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Under artificial LD cycles(6,12,18 L),the elvers of Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica,showed a 24 h cycle of locomotor activity rhythm being most active at light transitions:the eels' activity rose to a primary peak after lights-off,followed by a quiescent period during which they buried into the shelters or lying motionlessly on sand for most of the time,and then reached a secondary peak before lights-on.Elvers could resynchronize their activity rhythm with a new photo cycle within 4 d.Moreover,their activity level at dark phase significantly increased as the light period was prolonged:higher activity levels during shorter dark period.However,the elvers did not display clearly the existence of a circadian rhythm under constant light or dark conditions.The timing of daily activity rhythm evidenced in the Japanese eels may occur through the action of the LD cycles with a weak participation of an endogenous circadian system.In all the LD cycles,over 99% of the activity occurred in the dark phase,indicating that the eels were always nocturnally active no matter what time of day it might be.Under 12 L conditions,the eels' activity level and the time outside sand were significantly elevated both at light and dark phases as temperature increased from 10~15 to 20~25 ℃.The activity rhythm pattern(i.e.,two peaks occurring around light transitions) did not apparently change among temperatures.However,in contrast with the primary activity peaks immediately after lights-off at 20 and 25 ℃,the timing of the primary peaks at 10 and 15 ℃ showed a latency of a few hours following lights-off,indicating the inhibiting effect of low temperature on the eels' activity.  相似文献   
鳗鲡(Anguilla)作为我国优质水产养殖种类,精准掌握其数量对高效养殖有重要意义。为实现对循环水养殖鳗鲡的准确计数,提出了一种基于深度学习的改进Faster RCNN模型。针对检测目标即鳗鲡头部尺寸小的问题,选择在特征提取网络ResNet50中加入FPN结构来作为模型的骨干网络,以提取并融合多尺度的特征;针对原模型锚框都是基于人工经验设置的,并不适用于鳗鲡数据集的问题,使用k-means聚类算法对训练集中标注的鳗鲡头部检测框进行聚类分析,获得了适合鳗鲡数据集的15种不同尺度的锚框;针对图像中存在鳗鲡头部重叠的问题,选择使用Soft-NMS算法替代原NMS算法对RPN部分生成的候选框进行筛选,以减少模型对鳗鲡重叠部分的漏检情况。试验结果表明:改进后的Faster RCNN模型对鳗鲡头部的检测精度(mAP0.5)高达96.5%,较原Faster RCNN模型(Backbone为ResNet50)显著提升了14%,与SSD300和YOLOV3模型相比分别显著提升了24.9%和15%;在鳗鲡计数上,利用改进后的Faster RCNN模型检测结果进行计数,计数准确率达到90%以上,提升了模型对鳗鲡的检测识别能力。  相似文献   
鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组的基因组成较为保守,在58个线粒体基因组中,仅有3个物种存在基因数量的差异。在19个鳗鲡目鱼类线粒体基因组中存在主编码基因的重排。主编码基因的变异位点分析结果支持nad5、nad4和nad2基因作为cox1和lrRNA基因辅助的分子标记。鳗鲡科Anguillidae的20个种(亚种)聚在一起,强烈支持鳗鲡科为单系群(BPP=100)。鳗鲡科下属的3个类群(大洋洲类群、大西洋类群和印度洋-太平洋类群)也同时得到有力的验证(BPP均为100)。线鳗科Nemichthyidae和锯齿鳗科Serrivomeridae亲缘关系最近,二者聚类后,与鳗鲡科Anguillidae构成姊妹群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目Saccopharyngoidei中,宽咽鱼科Eurypharyngidae与囊鳃鳗科Saccopharyngidae聚类(BPP=100),同时,单颌鳗科Monognathidae与月尾鳗科Cyematidae聚类(BPP=100),4个科聚在一支,支持囊喉鱼亚目为单系群(BPP=100)。在囊喉鱼亚目线粒体基因组中,3个物种(吞鳗Eurypharynx pelecanoides、拉文囊鳃鳗Saccopharynx lavenbergi和杰氏单颌鳗Monognathus jesperseni)存在主编码基因的重排。