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金鑫  王铁行  郝延周  赵再昆  张亮  张猛 《岩土力学》2022,43(9):2399-2409
为确定桩间黄土卸荷湿陷过程中卸荷量的合理取值,开展桩−土界面大型剪切试验,研究桩间黄土卸荷湿陷状态下桩−土界面剪切强度、剪切位移及桩−土界面法向力之间的相关关系。结果表明:在桩间土中性点深度范围内,不同竖向应力和含水率状态下的桩−土界面剪切强度可代表桩侧负摩阻力。利用卸荷量与桩侧负摩阻力互为作用力与反作用力的力学原理,并在分析卸荷量随湿陷深度和湿陷进程变化规律的基础上,提出黄土卸荷湿陷过程中卸荷量计算方法,通过对比卸荷量计算值与不同黄土地区桩侧负摩阻力现场实测值,以验证其合理性。该方法不仅为科学评价黄土卸荷湿陷特性提供卸荷作用量化手段,还为相关黄土工程的优化设计提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   
王川  冷先伦  张占荣  杨闯  陈健 《岩土力学》2023,(4):1190-1203
开挖卸荷作用下裂隙岩体边坡的破坏模式与路径分析是边坡工程灾害研究的热点之一,准确识别边坡的潜在破裂路径对工程安全施工和支护优化设计具有重要意义。依据断裂扩展分析方法,将裂隙扩展判别的理论方法开发并应用于数值模拟分析中,通过裂隙尖端应力强度因子计算、裂隙扩展模式识别、裂隙起裂角演算、裂隙扩展交汇等技术实现了岩体中断续裂隙的起裂、扩展与贯通演化过程的快速模拟;以某高速公路沿线裂隙岩体路堑边坡为对象,采用提出的模拟方法分析了多级开挖卸荷作用下坡体裂隙的扩展机制与边坡的破坏路径。结果表明:裂隙岩体边坡从上至下多级开挖过程中,坡肩裂隙首先起裂,并通过拉张型扩展逐渐发展为优势裂隙;随着边坡下挖,优势裂隙沿坡面向下逐步发生拉张/剪切混合型扩展并与既有裂隙交汇,在边坡中上部形成阶梯状扩展破坏路径;裂隙扩展至边坡下部及坡脚后扩展模式由拉张/剪切混合型转化为剪切型,并最终以弧形剪切面从坡脚出露。研究揭示了裂隙岩体边坡多级开挖卸荷作用下上部阶梯状拉张/剪切混合型破裂-下部弧形剪切型破裂的复合破坏模式,可为边坡工程支护设计和施工稳定性控制提供新思路。  相似文献   
建(构)筑物因土中孔隙水压力升高而失稳破坏的情形屡见不鲜,常剪应力增孔压试验是相关研究的常用手段,但迄今鲜见考虑施工期开挖卸荷影响的试验研究。为探究初始卸荷对花岗岩残积土增孔压过程力学行为的影响,在常规增孔压试验中增加了初始卸荷阶段,开展了一系列考虑初始卸荷程度和卸荷滞时影响的卸荷-增孔压试验,分析土体变形、屈服和强度特性的初始卸荷效应与卸荷滞时效应,并与常规增孔压试验结果对比以揭示初始应力路径的影响。试验结果表明:增孔压过程的变形发展具有明显的阶段性,土体屈服后因其剪胀潜势和变形迅速而产生负超静孔压增量,有效平均应力转而增大;初始卸荷对增孔压过程土体力学性能具有明显的劣化作用,表现为刚度与屈服强度均随初始卸荷程度的增大而衰减;与被动压缩这种“加荷”式应力路径相比,初始卸荷的不利影响更为显著;土体力学性能的劣化随卸荷滞时的增长而加剧;屈服摩擦角随初始卸荷程度的增大逐渐减小,但始终大于临界状态摩擦角。  相似文献   
An adaptive substepping explicit integration scheme is developed for a porosity‐dependent hydro‐mechanical model for unsaturated soils. The model is referred to as the modified σ –Θ model in this paper, which features the employment of the subloading surface plasticity and the stress–saturation approach. On numerical aspects, convex/nonconvex subloading surfaces in the σ –Θ space may result in incorrect loading–unloading decisions during the integration. A new loading–unloading decision method is developed here to solve the problem and then embedded into the explicit integration scheme for the modified σ –Θ model. In addition, to enhance the accuracy of the explicit integration, local errors from both hydraulic and mechanical components are included in the error control for each substep. A drift correction method is also developed to ensure the state point lies on the subloading surface in the σ –Θ space within a set error level. The performance of the loading–unloading decision method for the modified σ –Θ model is discussed through comparing it with the conventional loading–unloading decision method. The importance of involving the hydraulic component in the error control is also demonstrated. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed adaptive substepping explicit integration scheme for the modified p–Θ model are also studied via several numerical examples. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以广州地区花岗岩残积粘性土为研究对象,通过击样法制备特定含水量试样,在不同压力下进行固结加、卸荷试验,对比分析试验数据,初步研究加、卸荷状态下花岗岩残积粘性土的抗剪强度变化,探寻先期固结压力、含水量与抗剪强度间规律。重塑残积土抗剪强度随含水量增加而减小;在先期固结压力相同的条件下,卸荷相对加荷试验条件下的土体强度显著减小,且减少值随残积土含水量的增加而逐渐减小,故在基坑开挖等卸荷工程项目中,应充分考虑卸荷对土体抗剪强度的影响,在卸荷工程中采用土体卸荷抗剪强度指标更符合工程实际。  相似文献   
