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广南县老寨湾金矿位于滇、黔、桂“金三角”重要成矿区带上,金矿体矿体呈似层状赋存于断层构造破碎带或层间构造破碎带中,构造控矿明显。矿体围岩均为下泥盆统坡松冲组第一段(D1ps1)硅化石英砂岩;矿床成因属中-低温热液叠加改造型金矿床,断层构造、硅化等矿化蚀变及地球化学异常是重要的找矿标志。  相似文献   
地震P波、S波到时是精确分析地震水平位置、深度与速度结构等的重要参数,如何准确拾取P波和S波到时是地震学的一项重要的基础工作.大数据量与强噪声环境给地震到时的自动拾取带来了很大挑战.在频率域中可将信号与噪声分离,但会造成震相的偏移.针对上述问题,本文在STA/LTA、AIC方法的基础上,引入了标准时频变换(Normal Time-Frequency Transform,NTFT),结合信号时间域与频率域特征,提出了基于NTFT的STA/LTA方法,以及基于NTFT的AIC方法来拾取P波和S波的到时.基于NTFT的STA/LTA方法通过构建即时频率约束的特征函数,以增强地震信号振幅响应的变化特征.基于NTFT的AIC方法则根据NTFT的变换系数定位即时频率-时间基准点,通过滑动窗口直接对标准时频谱进行AIC处理拾取最佳到时.本文采用了不同强度噪声的60组合成数据和105组实测地震数据对方法的可靠性进行检验.以人工拾取到时为参考,实测数据中NTFT-STA/LTA方法拾取P波、S波到时的均方根误差分别为0.36 s和0.56 s;NTFT-AIC方法拾取P波、S波到时的均方根误差分别为0.25 s和0.35 s.相比于STA/LTA、AIC方法,NTFT改进后的方法提高了P波和S波到时的拾取准确率,为强噪声环境下的地震波形到时拾取提供了新思路.  相似文献   
云南香格里拉市热林铅锌银矿,矿体呈似层状赋存于三叠系上统曲嘎寺组三段(T3q3)之大理岩与板岩的层间构造破碎带中,矿体明显受断层构造及特定的岩性控制。该矿床属断层破碎带控制的热液型铅锌银矿床,断层破碎带和地球化学异常是直接的找矿标志,沿断层带出现的硅化、碳酸盐化、黄铁矿化和角岩化是间接的找矿标志。  相似文献   
丹东冬季降水相态判据研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用丹东1979-2012年10月至翌年4月逐日降水、天气现象、高空探空资料及NCEP0.5°×0.5°(部分2.5°×2.5°)再分析资料,对丹东地区冬季不同相态降水气候及大气层结特征进行了统计分析, 并对不同相态降水典型个例进行了分析。结果表明:丹东地区虽地处北方,但冬季降水相态多样。在秋冬、冬春过渡和严冬不同时段,大气不同层结不同相态降水气温阈值范围不同,建立了丹东冬季不同大气层结降水相态判据。大气不同层结前期特别是近地面层气温背景与不同相态降水的发生与转换关系密切,可为动态预报降水相态提供了参考。850 hPa及以下中低空温度条件对冬季降水相态形成至关重要,850 hPa的0℃线能较好区分雨和雪区大致范围,925 hPa的0 ℃线能较好区分雨夹雪和雪以及雨夹雪和雨大致范围。  相似文献   
依据GB/T 20484—2006冷空气标准,对1972—2007年石家庄市17个地面观测站气温资料进行统计,分析了石家庄冷空气时空分布及强度变化基本特征。结果表明:受地域影响,石家庄东北部和南部是两个冷空气活动频次较高的中心;在气候变暖背景下,石家庄最低气温升高趋势与冷空气活动次数及强度减少趋势呈显著负相关;3—4月石家庄南部寒潮发生频次高于东北部地区,危害最大。  相似文献   
选取广德独山地区作为研究对象,利用安徽省富硒土壤分级标准,相对系统地研究独山地区农业可耕地土壤及其植物中的硒含量。研究表明:土壤中硒含量与有效硒、镉、铬、氮、钼、有机质等具有显著的正相关关系,土壤中磷、锰、pH值等含量或指标越高,硒的生物有效性越低。这些为独山地区富硒产品开发的定位提供了一定的理论依据,并对当地的富硒产品的开发提出了一系列的可行性建议。  相似文献   
基于CC的防火墙安全功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
防火墙是网络安全的核心手段。依据基于CC(Common Criteria)制订的国家标准——包过滤防火墙安全技术要求和应用级防火墙安全技术要求,提出每项安全功能要求对应的实际安全措施,并分析当前防火墙未实现的安全功能要求。  相似文献   
Benthic infaunal and sediment data collected over 29 years were used to examine the extent and geographic range of effects and recovery from submarine tailings deposition. Empirical data were used to determine extreme and moderate effects, and identify near-, mid- and far-field zones. A simple probability test using overlap in frequency distributions was then used to determine less obvious effects, identify "normal" or "reference" conditions, and verify the geographic range of effect zones. Tailings thickness and sediment particulate copper were elevated from the outfall to 16-20 km distant, particularly below discharge depth (50 m). Changes in tailings thickness and copper levels before, during and after mining showed three distinct impact zones below discharge depth: near-field (<5 km from outfall); mid-field (5-16 km); and far-field (20 + km). Consistent faunal declines during mining were noted at