16种鳗鲡(细美体鳗Ariosoma shiroanago、短吻颈鳗Derichthys serpentinus、凯氏短尾康吉鳗Coloconger cadenati、鸭颈鳗Nessorhamphus ingolfianus、龟草鳗Thalassenchelys sp.、粗犁齿海鳗Cynoponticus ferox、百吉海鳗Muraenesox bagio、巨斑花蛇鳗Myrichthys maculosus、大吻沙蛇鳗Ophisurus macrorhynchos、几内亚副康吉鳗Paraconger notialis、哈氏异康吉鳗Heteroconger hassi、小头鸭嘴鳗Nettastoma parviceps、弱头鳗Leptocephalus sp.、斑点长犁齿鳗Hoplunnis punctata、尖吻小鸭嘴鳗Facciolella oxyrhyncha和星康吉鳗Conger myriaster),与鳗鲡目线粒体主编码基因的原始排列相比,共享nad6基因的易位。同时,基于线粒体基因组13个蛋白质编码基因构建的系统演化树,强烈支持这16个物种聚为一支(BPP=100)。然而,由此而带来的海鳗科Muraenesocidae、拟鯙科Chlopsidae和糯鳗科Congridae是否为单系群的问题,值得今后深入探究。  相似文献   
九龙江口鳗苗溯河生态与资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方少华  吕小梅 《台湾海峡》1998,17(2):143-148
九龙江口Li苗1994 ̄1996年溯河期为1994年11月20至1995年4月底。1995年12月20日至1996年5月底。鳗苗溯河期水温范围11.5 ̄22.5℃,盐度1.98 ̄25.00,透明度0.2 ̄1.1m,九龙江口打石坑-嵩屿断面溯河鳗苗资源量1995年193kg,1996年208kg;海澄断面1995年35kg,1996年55kg。  相似文献   
欧洲鳗鲡胃肠道激素免疫组织化学的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
方永强  戴燕玉  陈蕾 《台湾海峡》1999,18(1):83-86,T003
用免疫组织化学技术研究了9种哺乳动物胃肠道激素抗体在正常生长欧鳗和僵鳗胃肠道的定位分布,研究结果表明,5-HT,SOM,GAS,α-1-AT和P物质免疫活性内分泌细胞存在于正常鳗和僵鳗胃肠道中,其余4种抗体显阴性反应,文中讨论了胃肠道激素在僵鳗成因中可能的生理作用。  相似文献   
Captive longfin eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) were exposed to the vertebrate pesticide sodium fluoroacetate (1080) in the water column and through the ingestion of cereal pellet baits or possum muscle and gut tissue that contained 1080 residue. No mortality or unusual behaviour (in comparison with the controls) occurred in eels that were exposed to 1080. However, significantly greater weight loss occurred in eels exposed to 1080 compared with those eels that were not. No residue was detected in tissues of eels exposed to 1080 cereal baits through ingestion and direct (dermal and respiratory) absorption, or through direct absorption only. Low concentrations of 1080 were detected in muscle tissue of eels that consumed contaminated possum muscle (x = 0.0174 μg/g) or gut (x = 0.0306 μg/g) tissue. The primary factors affecting the concentration of 1080 detected in eel tissue included the dose of 1080 (mg/kg) that each eel" receiveddate="and number of days since the eel last fed on contaminated tissue. Based on the 1080 concentrations measured in eels in this study, the risk of acute poisoning to humans from eating contaminated eel flesh is considered extremely low. Even so, national and international perceptions and food safety standards have the potential to limit eel exports and/or close an eel fishery if 1080 residue was discovered in tissue.  相似文献   
采用水体中设置弹性填料对比实验的方法,在12口聚乙烯水槽实施淡水精养殖日本鳗鲡,进行对鳗鲡精养殖水体生物膜原位修复节水增效效果、机理及应用前景的研究。结果表明,在207天的养殖期间,生物膜原位修复技术应用处理组的平均日换水率仅1.2%,比对照组显著节水减排74%(P0.01);处理组的主要水质因子pH、DO、TAN、NO2-N、NO3-N、COD等浓度均符合相关的渔业水质标准;处理组的起捕尾重、产量、生长速度分别比对照组高106%(P0.2)、108%(P0.2)和220%(P0.15),饲料系数低于对照组38.4%(P0.1)。此外,处理组弹性填料设置的适宜密度为填料占水体体积的10%。因此,精养殖水体生物膜原位修复技术,具有节水、减排与节能效果显著,投资与运行成本低,环保、低碳、安全,操作简便、易推广等优点。该革新性的生态工程低碳养殖技术对推动我国水产养殖发展方式从高耗费资源型向资源节约与环境友好型转变将产生重大影响。  相似文献   
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