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通过对溢油在深海环境中的输移过程及行为特点的分析,初步建立基于拉格朗日积分法的深海溢油模型.该模型除了能够模拟油气混合物在真实深海环境中的共同输移与分离输移扩散过程,还考虑了石油溶解、气体溶解、天然气水合物形成与分解等行为变化对溢油运动轨迹的影响.应用该模型初步数值模拟了一次实际深海溢油试验,结果表明溢油在水下的空间分...  相似文献   
The phytoplankton reproduction capacity (PRC), as a new concept regarding chlorophyll-a and primary production (PP) is described. PRC is different from PP, carbon assimilation number (CAN) or photosynthetic rate ( P^B ) . PRC quantifies phytoplankton growth with a special consideration of the effect of seawater temperature. Observation data in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China, collected from May 1991 to February 1994 were used to analyze the horizontal distribution and seasonal variation of the PRC in Jiaozhou Bay in order to determine the characteristics, dynamic cycles and trends of phytoplankton growth in Jiaozhou Bay; and to develop a corresponding dynamic model of seawater temperature vs. PRC. Simulation curves showed that seawater temperature has a dual function of limiting and enhancing PRC. PRC‘s periodicity and fluctuation are similar to those of the seawater temperature. Nutrient silicon in Jiaozhou Bay satisfies phytoplankton growth from June 7 to November 3. When nutrients N, P and Si satisfy the phytoplankton growth and solar irradiation is sufficient, the PRC would reflect the influence of seawater temperature on phytoplankton growth. Moreover, the result quantitatively explains the scenario of one-peak or two-peak phytoplankton reproduction in Jiaozhou Bay, and also quantitatively elucidates the internal mechanism of the one- or two-peak phytoplankton reproduction in the global marine areas.  相似文献   
文章分析了胶州湾及邻近海域的生态环境问题,并提出建立胶州湾及邻近海域生态监控区的设想,进一步提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
The trends of distribution, translocation and seasonal change of heavy metal Pb were studied based on the surface and bottom water sampling in Jiaozhou Bay in 1979, and compared with those in 1990's. The results showed that the source of Pb in the bay was from wastewater and sewage in the east of Jiaozhou Bay from ocean vessels. Pb concentration was higher in spring and lower in summer and autumn, and remained stable through sedimentation in the bottom layer. The overall water quality was good in 1970's. Compared with the environmental monitoring data of 1995-1999, Pb pollution had become serious. Therefore, more efforts should be made to protect the bay from Pb pollution.  相似文献   
Jiaozhou Bay data collected from May 1991 to February 1994, in 12 seasonal investigations, and provided the authors by the Ecological Station of Jiaozhou B ay, were analyzed to determine the spatiotemporal variations in temperature, light, nutrients (NO-3-N, NO-2-N, NH+4-N, SiO2-3-Si, PO3-4-P), phytoplankton, and primary production in Jiaozhou Bay. The results indicated that only silicate correlated well in time and space with, and had important effects on, the characteristics, dynamic cycles and trends of, primary production in Jiaozhou Bay. The authors developed a corresponding dynamic model of primary production and silicate and water temperature. Eq.(1) of the model shows that the primary production variation is controlled by the nutrient Si and affected by water temp erature; that the main factor controlling the primary production is Si; that water temper ature affects the composition of the structure of phytoplankton assemblage; that the different populations of the phytoplankton assemblage occupy different ecologica l niches for C, the apparent ratio of conversion of silicate in seawater into phytoplankton biomas and D, the coefficient of water temperature's effect on phytoplankton biomass. The authors researched the silicon source of Jiaozhou Bay , the biogeochemical sediment process of the silicon, the phytoplankton predominan t species and the phytoplankton structure. The authors considered silicate a limit ing factor of primary production in Jiaozhou Bay, whose decreasing concentration of silicate from terrestrial source is supposedly due to dilution by current and up take by phytoplankton; quantified the silicate assimilated by phytoplankton, the intrins ic ratio of conversion of silicon into phytoplankton biomass, the proportion of silicate uptaken by phytoplankton and diluted by current; and found that the primary production of the phytoplankton is determined by the quantity of the silicate assimilated by them. The phenomenon of apparently high plant-nutrient concentrations but low phytoplankton biomass in some waters is reasonably explained in this paper.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONSystematicstudyisusefulforhumanvisualizationandcomprehensionofanetworkofcomplicatedcompo nentsandprocessesinvolvingfrequentenergyflow ,consideringenergyasthebasisofbothstructureandprocess (Automa ,1 993) .Energylanguageisaconceptfordepictingasysteminwhichallphenomenaareac companiedbyenergytransformation .Thefunctionoftheecosystemovertheworlddependsontheenergyfixationbymarineplantphotosynthesis ,mostofthemarefixedbymicrophytoplanktonnearseasurfaceexposedtosunlight (Niebaken …  相似文献   
长江口水域的水系组成和特征的综合研究结果表明,长江、台湾暖流、气旋型涡旋和32°N附近的上升流从东、南、西、北四个方向向长江口水域提供了丰富的磷酸盐,并且均以不同的时间、方式和强度提供磷酸盐。长江口的浅海区南侧有上升流出现,这可由物理海洋、海洋化学和海洋生物调查数据予以证实。这样,展示了整个长江河口区水域磷酸盐的输送过程,为研究长江河口区磷酸盐的分布成因和浮游植物的生长过程提供了科学基础。  相似文献   
本文分析讨论了渤海、黄海、东海北部(29°N以北,127°E以西)海域表面水温季节分布和变化的主要水文学现象及其物理机制。 分析海域表面水温的季节分布和变化,除显示了太阳辐射的变化、海陆分布、海底地形、气候等因素影响的基本特征外,冬半年,尤其是黄海南部和东海北部水温分布形势深受对马暖流、黄海暖流及其延伸部分、台湾暖流余脉和黄海沿岸流等不同示性流系的影响;春、夏期间,黄渤海沿岸(水深特别浅的区域除外)存在着若干强弱不等的冷水域,一般而论,它们应是由动力因素(海流)、气候因素、特定的岸形和底形等诸因素综合作用而造成的底层冷水涌升现象。 基于分析海域表面水温年变化趋势及其主要数值特征,可归结为沿岸型、近海型、黄海中央型、东海北部外海型、黄海暧流型5种变化类型。  相似文献   
围垦滩地饱和粉土地基属于软土地基的一种,其含水量高,渗透性差,强夯加固作用使地基土中的孔隙水压力瞬时升高,且短时间内得不到消散,容易出现“橡皮土”。通过现场试验研究了饱和粉土地基在强夯作用下孔隙水压力的响应规律,确定了两遍强夯之间的间歇时间和强夯的影响深度,以便优化强夯参数,正确指导强夯施工。  相似文献   
应用遗传神经网格方法分析赤潮监测数据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
简要介绍了遗传神经网络方法的原理 ,探讨了应用遗传神经网络方法研究辽东湾海域丹麦细柱藻 (Leptocylindrusdanicus)赤潮与其环境因子之间的关系 ,计算了各环境因子对丹麦细柱藻赤潮的贡献。结果表明 ,温度、盐度、DIN的变化对研究海域丹麦细柱藻种群密度的增长有比较重要的影响 ,DIN是营养限制因子。遗传神经网络是分析赤潮监测数据的有效方法 ,值得进一步探索  相似文献   
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