sediment particulate copper levels >300 microg g(-1), and sediment tailings thickness > 15-20 cm. Extreme impoverishment at these sediment levels were; < 100 animals/m2, <2.5 g/m2 biomass and <7 taxa per station. No stations with >300 microg g(-1) copper and 20 cm tailings had more than 40 taxa. Amphipods were particularly affected by tailings, with distributions reflecting the instability in sediments from heavy deposition and/or shifting of tailings due to resuspension. The probability testing method assumed that reference conditions existed in far-field stations. There was no difference in abundance distributions between near-, mid- and far-field zones. Total taxa per station during mining was significantly reduced (<45) in both near- and mid-field stations compared with far-field (less than 10% overlap in distributions). One midfield station in Quatsino Sound (23) was in reference condition throughout the study period. Post-closure stations in the near- and mid-field had total taxa numbers approaching far-field conditions (overlap of 62% in distributions). Within 3 years following closure, total taxa values were within the far-field range for all stations sampled. Biomass showed a distinct decline in the near-field during mining, but with more overlap in near-field and far-field distributions (27%) than for total taxa per station, and was returning to far-field conditions in the post-closure years. A multivariate (Bray-Curtis) measure of dissimilarity indicated that the near- and mid-field infaunal compositions were distinct from the far-field during mining (< 10% overlap in distributions). The mid-field composition overlapped more with the far-field in the post-closure years, but the near-field composition did not, suggesting that the mine tailings are still affecting the fauna. The most abundant taxon in each of the reference and near-field station groups both showed significantly distinct relative abundance distributions between near- and far-field stations. In summary, the probability method showed that species richness, biomass, species composition and indicator taxa were useful for differentiating affected and non-affected stations. Polychaetes recolonize stable tailings most quickly, and have dominated the tailings stations in the post-closure years. Amphipods have recolonized sporadically, but seem to be highly sensitive to tailings stability. There was no evidence of recovery in dominant bivalves or echinoderms within three years after mine closure.  相似文献   
废弃海洋桩基平台拆除方案的系统决策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋平台拆除是一项复杂的、受多种因素制约的、涉及许多技术领域的综合性系统工程。采取适当的拆除方案是工程安全、经济、环保地进行的基础和保证。针对这一问题,文章对拆除方案的评估进行了系统的研究,从环境、工艺、安全、经济、工期的角度建立了拆除方案评估指标体系,并综合运用群决策层次分析理论和模糊数学理论对拆除方案进行系统的评估。经实例验证,所建立的评估指标体系,可科学、公正、快捷地对方案进行评估,为决策者提供科学的决策基础。  相似文献   
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