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陈廷一 《国土资源》2003,(10):12-21
倘若说“9·11”事件构成了对西方世界的沉重打击的话,那么2003年春夏之交的SARS则构成了对东方世界的沉重打击。这打击带来的沉重气氛,虽然已过去几个月了,但至今想来,仍让国人刻骨铭心。 中国新一届政府面临了考验,每一个中国人都面临了考验。 面对瘟神,举国上下紧紧团结在党中央周围,万众一心,众志成城,与SARS展开了殊死博斗。 危机暴露出旧模式中的弊端,渲染着改革的迫切性。 阳光总在风雨后。痛定思痛,让人震颤,让人了悟。  相似文献   
In rapid socio-economic development,the process of concentration and dispersal of various elements tends to be more dramatic,tremendously influencing the shaping and transformation of the space in metropolitan area.Survey of spatial concentration and decentralization has thus become a basic method in examining metropolitan spatial evolution.In this research,three elements were selected as the essential indicators of the process:demographic density distribu-tion,employment density distribution and business office location.Performance of these elements in Nanjing City was exam-ined historically.As Nanjing City could be regarded as a representative of metropolitan areas in China,its situation large-ly suggestes the general characteristics in similar areas of China.Hence based on the investigation of Nanjing City,four general implications were highlighted.First ,metropolitan areas in China are in a violent process and shift of spatial concentra-tion and decentralization.Second,from now to at least the near future,concentration will continue to be the central fea-ture.Third,the landscape of metropolitan areas basically exhibits a dual structure character.The gap in environmental and ecological qualities among different districts will continue for a long time.Fourth,Central Business District (CBD) is playing an important role in helping to convert the traditionally single-centered city structure into a polycentric one.  相似文献   
城镇化是一个国家和地区经济社会发展的重要标志,也是人类社会走向文明和进步不可逾越的阶段,所谓城镇化(也称城市化、非农化),是指人类生产和生活方式由乡村型向城市型转化的历史进程,表现为乡村人口向城市人口转化以及城市不断发展和完善的过程。城镇化是我国现代化进程中必经的历史阶段。“十五”以来,我国城镇化取得了重要进展,但在加快城镇化发展中也出现了一些偏差。《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》提出,要“坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,提高城镇综合承载能力,按照循序渐进、节约土地、集约发展、合理布局的原则,稳步推进城镇化”。  相似文献   
Dry valleys are a striking geographic landscape in Hengduan Mountains Region and are characterized by low rainfall, desert type of vegetation and fragile environment. Past efforts and resources have been concentrated mainly on rehabilitation of degraded ecosystem and fragile environment, particularly reforestation, while socio-economic development has been largely overlooked. Despite successes in pocket areas, the overall trend of unsustainability and environmental deterioration are continuing. It is important to understand that uplift of the Tibetan Plateau is the root cause of development of dry valleys, and development and formation of dry valleys is a natural process. Human intervention has played a secondary role in development of dry valleys and degradation of dry valleys though human intervention in many cases has speeded up environmental degradation of the dry valleys. It is important to understand that dry valleys are climatic enclaves and an integrated approach that combines rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and socio-economic development should be adopted if the overall goal of sustainable development of dry valleys is to be achieved. Promotion of niche-based cash crops, rural energy including hydropower, solar energy, biogas and fuelwood plantation is recommended as the priority activities.  相似文献   
近几年来。嘉兴市在推进城市化进程中,土地征用的面积较大。从1993年至今。嘉兴市区城市规划内累计征地6.5万余亩。涉及失地农民4.86万人。如何妥善处理好土地征用与土地承包之间的关系,保护被征地农民的利益。解决好被征地农民的社会保障问题。是摆在各级政府面前的一道课题。市区从1993年起。开始探索“土地换保障”的征地新机制。使失去土地的农民得到了长期的基本生活保障。城市化得到稳步推进,达到了经济发展和社会稳定的双重目标。  相似文献   
循环经济是实现可持续发展的必由之路 "循环经济"和"可持续发展"都是二十世纪八十年代前后提出的新概念,并为国际社会广泛接受和认同.这些概念的提出在很大程度上是资源和环境问题引起的.  相似文献   
K—Na—Ca温度计是利用矿物包裹体成分中钾、钠、钙的摩尔浓度,使用已有公式计算成矿温度的一种方法。通过在一些矿床中的应用效果表明,用该温度计计算的温度与矿床产出地质条件相符,并与用其他方法测得的温度基本一致,可以代表成矿温度。此外该温度计与压力无关;不受矿物透明度和介质临界条件限制,其应用范围较其他测温方法的要广。  相似文献   
水资源是社会经济可持续发展的基础,特别是地下水资源在工农业和居民生活中起着重要作用。黑龙江省地下水资源分布和开采不平衡,但通过科学调配、合理利用,地下水资源能够满足国民经济可持续发展需求。  相似文献   
技术要素按贡献参与分配的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了技术要素按贡献参与分配的基本依据和存在问题,提出了技术要素按贡献参与分配的建议:1.在企业分配领域,鼓励技术要素以多种形式参与收益分配,鼓励体制创新,推进技术股份化。2.在政府分配领域,政府财政科技投入比例与其科技发展对经济贡献增长率挂钩,科技财税政策与产业政策、税源经济吻合,营造科技奖励的软环境。3.在社会分配领域,充分发挥技术评估部门和行业管理部门的作用,对进入技术市场的技术的成熟度和科技含量进行有效的测试和监管,保证技术商品的品质;技术交易当事人应具诚信态度和法制观念;重视中介的作用,把技术市场搞活。  相似文献   
我国土地利用总体规划编制的理念与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国规划理念的再思考 从本质上说,土地利用规划主要是从社会经济发展角度考虑,为公众利益服务的,它是一种政府的公共管理行为.但由于种种原因长期以来规划在实际工作中并未起到其应有的作用,"规划低效论"、"规划无用论"的说法更是加重了规划在实施层面上的难度.形成这种看法从根本上分析首先是人们对规划本质及规划问题认识不统一,各级政府尤其是领导在规划编制指导思想上的认识不足造成的.俗话说"只有正确的思想才能引导正确的行动",要进行规划修编,保证规划目标的实现,首先必须要对规划理念有一个正确而理性的认识.  相似文献   
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