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The late Chadian Foel Formation, previously thought to be confined to the Dyserth area of North Wales, forms a poorly exposed but persistent basal unit to much of the Dinantian crop east of the Clwydian Range, necessitating a revision of the local lithostratigraphy. The formation comprises a peritidal heterolith which, together with the lowest few metres of the overlying Llanarmon Limestone, yields microfossil assemblages diagnostic of the Eoparastaffella Cf4α Subzone. Succeeding strata, containing the lowest archaediscid foraminifera, provide the first record of Cf4β assemblages from North Wales and establish an early Arundian age for these beds. The Foel Formation was deposited as an aggradational sequence on the northern flank of St. George's Land during a pulsed transgression which began in late Chadian times. The widely recognized basal Arundian transgression is represented by the contact between the Foel Formation and overlying platform carbonates. The latter overlap the Foel Formation in the southernmost part of the Clwydian crop demonstrating, for the first time, southwards onlap on the northern side of the Bala–Bryneglwys Fault System.  相似文献   
For the first time Arundian and Holkerian faunas have been recognized from the lower part of the Dinantian succession in North Wales. These limestones and sandstones, hitherto regarded as Asbian, have a macrofauna and microfauna confirming their older age, and this discovery' has necessitated a revision of the palaeogeography in the North Wales region. Biostratigraphical correlations have been made with contemporaneous platform successions in the Central, Northern, and Southwest Provinces of Britain. A new genus and species of foraminifer, Groessensella moldensis, is described.  相似文献   
Arundian mudbank complexes at Pollower and Carrickbaun in north-west Ireland are described in detail. The two bank complexes developed on different fault blocks controlled and separated by the Curlew Mountain Fault system which was active during the Dinantian. The two mudbank complexes are composed predominantly of lime mudstone and wackestone textures with abundant peloids and intraclasts. Stromatactoid cavity systems in the banks are extensive and have multiple generations of geopetal internal sediment and radiaxial and bladed cryptofibrous calcite cements. These mudbanks are comparable with earlier Courceyan-Chadian deep water Waulsortian mudbanks which accumulated on carbonate ramps. Components in the Pollower bank most closely resemble those in subphotic Phase C Waulsortian banks, whereas the Carrickbaun mudbank, which possesses dasycladacean algae, intraclasts and micritized fragmented bioclasts, indicates a much shallower environment of in situ carbonate mud accumulation, comparable to the photic Phase D assemblages of Waulsortian banks. The difference in depositional setting is also reflected by their respective enclosing lithologies. The Pollower bank is surrounded by deep water black argillaceous wackestones and shales, whereas at Carrickbaun shallower water crinoidal packstones and grainstones are developed on the flanks and bank top. The Arundian mudbank complexes have many similarities with the Asbian mudbanks of north-west Ireland and as such appear to represent an important ‘stratigraphic’ link in the continuum of deep water mudbanks between the two main periods of development in the early Dinantian (Waulsortian) and late Dinantian (Asbian/Brigantian).  相似文献   
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