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近年来,潢川县以保护耕地总量动态平衡为目标,逐年加大上地整理复垦力度,不断增加耕地面积.提高土地产出率.为农业结构调整、粮食基地建设和基础设施建设构筑保障平台.促进了当地经济的可持续发展。从去年初至今年9月份,全县累计实施土地整理复垦面积3267亩,净增耕地2665亩。  相似文献   
对现行《土地管理法》一些问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现行土地管理法主要内容和优势 一、现行土地管理法的主要内容的研究 1998年修订的新<土地管理法>主要内容包括:(1)保护耕地.保护耕地是我国土地管理法的核心内容,包括:确立了耕地总量动态平衡制度,明确了省级政府保护耕地的责任;确立了耕地占补平衡制度;将基本农田保护制度上升为法律,规定国家实行基本农田保护制度;加强了对建设用地总量和城市建设用地规模的控制,规定下级土地利用总体规划中的建设用地总量不得超过上级土地利用总体规划确定的控制指标;城市建设用地规模应当符合国家规定的标准等.  相似文献   
The optical flash accompanying GRB 990123 is believed to be powered by the reverse shock of a thin shell. With the best-fit physical parameters for GRB 990123 and the assumption that the parameters in the optical flash are the same as in the afterglow, we show that: 1) the shell is thick rather than thin, and we have provided the light curve for the thick shell case which coincides with the observation; 2) the theoretical peak flux of the optical flash accounts for only 3×10~-4 of the observed. In order to remove this discrepancy, the physical parameters, the electron energy and magnetic ratios, εe and εB, should be 0.61 and 0.39, which are very different from their values for the late afterglow.  相似文献   
The narrowness of the distribution of the peak energy of the vFv spectrum of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and the unification of GRB populations are great puzzles yet to be solved. We investigate the two puzzles based on the global spectral behaviors of different GRB populations, the long GRBs, the short GRBs, and the X-ray flashes (XRFs), in the HR - Ep plane (HR the spectral hardness ratio) with BATSE and HETE-2 observations. It is found that the long GRBs and the XRFs observed by HETE-2 seem to follow the same sequence in the HR-Ep plane, with the XRFs at the low end of this sequence. We fit the sequence by a universal Band function, and find that this sequence is mainly defined by the low energy index α, and is insensitive to the high energy index,β. With fixed β=-5, a best fit is given by α=-1.00 with X^2min/dof=2.2. The long and short GRBs observed by BATSE follow significantly different sequences in the HR-Ep plane, with most of the short GRBs having a larger hardness ratio than the long GRBs at a given Ep. For the long GRBs a best-fit yields α=-0.30 and β=-2.05. For the short GRBs, a best fit gives α=-0.60 with x^2min=1.1 (withβfixed at-2.0 because it is numerically unstable). The α value for the short GRBs is significantly greater than that for the long GRBs. These results indicate that the global spectral behaviors of the long GRB sample and the XRF sample are similar, while that of the short GRBs is different. The short GRBs seem to be a unique subclass of GRBs, and they are not the higher energy extension of the long GRBs.  相似文献   
2月20日,国土资源部召开的全国进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序电视电话会议,似二月的春风,给正在勃发的广西土地市场添了一股温润的气息。如何进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序,趋利避害,把好土地市场发展的脉搏,力促广西土地市场朝着健康有序的方向发展?这是目前广大国土资源系统干部职工关注的热点问题,本刊特邀有关领导就这一问题进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   
总投资达7.2亿元的18个外来项目落户温县,但没有新征一分土地.2006年,温县国土资源局严格控制项目建设用地供应总量,盘活存量,整合闲置土地,实行"零征地"招商,有效地破解了工业项目用地瓶颈制约的难题.  相似文献   
秀城区作为嘉兴市的中心城区,有着其比较特殊的情况,她不仅要保障本区内的各项建设事业用地,而且还要担负起市本级一些基础设施和重大建设项目用地.秀城区的土地整理工作与其它县(市、区)相比,起步较晚,具体运作是在2000年5月秀城区行政区划调整、独立运作以后.5年来,秀城区共投资1.915亿元,41个土地整理及标准农田建设项目通过省、市验收,共整理区域面积17.656万亩,建成标准农田14.042万亩,增加有效耕地2.335万亩,获取土地整理指标1.349万亩,在保障社会经济建设用地的同时,实现了耕地总量动态平衡.  相似文献   
2005年,开封市国土资源局认真转变观念,转变职能,转变作风,完善体制,严格管理,积极参与宏观调控,妥善处理保护资源与保障经济发展的关系.积极采取有效措施.为开封城市建设和经济发展提供服务。全年报批国家重点项目用地11805亩;“三项整治”整理土地2514.028公顷;新增耕地而积768.3749公顷,再度实现全年耕地总量动态平衡;经营性土地招拍挂共推出六批18宗,出让土地41.8公顷,成交额1.5亿元,纯收益近1.2亿元.盘活存量土地106.25公顷。超额完成了省厅下达盘活存量土地30%的目标任务。  相似文献   
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