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地球物理   2篇
  2007年   2篇
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油气勘探需要重新开发玄武岩下目的层的成像技术。我们今天遇到的最重要的问题之一是玄武岩下地震成像。近年来,由于利用长炮检距这个问题部分已经得到解决。然而,由于地表以及玄武岩的内部非均质性引起的复杂波形,近炮检距的资料仍然不能充分地被利用。影响玄武岩下成像的近垂直入射资料对于了解玄武岩层内部结构是十分有用的。对比较均匀的玄武岩目标层可选用转换波。这里我们利用几个合成模型例子重点描述了更接近现实的非均质玄武岩流引起的实际困难。模拟计算了全波地震记录以有助于了解玄武岩内沉积物对地震资料的影响。本文介绍了印度德干圈闭的一个研究实例。首先探讨了夹层沉积物对整个地震成像的影响。其次利用该区声测井资料以反射系数法计算全波场响应与实际地震资料对比, 通过一系列速度-深度剖面探讨了利用模式转换波(顶底玄武岩界面上的P波转化为S波或相反)对印度库奇地区玄武岩下成像的可行性。通过与野外资料相比较证明玄武岩中多个薄层的效应严重恶化我们所要解释和利用的图象的质量。  相似文献   
Hydrocarbon exploration interests have renewed the need for developing new sub basalt imaging techniques. One of the most important problems encountered today is seismic imaging below basalt. In recent years, this problem appears to have been overcome partly by using long offset seismic data. However near offset data are yet to be fully utilised due to the complex waveform caused by the surface as well as internal heterogeneity of the basalts. The near normal incidence data, which influence the sub-basalt imaging, are highly useful to understand the internal structure within a basalt layer. The use of converted waves for such targets has been proposed as an alternative in a rather homogeneous basalt layer. With a few synthetic modelling exercises here we highlight the practical difficulties in dealing with more realistic and heterogeneous basalt flow. Full waveform seismograms are computed to understand the effects of intra-trappean sediments on the seismic data. A case study from the Deccan Traps of India is presented in this paper. First, we discuss the effects of intercalated sediments on the overall seismic image. Later, the sonic log data from the field are used to compute the full wave-field response using the reflectivity method and compared with the field data. The feasibility of using mode converted waves (P to S and vice-versa at the top and bottom basalt interfaces) for sub-basalt imaging in Kutch region is discussed through a series of velocity-depth profiles. By comparing with the field data we demonstrate that the effects of multiple thin layering within the basalt can strongly deteriorate the image we seek to interpret and exploit.  相似文献   
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