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通过岩心和薄片观察,利用荧光显微镜、阴极发光显微镜、同位素质谱仪、冷热台等设备,对鄂尔多斯盆地长7油层组强钙质胶结砂岩及其附近含油砂岩开展研究。结果表明:钙质胶结是致密砂岩储层含油非均质性的主要因素,胶结期次主要为一期;簇同位素揭示该期钙质胶结物的形成温度为18~42℃,对应地质时代为中晚三叠世—中侏罗世,为早成岩期产物,推测与盆地早期小规模构造运动相关;相邻的含油砂岩中油气包裹体伴生的同期盐水包裹体的均一化温度为90~120℃,结合盆地模拟揭示油气主要为一期充注,充注期为100~130 Ma,处于早白垩世;长7油层组不含油致密砂岩内钙质胶结物形成时间早于含油砂岩内石油的充注时间。  相似文献   
This paper presents the general situation and key techniques of the drilling well M-1 in Matouying dry hot rock exploration hole, Leting, Tangshan, Hebei Province. A series of problems have been studied on the sea water drilling fluid, high temperature resistant fresh water drilling fluid, screw composite drilling technique, screw hole coring technology, and high temperature, thus solving the difficulty of sea water drilling fluid well protection, poor stability of drilling fluid under high temperature, and low efficiency in hot dry rock drilling and coring drilling to ensure the safety of the borehole and improve drilling efficiency. The high temperature resistant double condensation and double density cement slurry system and relevant technical measures are adopted to ensure the quality of cementing in the high temperature environment. Through the understanding and analysis of the strata in this area, this work provides valuable experience for drilling in the same strata in the future. The final hole depth of the M-1 well in Matouying is 4502. 11m, and hot dry rock with a temperature of 150t is found at 3965 m, which is the first hot dry rock well with a temperature of more than 150°C in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region so far. © 2022 Editorial Board of Geology and Exploration. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
固井质量对干热岩后期开发利用具有重要意义。针对山西大同盆地干热岩勘查井GR1井温度高、高温固井水泥浆技术体系不完善等问题,通过研究勘查区地质特征,提出了高温固井水泥浆技术体系开发思路。研究表明:干热岩高温固井水泥浆水胶比控制为0.45,优选添加剂高温降失水剂CG82L、高温缓凝剂H40L、高温稳定剂CF40L、消泡剂GX-1、硅粉及HV-PAC,形成一套适用于山西干热岩井的高温固井水泥浆技术体系。该水泥浆体系在GR1井成功应用,现场固井质量良好,研究成果为今后同类型高温固井工作提供了宝贵经验和技术支撑。  相似文献   
雄安新区雾迷山组地热资源丰富,研究其岩溶热储特征及其形成机理对于雄安新区清洁地热资源的开发利用具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。前人已经对该区雾迷山组油气储集层的分布、古岩溶、成岩作用、储集空间等特征做过一定的研究,但对于该区雾迷山组地热资源的成储机制、特别是3期岩溶等成岩特征尚缺乏系统性的研究。充分利用野外露头、岩心、薄片和测录井等地质及地球物理资料,并结合区域地质背景的分析,对雄安新区雾迷山组的岩石学特征、成岩作用、岩溶热储的成储机制进行了深入研究,并建立了雄安新区雾迷山组岩溶热储的发育模式。结果表明:(1)雄安新区雾迷山组主要岩性为白云岩,主要的储集空间为次生孔隙和构造缝—构造溶蚀缝,热储孔渗变化较大;(2)雄安新区最主要的建设性成岩作用是3种溶蚀作用,包括同生—准同生溶蚀、表生溶蚀和埋藏溶蚀,主要破坏性成岩作用是压实作用和胶结作用;(3)根据构造演化、岩心及测井资料,将表生溶蚀作用划分为3期,分别是芹峪期、印支期和燕山—喜山期。芹峪期雾迷山组局部出露遭受淋滤,形成的溶孔经后期改造后不易识别;印支期大部分区域抬升并遭受淋滤,形成高孔渗储集层,后期遭受了进一步改造;燕山—喜山期是雄安新...  相似文献   
"钻孔注浆+预应力锚索"工艺被应用在了迪庆变电站滑坡山体的工程治理中.本文在分析滑坡体地层结构、岩性和地形特征的基础上,介绍工程设计、工艺和施工方案.工程效果表明,在破碎岩土区,"钻孔注浆+预应力锚索"工艺治理滑坡效果显著.  相似文献   
