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http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000752   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of environmentalegeological problems have been caused by over-exploitation of deep groundwater (i.e., confined aquifer water) in the North China Plain. In order to better understand the status of deep groundwater over-exploitation and the resultant environmentalegeological problems on a regional scale, the over-exploitation of groundwater has been assessed by way of the groundwater exploitation potential coefficient (i.e., the ratio of exploitable amount of deep groundwater to current exploitation), cumulative land subsidence, and long-term average lowering rate of the groundwater table. There is a good correlation among the results calculated by the different methods. On a regional scale, deep groundwater has been over-exploited and there is no further exploitation potential under the current conditions. The groundwater exploitation degree index takes the exploitation in 2003 as the reference for the calculations, so the results mainly reflect the degree of current groundwater exploitation. The results of over-exploitation of deep groundwater obtained by land subsidence data and long-term average rate of depression of the water table mainly reflect environmentalegeological problems caused by exploitation of deep groundwater.  相似文献   
孙超  田西昭  张娜娜 《地下水》2012,34(6):88-89
为了查明邯郸平原深层地下水水质现状,在分析邯郸平原深层地下水水文地质条件的基础上,通过选取十一处具有代表性深层地下水井进行取样化验,采用单项组分评价和综合评价方法进行评价。评价结果表明,十一眼取样井中水质良好、较差、极差井数分别为5眼、5眼、1眼,影响水质的物质为pH、总硬度、氟、铁、锰、溶解性总固体、硫酸盐、氯化物。  相似文献   
王保君 《城市地质》2012,7(2):27-29
本文在依据郑州北郊地区水文地质条件,分析了其水源地深层地下水的补给量和排泄量:中深层地下水补给量为7152m3/d,排泄量为7134m3/d,均衡差为18m3/d;开采条件下,中深层地下水的补给量为46301m3/d,排泄量为46320m3/d,均衡差为-19m3/d。  相似文献   
皖北矿区位于淮北平原的北部,面积30000km^2。境内有皖北煤电集团和淮北矿业集团两个国家级特大型企业,是华东地区重要的煤炭基地。矿区随着开采逐渐向深部(-800~-1000m)延伸,矿井重、特大型突水事故频繁发生。矿区内主要水源有四种:新生界底部第四系含水层、二叠系煤系砂岩含水层、石炭系太原群灰岩含水层和奥陶系灰岩含  相似文献   
根据天津市汉沽区地下水历史资料,分析区域地下水开采量、水位埋深、地面沉降变化及它们之间的联系等。发现汉沽区地下水处于长期超采状态,地下水位也呈逐年下降趋势,地面不断下沉,地下水的过量开采是引起地面沉降和水位持续下降的主要原因。通过建立汉沽区地下水流-地面沉降模型,设定三个水平年地下水开采方案,预测未来地下水位埋深及地面沉降变化。预测表明,随着地下水开采量的消减,地下水位逐步上升,地面下沉趋势可得到遏制。  相似文献   
To study arsenic(As) content and distribution patterns as well as the genesis of different kinds of water, especially the different sources of drinking water in Guanzhong Basin, Shaanxi province, China, 139 water samples were collected at 62 sampling points from wells of different depths, from hot springs, and rivers. The As content of these samples was measured by the intermittent flowhydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry method(HG-AFS). The As concentrations in the drinking water in Guanzhong Basin vary greatly(0.00–68.08 μg/L), and the As concentration of groundwater in southern Guanzhong Basin is different from that in the northern Guanzhong Basin. Even within the same location in southern Guanzhong Basin, the As concentrations at different depths vary greatly. As concentration of groundwater from the shallow wells(50 m deep, 0.56–3.87 μg/L) is much lower than from deep wells(110–360 m deep, 19.34–62.91 μg/L), whereas As concentration in water of any depth in northern Guanzhong Basin is 10 μg/L. Southern Guanzhong Basin is a newly discovered high-As groundwater area in China. The high-As groundwater is mainly distributed in areas between the Qinling Mountains and Weihe River; it has only been found at depths ranging from 110 to 360 m in confined aquifers, which store water in the Lishi and Wucheng Loess(Lower and Middle Pleistocene) in the southern Guanzhong Basin. As concentration of hot spring water is 6.47–11.94 μg/L; that of geothermal water between 1000 and 1500 m deep is 43.68–68.08 μg/L. The high-As well water at depths from 110 to 360 m in southern Guanzhong Basin has a very low fluorine(F) value, which is generally 0.10 mg/L. Otherwise, the hot springs of Lintong and Tangyu and the geothermal water in southern Guanzhong Basin have very high F values(8.07–14.96 mg/L). The results indicate that highAs groundwater in depths from 110 to 360 m is unlikely to have a direct relationship with the geothermal water in the same area. As concentration of all reservoirs and rivers(both contaminated and uncontaminated) in the Guanzhong Basin is 10 μg/L. This shows that pollution in the surface water is not the source of the high-As in the southern Guanzhong Basin. The partition boundaries of the high- and low-As groundwater area corresponds to the partition boundaries of the tectonic units in the Guanzhong Basin. This probably indicates that the high-As groundwater areas can be correlated to their geological underpinning and structural framework. In southern Guanzhong Basin, the main sources of drinking water for villages and small towns today are wells between 110–360 m deep. All of their As contents exceed the limit of the Chinese National Standard and the International Standard(10 μg/L) and so local residents should use other sources of clean water that are 50 m deep, instead of deep groundwater(110 to 360 m) for their drinking water supply.  相似文献   
鲁北平原因超量开采地下水而引发了诸多水环境问题.本文对其分布规律和演化趋势进行了分析,并提出了对策建议.  相似文献   
德州市深层地下水人工回灌试验浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德州市德城区由于长期开采深层地下水,引起了水位区域性大幅度下降,形成了大面积地下水降落漏斗,并产生了地面沉降等不良地质环境问题。为保护德州市地质环境和深层地下水资源,于2002年开展了深层地下水人工回灌试验。根据回灌试验成果和深层地下水目前开采强度推算,利用德城区现有部分(65%)深机井在丰水季节进行人工回灌,单井回灌量保持1200m3/d,每年保持90d的回灌时间,回灌量可达到1080×104m3/a,可增可采资源量675×104m3/a。因此开展人工回灌可以有效地补给地下水源,解决深层地下水资源枯竭问题。  相似文献   
提出了一种新的深层地下水回灌方法———SPD人工补给系统,并通过室内沙槽模拟试验,对该系统和常规的直接井回灌法作了比较。研究表明,利用该系统补给深层地下水,具有回灌水质要求低、补给速度快、补给量多、不易淤堵等特点,是深层地下水人工补给的一条有效的新途径。  相似文献   
深层地下水及其可利用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深层地下水是指地质历史时期特定气候条件下形成的、现代补给来源很少、恢复更新速度极其缓慢的地下水。国内外专家对区域大型沉积盆地中的深层地下水的运移机制存在不同的认识,根本的分歧在于是否存在水力连续性。尽管在学术上存在着主张和反对开采深层地下水的争论,但实际情况却是世界上许多干旱国家和地区正在开采或计划开采深层地下水,并且作为主要的供水水源。深层地下水的开采主要是开采其储存量,其可利用限度取决于是否允许消耗其储存量及允许消耗多少储存量。开采战略要么是选择长期开采要么是选择替代解决办法,如果选择前者,那么分阶段、分层位开采并给予其足够恢复、更新的时间是非常必要的。  相似文献   
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