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千岛湖社会—生态系统恢复力测度与影响机理   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
立足反映恢复力属性特征的盆地模型理论,构建基于稳定性景观的恢复力评价体系。从脆弱性、应对能力两大层面以及社会、经济、生态三大子系统入手,建立旅游地社会—生态系统恢复力测度指标体系,运用集对分析法,测度千岛湖旅游地社会—生态系统恢复力,甄别影响恢复力的主要因子,揭示旅游地社会—生态系统恢复力因子影响机理及曲线规律。结果表明:1 1987-2012年间千岛湖旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性指数由0.4576缓慢上升至0.5622,应对能力指数由0.0282快速上升至0.9725,恢复力指数由0.1276稳步上升至0.8669,恢复力应是脆弱性与应对能力相互作用的结果。2总脆弱性受生态子系统脆弱性影响最大,总应对能力受经济子系统应对能力影响最大,总恢复力受社会和经济子系统恢复力影响较大。总应对能力对恢复力起着决定性作用,其中社会和经济系统的应对能力作用更加突出。3恢复力因子影响曲线可分为线性递增和递减、非线性U型/倒U型递增和递减6种类型,不同阶段、不同因子对系统恢复力作用方式、性质、速率具有差异性,主要以非线性影响为主,且存在不确定性。  相似文献   
任国平  刘黎明  李洪庆  季翔  赵旭 《地理科学》2021,41(8):1469-1478
以上海市青浦区为例,采用数据包络模型、空间自相关模型、多元Logistic回归模型、地理探测器和层次聚类模型分析该区184个行政村社会?生态系统脆弱性的空间差异及地理影响机制。研究表明:① 基于熵权集结交叉的“投入?产出”效率模型对村域社会?生态系统脆弱性评价结果更具可信度和精确性,2018年行政村社会?生态系统脆弱性空间上呈由东向西逐渐降低的变化趋势,脆弱性均值为0.583;② 地理因素对经济发达村域社会?生态系统脆弱性空间分异仍旧具有重要影响。距上海市中心距离、距淀山湖距离、距青浦区中心距离和水域面积成为影响该区社会?生态系统脆弱性的4种主导地理因素,其地理影响力呈现系统结构空间差异和种类属性替代及程度转化;③ 依据地理因素影响力聚类分析将该区社会?生态系统脆弱性地理因素空间耦合模式分为10种,多地理因素耦合模式是主要决定类型,呈现中部多因素主导和两侧单因素主导并存的多元环状地域决定格局;针对不同类型提出调控区域社会?生态系统脆弱性的可行方式。  相似文献   
旅游开发已成为近年来城市历史街区复兴的主要方式之一,但盲目的旅游开发易给街区内的文化遗产造成无法弥补的损失,有必要对其社会-生态环境与旅游开发耦合协调程度进行分析。构建适应城市历史街区发展需要的社会-生态环境与旅游开发耦合协调模型,运用熵值法计算各指标的权重,以南京市8个重点历史街区为例进行实证分析。结果表明:南京历史街区的社会-生态环境与其旅游开发的耦合协调程度总体呈现失调态势,同时证实了模型的可操作性及其在历史街区旅游发展背景下的指导价值。  相似文献   
史培军  汪明  胡小兵  叶涛 《地理学报》2014,69(6):863-876
在综合风险防范“凝聚力”概念的基础上,从社会—生态系统综合风险防范的“凝聚力”基本原理、凝聚力形成中的协同效能、凝聚力实现手段、凝聚力优化对提高系统抗打击能力的作用等方面系统研究了“凝聚力”的科学内涵,并初步建立了“凝聚力”的模式,以期完善现有综合风险防范理论体系。结果表明:协同宽容、协同约束、协同放大和协同分散四个基本原理阐述了社会—生态系统综合风险凝聚力在协同运作上的四种表现,同时也是凝聚力在“凝心”和“聚力”具体问题上的4 种优化目标的阐释;凝聚力模式将四个协同原理及其优化目标转化为社会认知普及化、成本分摊合理化、组合优化智能化、费用效益最大化等一系列手段,实现了社会—生态系统综合风险防范产生的共识最高化、成本最低化、福利最大化以及风险最小化;运用复杂系统建模和仿真的方法,通过设计社会—生态系统结构和功能的表达,验证了随着系统凝聚力的提高,系统抵抗局部和全局打击的能力均得以增强,而且,可通过优化社会—生态系统中节点的结构和功能,以达到提升系统凝聚力的目的;凝聚力模式补充了灾害系统中脆弱性、恢复性、适应性等概念在阐释社会—生态系统综合风险防范问题上存在的缺陷。  相似文献   
Although the introduced neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss is a very important energy source in the coastal savanna of Ghana, the sustainability of small-scale wood harvesting (SSWH) has not been investigated with regard to this species. This paper assesses the sustainability of SSWH on neem stands in the coastal savanna, using a socio-economic and ecological survey. The results show that SSWH, incorporating coppicing, stand tolerance, balanced with total bole cutting and root removal, and based on socio-cultural supports, has created a modified yet sustainable system of SSWH. It is concluded that these systems may contribute to tree stand conservation.  相似文献   
Worldwide, the past 15–20 years has seen a significant shift in thinking and approaches to the management of small-scale fisheries. This is in response to the recognition that conventional fisheries management is not equipped to deal with the complexities, uncertainties and challenges prevalent in small-scale fishery systems. Consequently, a new fisheries paradigm is emerging based on the principles and ideas underpinning systems thinking, complexity theory, participatory democracy and adaptive management. Although fishery science is required to inform management decisions, it must be seen as one of the inputs needed for effective governance. Incorporation of other disciplinary perspectives, knowledge sources and local information is considered necessary for understanding the fishery system and identifying appropriate management responses. Although South Africa has incorporated many of these ideas and principles into broad policies and legislation governing resource management, implementation of this new paradigm in the context of small-scale fisheries is proving difficult. However, recent developments such as the recognition of the socio-economic rights of this group of fishers, the formulation of a new draft small-scale fisheries policy, efforts to identify and address human dimensions in fisheries through research and stakeholder workshops, as well as opportunities for greater participation in policy formulation and management, are all indicative of a shift in institutional culture and approach to this sector. This paper aims to provide an overview of the main ideas underpinning the new small-scale fisheries paradigm and explores the application of these ideas in the context of small-scale fisheries in South Africa. Challenges and prospects for implementing this new management paradigm are discussed, as well as some practical ideas for progressing this new approach.  相似文献   
