的稳定性,捕获了台风期中所有过境平台的台风数据,获得的数据能够为平台性能评价和新平台设计提供第一手资料。  相似文献   
桶形基础平台海上沉放安装   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
桶形基础平台是世界上一种最新型的海洋平台,可广泛应用于海上油气田开发。为满足我国际油气田开发中卫星平台的结构和功能要求,桶形基础平台采用新的压载沉放方法安装,具有更高的效率和经济性。沉放过程中桶形基础平台受到水流和波浪的作用,结合模型试验对平台运动进行数值模拟分析,以了解在整个沉放过程中相应参数的变化趋势。根据桶形基础平台的特征,制定联台沉放方案,并通过压载实现平台的沉放控制。  相似文献   
The target reliability index has been effectively used as the best solution to deal with the relationship between the structural safety and the optimal economy in any structural design.However,the target reliability index for offshore jacket platforms based on different sea areas in China has never been calibrated.This paper presents an approach for its calibration,and suggests many kinds of associated load cases.The uncertainties of loads and structural resistance are mainly investigated.The target reliability index for structural components,tubular joints and piles of offshore jacket platforms are discussed respectively in detail.Finally,through the calibrated results from the offshore jacket platforms of QK18-1,JZ20-2,SZ36-1 and BZ28-1 in the Bohai Bay,it is proposed to adopt 2.8 as the target reliability index of offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay for a 25-year design period.The results provide significant reference for the design of offshore jacket platforms.  相似文献   
深水海洋平台的现场监测是对平台性能的直接评估,对保障平台安全,改进平台设计方法等具有重要意义。介绍在南海LH11-1平台上开展的现场监测工作,内容包括海洋环境、平台运动以及系泊系统测量。对平台在洛坦台风中的运动响应进行了测量结果与分析结果的比较分析。结果表明数值分析结果与测量结果部分吻合,但仍有差异,测量结果的波频分量大于计算结果,但计算的精度在可接受的范围内。  相似文献   
For the fulfillment of the probability-based structural design for the offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay, the design factors of loads, resistance and load combinations are much necessary to be calibrated according to the proposed target reliability index. Firstly, the limit states function for the offshore jacket platforms is introduced. Then, four approaches to calibrate the factors of load and resistance are presented and compared. Afterwards, the methods to calibrate the load combination factors...  相似文献   
颗粒级配和结构对粉砂力学性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王淑云  鲁晓兵  时忠民 《岩土力学》2005,26(7):1029-1032
分析了几组原状、重塑和配制土样的静三轴试验结果,认为颗粒级配和结构性是影响粉砂应力.应变关系和强度特性的两个主要因素。当颗粒级配不同时,结构性原状粉砂土样和不具有结构性的配制土的强度均不同。相同颗粒级配的原状和重塑粉砂的强度也不同。而颗粒级配稍有不同的一种配制粉砂与原状粉砂在应力.应变关系和强度特性方面相接近。此种配制粉砂可替代原状粉砂做为模型试验用土。  相似文献   
砂土地基中吸力式沉箱的极限沉贯深度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴梦喜  赵京  时忠民 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1779-1783
吸力式沉箱是广泛应用于离岸结构物中的新型基础形式,贯入分析方法的研究是很重要的课题。分析了砂性土地基吸力贯入过程中的渗流状况,得出了筒内壁的压降比率与贯入深径比的关系公式,分析评估了抽吸作用对筒内壁压降比率的影响,提出了砂土地基中吸力贯入阻力和地基极限吸力的简便计算方法,给出了砂土地基中极限贯入深径比的计算公式,分析了各种砂土地基中的吸力贯入极限深径比。不计筒体自重和抽吸效应影响时,这一比值介于2.1~2.5之间。  相似文献   
对垂向动载荷作用下吸力式桶形基础(简称桶基)响应进行离心机实验模拟.结果表明,在垂向动载荷作用下,当载荷幅值超过一定值时,桶基周围砂土软化甚至液化,发生明显的沉降.桶基周围土体的沉降随着载荷幅值的增加而增加.由于液化区的滤波和对动载的衰减作用,发生沉降的范围有限,离桶壁约一倍桶高距离.超孔隙水压从桶基边沿水平向逐渐衰减,从土面开始往下逐渐衰减到零.桶基周围砂土完全液化的厚度随载荷幅值的增加而增加,最大值约为桶高的40%.  相似文献   
The target reliability index has been effectively used as the best solution to deal with the relationship between the structural safety and the optimal economy in any structural design. However, the target reliability index for off-shore jacket platforms based on different sea areas in China has never been calibrated. This paper presents an approach for its calibration, and suggests many kinds of associated load cases. The uncertainties of loads and structural resistance are mainly investigated. The target reliability index for structural components, tubular joints and piles of offshore jacket platforms are discussed respectively in detail. Finally, through the calibrated results from the offshore jacket platforms of QK18-1, JZ20-2, SZ36-1 and BZ28-1 in the Bohai Bay, it is proposed to adopt 2.8 as the target reliability index of offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay for a 25-year design period. The results provide significant reference for the design of offshore jacket platforms.  相似文献   
For the fulfillment of the probability-based structural design for the offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay, the design factors of loads, resistance and load combinations are much necessary to be calibrated according to the proposed target reliability index. Firstly, the limit states function for the offshore jacket platforms is introduced. Then, four approaches to calibrate the factors of load and resistance are presented and compared. Afterwards, the methods to calibrate the load combination factors are developed. Finally, the factors of load, resistance and load combination for the offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay are calibrated and the corresponding design formulae are recommended. The results are proved to be rational in practice, and also illustrate that the proposed target reliability index for offshore jacket platforms in the Bohai Bay is also appropriate.  相似文献   
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