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Major- and minor- element determinations were carried out on a high-resolution sample set obtained from a sediment drill core at Wunstorf (N. Germany). This study interval includes the black shale-bearing Hesseltal Formation associated with the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2), also referred to as Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE). Seven black shale packages, each containing several black shale layers, were defined by elevated TOC values, with black shale packages 1-4 deposited during OAE 2. Packages 5-7 extend above the level of the positive carbon-isotope excursion defining OAE 2, indicating that conditions favouring organic carbon burial must have prevailed longer in the Wunstorf Basin than elsewhere. Geochemical analyses revealed no significant differences between black shale packages deposited during and after OAE 2. Enrichment patterns of sulphur, iron and redox-sensitive and sulphide-forming trace metals point to suboxic to anoxic conditions existing at the sediment-water interface during black shale deposition, whereas sulphidic conditions prevailed deeper in the sediment. Variations in element/Al ratios follow cyclic patterns which are interpreted to represent climatically-induced changes in sediment supply. Reduced vertical mixing led to water-column stratification and caused black shale deposition.  相似文献   
白垩纪诸多地质事件中,以黑色页岩为特征的大洋缺氧事件和以红层为特征的大洋富氧环境尤其引人关注。本文探讨了白垩纪大洋从缺氧到富氧转化的过程与机制,认为上述沉积事件是地球圈层之间相互作用的结果。白垩纪岩石圈剧烈的岩浆活动,是缺氧、富氧事件发生的源动力,水圈、大气圈、生物圈的共同作用是沉积事件发生的结果。具体过程为:白垩纪大规模的火山喷发,改变了海陆面积的对比,并引起地球内部大量热能释放和大气中CO_2气体浓度的升高,最终导致大气温度的升高。海水温度的升高和CO_2浓度的增加导致海洋环境中溶解O_2的降低,缺氧事件随之而产生。同时,海底岩浆喷发在海底产生大量的富含铁元素的基性和超基性岩石,通过海底风化和热液活动,铁元素从岩石圈进入水圈。海水中的铁元素是海洋浮游植物宝贵的营养盐类,其含量的增加可激发浮游植物的大规模繁盛,而这一生命过程可以吸收海水中大量的CO_2,并且产生等量的O_2。随着海水中O_2浓度的不断升高,以富含Fe3+的红色沉积物为特征的海洋富氧环境出现。藏南和深海钻探、大洋钻探典型剖面的数据证实大洋缺氧和富氧发生的韵律性,即缺氧事件之后往往伴随富氧环境的出现。研究认为,白垩纪大洋缺氧和富氧事件是同一原因导致的不同结果,地球圈层相互作用是其根本制约因素。由岩浆活动引起的缺氧事件和同样由其造成的富氧环境,其机制存在明显的差异,前者以物理、化学过程为主,后者除此之外还演绎了更为复杂的生物-海洋地球化学过程。  相似文献   
无机地球化学参数与有效烃源岩发育环境的相关研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探索海相有效烃源岩判识指标仍是我国油气勘探中尚待解决的重要科研任务之一。古生产力及氧化还原条件是研究全球变化和海洋环境的重要内容,也是重塑有效烃源岩发育环境的主要参数。Si、Ba是古生产力的替代指标,Cd对古营养盐的反演具良好前景。过渡金属及其相关比值是缺氧环境的有效判识指标,可用其推断有机质保存条件。δ13Ccarb正偏移指示有机质埋藏量增加,是底部水体缺氧的响应。过渡金属同位素(δ65Cu、δ66Zn、δ97Mo)受生物活动及氧化还原条件的影响发生较大分馏,示踪环境变化具灵敏、高效性。将这些无机参数对古环境的示踪意义引入油气地质研究,从环境角度分析某一套地层能否发育有效烃源岩,进而探讨高演化海相有效烃源岩的判识,就更具特殊意义。  相似文献   
The sulphur cycle in the sediment of the Venice canal network was investigated by considering the sulphate reduction rate (SRR) and the distribution of sulphur compounds, in both pore water and sediment. Sulphate reduction (SR) is the main process in the metabolism of the organic matter supplied to the network by untreated urban effluents. Although it might account for the decomposition of only a limited percentage of the total organic-C inputs, the estimated rates are among the highest observed in coastal sediments. Measured rates range from 0.26 to 0.99 micromolcm(-3)d(-1), while mean annual values, estimated by a diagenetic model, vary from 0.16 to 0.43 micromolcm(-3)d(-1). The speciation of S in the sediment reveals that pyrite-S is the most abundant component of the total reduced S pool, whereas acid volatile sulphides and elemental sulphur together account for less than 45%. A preliminary budget indicates that the rate of burial of solid-phase S is small compared to the S produced by SR (from 10 to 25%). A large amount of reduced S is then lost from the canal deposits to be re-oxidised at the sediment-water interface or in the overlying water column.  相似文献   
This paper presents new geological and geochemical data from the Shuanghu area in northern Tibet, which recorded the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. The stratigraphic succession in the Shuanghu area consists mostly of grey to dark-colored alternating oil shales, marls and mudstones. Ammonite beds are found at the top of the Shuanghu oil shale section, which are principally of early Toarcian age, roughly within the Harplocearasfalciferrum Zone. Therefore,the oil shale strata at Shuanghu can be correlated with early Toarcian black shales distributing extensively in the European epicontinental seas that contain the records of an Oceanic Anoxic Event. Sedimentary organic matter of laminated shale anomalously rich in organic carbon across the Shuanghu area is characterized by high organic carbon contents, ranging from 1.8% to 26.1%. The carbon isotope curve displays the δ^13C values of the kerogen (δ^13Ckerogen) fluctuating from -26.22 to -23.53‰ PDB with a positive excursion close to 2.17‰, which, albeit significantly