Near-annual landscape-scale fires in Indonesia's peatlands have caused severe air pollution, economic losses, and health impacts for millions of Southeast Asia residents. While the extent of fires across the peatland surface has been widely attributed to widespread peatland drainage for plantation agriculture, fires that transition from surface into sub-surface soil-based fires are the source of the most dangerous air pollution. Yet the mechanisms by which this transition occurs have rarely been considered, particularly in diversely managed landscapes. Integrating physical geography methods, including active fire scene evaluations and hydrological monitoring, with qualitative methods such as retrospective fire scene evaluations and semi-structured interviews, this article discusses how and why sub-surface peat fire transition occurs in an intensively altered peatland ecosystem in Indonesia's Central Kalimantan province. We demonstrate that variable water table levels and flammable surface vegetation (fire fuels) are co-produced socio-political and biophysical phenomena that enable the conditions in which surface fire is likely to transition into peat fire and increase landscape vulnerability to ongoing, uncontrollable annual fires. This localized understanding of peat fire transition counters normative causal narratives of tropical fire such as ‘slash-and-burn’, with implications for the management of new fire regimes in inhabited landscapes.  相似文献   
王群  杨万明  朱跃  杨兴柱 《地理科学》2021,41(6):1030-1038
基于可变模糊识别模型分析 2008—2017年安徽境内大别山区12个贫困县(市)社会-生态系统恢复力的时空演变过程,采用障碍度模型揭示恢复力影响因素和特征。研究表明:① 时序变化上,社会-生态系统恢复力呈现稳步上升趋势,但总体仍处中低阶段。其中,社会子系统恢复力整体微升,局部年份有突变;经济子系统恢复力发展逐年提高;生态子系统恢复力“上升-下降-上升”反复波动,整体呈下降趋势;② 空间变化上,社会-生态系统恢复力总体上呈“极低-较低-中等”递进发展,各县(市)由分化到趋同,中部最快,南北均衡并进。其中,社会子系统恢复力空间关联性相对较弱,部分相邻区域阶段一致,总体北部快于南部;经济子系统恢复力空间关联性较强,连片提升,进度相似,总体南部快于北部;生态子系统恢复力空间关联性居中,部分区域短时间内步调一致,总体南慢北快。③ 旅游发展、人地关系、生态环境是贫困区旅游地社会-生态系统恢复力的主要影响因素。各县(市)越临近,影响因素相似度越高,但随地势复杂性增加,相似度由北至南递减。  相似文献   
Arid areas are widespread globally and support a third of the world’s population’s livelihoods. The increasing population, urbanization, land-use changes, and the climate significantly affect coupled natural and human systems and threaten environments and socio-ecological land systems. The degradation of drylands poses a severe and widespread threat to the lives of millions of people, especially in developing countries and in the global environment. This review assesses published literature on dryland socio-ecological systems to reveal current research trends and changes in research themes over time and introduces basic theories and advances in dryland socio-ecological system frameworks, resilience measurement, and regime shifts. Developing a more general but adaptable framework and a more practical strategy for long-term coordination and partnership and attaining specific insights into ecological services should receive more attention and be strengthened in future studies on drylands sustainability.  相似文献   
王群  银马华  杨兴柱  姚兆钊 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1663-1679
旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性主要由社会、经济、生态子系统要素和旅游发展所带来的相关变化要素构成,是社会脆弱性、经济脆弱性和生态环境脆弱性的综合体现。以大别山区9县(市)为例,基于SEE-PSR模型构建理论研究框架和综合评价体系,探讨贫困山区旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性时空演变及影响机理。结果表明:① 2009-2016年,区域系统脆弱性综合指数由0.52波动降至0.41,其中经济子系统脆弱性指数呈持续下降趋势,社会子系统与生态子系统呈稳定态势且对区域系统脆弱性综合指数贡献率达到76%,目前区域整体属于较低脆弱并朝着利好方向发展。② 空间差异上,2009-2016年脆弱性综合指数低值县域随时间变化呈波动下降且变异系数较小,脆弱性综合指数高值县域于2013年开始下降逐步演变为较低脆弱等级且变异系数较大;县域间脆弱性空间差异呈现连续波动上升趋势,县域间差异有所增大。③ 阻碍旅游地社会—生态系统脆弱性降低的主要因素由旅游收入增长率、工业增加值占GDP比重、城乡收入差距、旅游总收入占GDP比重及耕地面积比率转变为旅游经济密度、游客密度及城镇化率,区域整体由状态主导型脆弱演化为压力主导型脆弱。  相似文献   
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