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德清县紧紧围绕“不死人、少伤人、少损失”的总目标,聚力“整体智治”,充分运用云计算、大数据、物联网、人工智能等现代科学技术,扎实推进地质灾害防御体系和智控能力建设,整体提升地质灾害综合防治水平,努力实现从单部门应对单一灾种向多部门联动应对灾害链转变,从人防为主向人防技防并重转变,从隐患点管理向风险防控转变,有效破解地质灾害治理难题,最大限度减少地质灾害给人民生命和财产造成损失,已连续14年实现了地质灾害“零伤亡”,为“平安德清”建设提供地质环境安全保障。  相似文献   
Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes and environment evolution,espectial-lyin the aspect of calamities,are made on the history documents of past 1500 years about Haiˊan region,Jiangsu Province.There existed two obvious flooding-drought frequently-occurring periods:one was from 1550 AD to 1850 AD and another was 100 AD to 1200AD.The period of 1550 AD to1850 AD is interrupted by two relatively arid and cold climatic periods:one was from 1630 AD to 1700 AD and another was 1750 AD to 1820 AD.The main characteristic of the calamity periods is that they occurred by turns,and sometimes,both drought and flooding occurred in the same year.The instability of the climatic changes in the Little Ice Age may be the main reason of the frequently-occurring flooding and drought in Haiˊan region.Research results also show that the frequently-occurring periods of flooding and drought is in close relationship with the solar activity,and therefore,occurrence of the flooding and drought may be in relation with the intensity of the solar activity.This hypothesis may need further study in the future.  相似文献   
本科院校办高职学院是我国 2 0世纪末出现的一个新生事物 ,如何设置专业课程 ,提高教学质量 ,使学生一出校门就能容纳到直接为经济服务当中去 ,结合商务日语专业的具体情况对这个问题进行了思考。  相似文献   
新洲 《海洋世界》2004,(5):11-11
日前,省国土资源厅党组向各行政公署,市国土资源局,驻农垦、森工、哈铁国土资源局,厅各直属事业单位,厅机关各处室发出通知,要求认真做好元旦春节期间廉洁自律工作。  相似文献   
概略地叙述了西宁地区的泥石流形成条件和形成机理,并将西宁地区泥石流划分为稀性泥石流类及泥石质泥石流种类。在此基础上提出防治泥石流灾害的意见。  相似文献   
2005年,我们全面落实科学发展观,大力推进依法行政,以保持共产党员先进性教育活动为动力,深化改革、开拓进取、求实创新,在保护好资源的同时有力地推动了全市经济平稳较快发展。服务经济建设水平进一步提高;耕地资源得到有效保护,连续七年实现占补平衡;全年实现土地有偿使用收入2.3亿元;  相似文献   
In recent years, many coal-producing countries have paid great attention to the land subsidence causedby coal cutting. In China, because of the dense population in coalfield areas, the land subsidence hazard is more seri-ous. After a brief analysis on the mechanism of land subsidence, this paper gives a comprehensive and systematical ac-count on all kinds of hazards caused by the land subsidence in China. The study shows that land subsidence has endan-gered land, buildings, traffic and communication lines, dykes and dams. It also causes damage to ecological and socialenvironment. In order to lessen the hazard of land subsidence, preventive measures should be taken to reduce the col-lapse amount, such as extraction with stowing, banded mining system, succession and coordination mining system, orhigh-pressure mudflow between rock strata. Measures of reinforcing or moving certain buildings should also be taken toreduce the destructive degree. In order to harness the subsidence land and bring them under control for fanning, mea-sures should be taken such as filling with spoil or fine breeze, excavating the deeper and covering the shallower land.  相似文献   
中共浙江省国土资源厅直属机关第一次代表大会马上就要闭幕了.这是跨入新世纪后我厅直属机关召开的第一次党代会,也是我厅圆满完成以实践"三个代表"重要思想为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育活动后召开的一次重要会议.大会选举产生了新一届厅直属机关党委、纪委,为各项工作的开展提供了坚强的政治保证.会议通过的<工作报告>,明确了今后一个时期厅直属机关党委工作的指导思想和主要任务.省直属机关工委的领导到会作了很重要讲话,给我们提出了新的工作要求.在此,我代表厅党组对这次党代会的成功召开、对新产生的厅直属机关党委和纪委表示热烈的祝贺,对省直机关工委所给予的重视和关心表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   
缙云县国土资源局在保持共产党员先进性教育活动中。巧设“五个一”载体,取得了良好的效果。一是开展了一次深入基层办实事活动。把为困难职工和困难群众解决实际问题作为先进性教育的一项重要内容来抓,组织党员干部深入基层办实事,积极为群众排扰解难。在活动中,我局共走访慰问困难户和困难职工17户,补助资金14400万元,帮助解决问题10多个。二是组织了一次助学帮困献爱心活动。全局共有90人捐款,共计捐款额61∞元。三是开展了一次爱国主义教育。  相似文献   
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