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Using western immunoblotting, we obtained heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) induction data and distribution in different tissues from shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis during thermal and immune-challenged stresses. This is probably the first report of the effects of various stressors on the expression of HSP70 in shrimp.HSP70 was prominently induced in hepatopancreas and gills, but not in muscle, eyestalk and hemolymph, when the shrimp were exposed to heat shock and Vibrio anguillavium-challenged stresses. Cold shock and WSSV treatment had no significant effects on the levels of HSP70 expression in all tissues examined. HSP70 induction was greatest after 2 h exposure to heat shock stress, which was elevated after acute heat shock exposure of 10℃ above ambient temperature.  相似文献   
论虚拟企业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络的出现和广泛运用,以及企业间的跨越了行业间的藩篱,推动了业际化的进程;业际化与网络相结合促使企业组织形式发生质变,出现了虚拟企业。与大工业时代的企业相比较,虚拟企业具有了全新的特征、类型、经济形式和生产模式,其经济效益提升到一个新的平台。  相似文献   
网络时代的到来,对传统企业的组织结构、运作模式、管理方法均提出了严峻的挑战。传统的企业组织结构是适应大工业生产而形成的等级组织结构形式,它有很大的局限性;电子商务企业的组织结构是适应网络社会而形成扁平化、双向多对多、以信息为基础的新型组织结构形式。电子商务企业以其组织结构扁平化和中空化,决策分散化,运作虚拟化,灵活高效为特点,它将成为传统企业在电子商务发展阶段变革的方向和目标。  相似文献   
6月18日以来,景宁县普降大暴雨,洪水;中毁道路、房屋、桥梁、电力通讯设备等,造成重大经济损失。截止23日统计,这次洪灾共引发滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等各类地质灾害106起。在这次抗洪中,县国土资源局早准备、早部署,有效地组织抗洪,全局出动抗洪23次59人。县乡村各级干部战斗在抗洪一线,特别是负责地质灾害隐患点的乡镇村干部和国土资源所工作人员高度重视,紧急撤离63个隐患点中的1503人,  相似文献   
我国土地利用总体规划编制的理念与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国规划理念的再思考 从本质上说,土地利用规划主要是从社会经济发展角度考虑,为公众利益服务的,它是一种政府的公共管理行为.但由于种种原因长期以来规划在实际工作中并未起到其应有的作用,"规划低效论"、"规划无用论"的说法更是加重了规划在实施层面上的难度.形成这种看法从根本上分析首先是人们对规划本质及规划问题认识不统一,各级政府尤其是领导在规划编制指导思想上的认识不足造成的.俗话说"只有正确的思想才能引导正确的行动",要进行规划修编,保证规划目标的实现,首先必须要对规划理念有一个正确而理性的认识.  相似文献   
双鸭山市国土资源局严格履行法定程序,切实保护被征地农村集体经济组织和农户的知情权,日前,该市举行了首次征地听证会。  相似文献   
3月14日,郑州市政府组织郑州市发改委、国土局、安监局、煤炭局、公安局、环保局、监察局等部门和有关县(市)、44个镇的主要领导计160余人,在巩义市召开了矿产资源整合现场会,再次掀起全市矿产资源整合高潮.  相似文献   
The Nordic geological surveys: Geology for society in practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the mid-nineteenth century., when the first of the Nordic Geological Surveys were established, they have generated a substantial amount of information on the Earth's crust, its natural resources, its processes, and on the geological history of Nordic areas. The collective mission of the geological surveys is to carry out "Geology for Society", by doing research and providing services, and by making geological information and data easily accessible to all the varied end users in industry, government agencies, government institutes, public administrations, technical offices, academia and research institutes, as well as for private individuals. The present paper gives a brief overview of a few, selected, research areas and projects currently undertaken by the Nordic geological surveys. These serve as practical examples of how the Nordic geological surveys address important societal problems and challenges that require geological input for their solution.  相似文献   
海军大连舰艇学院通过国际测量师联合会、国际海道测量组织和国际制图协会三大国际权威组织的国际海图制图师A级培训的联合授权认证,这标志着我国海洋测绘专业教学已全面纳入国际标准化培训体系。海道测量师、海图制图师教育培训的国际标准由国际测量师联合会、国际海道测量组织和国际制图协会共同制定。根据联合国海洋法公约的相关规定,  相似文献   
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