Instability structures, synsedimentary faults and turbidites have been studied in the Lower Pliensbachian succession of Saint-Michel-en-Beaumont, belonging to the Taillefer block, an ancient half-graben emplaced during the Liassic Tethyan rifting. Geometrical and mechanical analyses demonstrate that the instability structures occurred thanks to movements along spineless synsedimentary normal faults, when the turbiditic and limestone layers were already case-hardened and partly fractured by tension gashes even when the mudstones were still unlithified. Both the tension gashes and the synsedimentary faults are homogeneous in strike with the major regional faults and are in good agreement with the regional direction of extension for this period. The characters of the turbiditic beds, with erosive base, graded bedding, and incomplete Bouma sequence, are in favour of a seismic origin. Instability structures, spineless synsedimentary faults and turbiditic inflows are thus considered as seismites and interpreted as the result of high seismicity periods including some events with M > 5 in the general extensive ambiance of the Liassic Tethyan rifting. The analysis of the geometrical relationships between all these sedimentary features allows to distinguish the successive stage of occurrence of an instability structure, from the sedimentation of alternating marls and limestones, and sudden turbiditic inflows, then early case-hardening of the turbidites, until the important seismotectonic event generating the spineless normal faults, themselves triggering the fall of indurated blocks and locally the forming of breccias. The Ornon Fault, which constitutes the border of the Taillefer block, 15 km eastward, played a major role during the Liassic sedimentation and may represent the major seismic fault related to the seismites occurrence in the Beaumont basin.  相似文献   
朱长歧  周斌  刘海峰 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):311-319
天然胶结钙质土是广泛分布于热带及亚热带海洋中由生物碎屑经碳酸钙胶结或固结而形成的碳酸盐岩类。其独特的工程性质常常给岩土工程设计与施工带来麻烦,也正因此引起了研究者的兴趣并对其开展了较为全面的试验研究工作。针对天然胶结钙质土、人工胶结钙质土的室内试验以及人工胶结钙质土试样的制备等3方面取得的研究进展进行总结回顾,汇总了胶结钙质土的基本应力-应变行为以及围压、初始密度及胶结度等主要参数的影响规律,指出了研究中尚存在的问题,并对胶结钙质土的进一步的研究工作进行了展望。该工作必将对此领域的研究具有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
为了更为合理地评价盾构壁后注浆控制地层变形机制,采用自制的硬性浆液固结变形试验装置,对水泥胶结作用影响硬性浆液的固结过程进行了试验研究。在此基础上,分析并建立了能够反映水泥胶结作用的硬性浆液固结变形模型,编制了相应的数值计算程序,并通过试验验证了该模型的合理性。硬性浆液固结变形数值计算模型的构建对于提高盾构施工模拟精细度将起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   
王志荣  牛书安  李冰  陈玲霞 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2675-2680
针对豫西滑动构造区软岩巷道在喷射混凝土支护条件下的抗渗性能问题,从立方定律基本理论着手,结合地下水层流渗透特点,按照不同的施工条件进行了黏结面渗透性能的模拟试验,并导出了相应的计算公式。通过试验结果的对比和分析,可以清晰了解到岩性、粗糙度、界面剂和大型刻槽等各种影响因素之间相互作用的过程和机理。即:(1)黏结面作为结构上的薄弱面,其渗透性要远远大于岩体和混凝土本体的渗透性,而粗颗粒软岩黏结面的渗透性也要远远大于相应的细颗粒软岩;(2)限制岩体结构面的粗糙度、使用各种界面剂以及布置适当的人工刻槽均能提高黏结面的抗渗性能;(3)岩体结构的荷载条件是黏结面渗透性能的一个重要影响因素。  相似文献   
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