smaller, may also have been associated with other Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in Europe. The organic atomic C/N ratios range between 6 and 43, and the curve of C/N ratios is consistent with that of the δ^13Ckerogen values. The biological assemblage,characterized by scarcity of benthic organisms and bloom of calcareous nannofossils (coccoliths), reveals high biological productivity in the surface water and an unfavorable environment for the benthic fauna in the bottom water during the Oceanic Anoxic Event. On the basis of organic geochemistry and characteristics of the biological assemblage, this study suggests that the carbon-isotope excursion is caused by the changes of sea level and productivity, and that the black shale deposition, especially oil shales, is related to the bloom and high productivity of coccoliths.  相似文献   
In order to constrain spatial variability in watermass conditions within the European Epicontinental Seaway prior to, during and after the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, carbon (δ13Cbel, δ13Ccarb) and oxygen (δ18Obel, δ18Ocarb) isotope records were obtained from three sections in the Grands Causses Basin (southern France). These data were then compared with similar records along a north–south transect across the European Epicontinental Seaway. As the conclusions reached here strongly depend on the reliability of belemnite calcites as archives of palaeoceanographic changes, an attempt was made to improve the understanding of isotope signals recorded in belemnite calcite. Intra‐rostral carbon and oxygen‐isotope data from six belemnite specimens belonging to the genus Passaloteuthis were collected. Intra‐rostral carbon‐isotopes are influenced by vital effects, whereas oxygen‐isotopes reflect relative changes in temperature and salinity. Palaeotemperatures calculated from δ18Obel‐isotope records from the Grands Causses Basin confirm relatively low temperatures throughout the Late Pliensbachian. Similar cool water conditions have previously been shown in Germany, England, Spain and Portugal. A temperature increase of up to 6 °C is observed across the Pliensbachian–Toarcian boundary. A pronounced negative shift of at least ?3‰ (Vienna‐Pee Dee Belemnite) is recorded in bulk carbonate carbon during the lower Harpoceras serpentinum zone, typical of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Before and after the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, a good correlation between δ13Ccarb and δ13Cbel exists, indicating well‐ventilated bottom‐waters and normal marine conditions. Instead, data for the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event indicate the development of a strong north–south gradient in salinity stratification and surface‐water productivity for the Western Tethyan realm. This study thus lends further support to a pronounced regional overprint on carbon and oxygen‐isotope records in epicontinental seaways.  相似文献   
陶然  曾允孚 《沉积学报》1995,13(1):18-26
根据旋回特征可把西藏南部的中白垩纪地层分为四个等级。第一级旋回主要是大套的碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩的交替,以及生物种类的变化,表现了当时海平面周期性变化。第二级旋回代表了古生产率和氧化还原的韵律性变化,通过对CaCO3含量的AR-FFT处理得出的周期(ZMa)与Berger等人所计算的理论周期基本相符。因此,可以认为这种旋回根本原因是因轨道参数变化所引起的古环流改变所造成,如地中海型环流与河口型环流的互换,必将导致古生产率以及海洋水体性质的改变。第三级旋回表现为层偶的变化,如泥岩与灰岩互层以及黑色页岩与灰岩互层,在本区主要有三个周期:4.3、5.2和9.2万年,它们分别相当于斜率(ε)和偏心率(C)的理论周期值,旋回的周期主要是因为气候的变化引起陆源物质的稀释作用发生周期性变化,气候的周期性变化是由于轨道参数的改变而引起,因此,这种族回具有全球的可对比性。第四级旋回是由于海水里季节性变化所引起的纹层状层理。  相似文献   
Partly laminated sediments were sampled from the brine-filled, anoxic Shaban Deep basin in the northern Red Sea. At about 4200 cal yr BP more than two millennia of anoxic sedimentation is replaced by a sub-oxic facies strongly suggesting the episodic absence of the brine. At the same time stable oxygen isotopes from surface dwelling foraminifera show a sharp increase (within less than 100 yr) pointing to a strong positive salinity anomaly at the sea surface. This major evaporation event significantly enhanced the renewal of deep water and the subsequent ventilation of the small Shaban Deep basin. The timing and strength of the reconstructed environmental changes around 4200 cal yr BP suggest that this event is the regional expression of a major drought event, which is widely observed in the neighboring regions, and which strongly affected Middle East agricultural civilizations.  相似文献   
扬子东南大陆边缘晚前寒武纪古海洋演化的稀土元素记录   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
伊海生  彭军 《沉积学报》1995,13(4):131-137
本文采用中子活化方法分析了晚震旦~早寒武纪19件样品的稀土元素组成,发现硅质岩石REE配分形式有着复杂的变化,初步可以划分为五种类型,包括“台地型”、“红海型”、“海水型”及两种特殊的配分形式。剖面上Ce异常由小到大的演变反映了古海洋底层水由缺氧环境向氧化条件的逐渐转化。正Eu异常的出现代表了热水沉积事件的存在。  相似文献   
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