通过对岩体的氡气测试,得到不同高程氡气脉冲值的硐深变化曲线,分析岩体卸荷强度和方式与其氡异常的相关性。岩体卸荷强度愈高,高氡异常值越高,异常深度范围越大,异常特征越明显。边坡集中卸荷拉裂部位、断层及错动带高氡异常,但边坡深部某些顺层断层或错动带异常特征不明显。结果显示卸荷强度和方式与氡气异常特征密切相关。  相似文献   
本文以上海某盾构法隧道开挖为例,根据原状土卸载应力路径下的回弹试验结果,探讨了土体在卸荷状态下的变形特性,并对盾构法隧道开挖卸荷影响深度进行了初步分析探讨。  相似文献   
By carrying out triaxial unloading test under different stress paths on rock, the complete stress-strain curves, deformation characteristics and its strength criterion are studied. The test results show that the relation between lateral strain and confining pressure firstly is linear, and then is nonlinear in the total stage of unloading confining pressure. And its growth rate is about 3 to 5 times the growth rate of the axial strain. It shows obvious lateral dilatancy, and the degree of dilatancy is related to the unloading path. According to the area that is enclosed by confining pressure and volumetric strain curve, it can be seen that the greater the confining pressure is before unloading, the more the energy releases. Deformation modulus decreases gradually with the unloading confining pressure, and increases with the initial confining pressure; the relation between deformation modulus and confining pressure shows negative exponential distribution overall. At the same unloading paths, the reduction of the deformation modulus increases with the increase of initial confining pressure. The Poisson's ratio rises up continually, and the variation law with the confining pressure can be well described by nonlinear. Failure characteristics of rock are mainly shear failure. The strength characteristics of rock can be well characterized by using the Mohr strength criterion of power function. These conclusions provide reliable theoretical reference and guiding significance for the deep mining of the underground metal mine.  相似文献   
Among the constitutive models for rock fractures developed over the years, Barton's empirical model has been widely used. Although Barton's failure criterion predicts peak shear strength of rock fractures with acceptable precision, it has some limitations in estimating the peak shear displacement, post‐peak shear strength, dilation, and surface degradation. The first author modified Barton's original model in order to address these limitations. Barton proposed his model for degradation of fracture asperities in unloading, reloading, and shear displacement reversal based on just one cyclic direct shear test. In this study, a database of results of 18 cyclic direct shear tests available in the literature was collected and analyzed. Modifications were made to Barton's original model (in terms of fracture cyclic shearing) to make it consistent with the modified model proposed by the first author. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
饱和黏性土蠕变变形试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合苏锡常地区地面沉降研究,用单向固结仪研究饱和黏性土在复杂荷载作用下的蠕变变形特征。试验土样取自苏锡常地区第2弱透水层。研究结果表明,在初次加载时黏性土具有明显的蠕变性,在双对数坐标中蠕变变形与时间呈直线关系,且直线斜率随荷载水平增大而减小,但在荷载水平达到一定值后斜率变化不大;在初次卸载时黏性土仍有明显的回弹蠕变,特别是在卸载水平较高时,卸载回弹蠕变变形与应力和时间的关系仍可用幂函数表示;在循环荷载作用下,加卸载达到变形稳定的时间随循环次数增加而减小。当循环荷载最大值小于土样的先期固结压力时,土样在2次加卸载循环后达到弹性变形状态;当循环荷载最大值等于土样的先期固结压力时,土样在5次加卸载循环后达到弹性变形状态。  相似文献   
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