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Associations between scale‐worms and giant mussels are common constituents of hydrothermal vent and cold seep ecosystems, but very little is known about their nature and ecology. Here, we analyze the ecological characteristics of the associations between Branchipolynoe seepensis, an obligate symbiotic polychaete, and their host mytilid mussels Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis and B. azoricus inhabiting hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge. Infested mussels generally harbored a single symbiont (<4% had two to six worms). Infestation rate varied from 7.2% to 76.5%, increasing with mussel size, and was significantly lower for B. puteoserpentis. Symbiont density at Lucky Strike ranged between 1071 and 1191 individuals m−2. Female symbiont size was always positively correlated with host size, while only males and juveniles from small mussels showed the same trend. This suggested a relatively long‐lasting host/symbiont association for females and short‐lasting association with successive reproductive migrations for adult males. The sex ratio of symbionts was always biased in favor of females. Males were smaller and more slender than females and had one mode in their size distributions, whereas females typically had three or more modes, suggestive of a longer life span in females. Between 59.1% and 72.2% of mussels had damaged soft tissues with substantially higher incidence of trauma in infested ones, suggesting that symbionts may cause trauma. The symbionts also induce tunnel‐like structures among the ctenidia, indicating fidelity to a particular location inside the host. Based on our data, together with the fact that infested mussels became relatively wider than non‐infested ones, this association is considered parasitic (likely kleptoparasitic). Our data, together with those from previous studies, allowed us to define the main life‐history traits of B. seepensis: (i) the relationship with their host is parasitic, (ii) the association begins at the smallest mytilid size classes, (iii) there is sexual dimorphism in body size, (iv) sex ratio deviates from 1:1 in favor of females, (v) fertilization occurs through temporal pairing and pseudocopulation, (vi) sperm are stored by females, (vii) eggs are large (likely lecithotrophic or with direct development), (viii) females have a longer life span than males, (ix) adult males may be semalparous, undertaking reproductive migrations followed by a short period of pairing and then death, and (x) females have a semi‐continuous iteroparous reproductive cycle.  相似文献   
贻贝隶属于软体动物门(Mollusca)、双壳纲(Bivalvia)、翼形亚纲(Pteriomorphia)、贻贝目(Mytilida)、贻贝超科(Mytiloidea),大约有400种贻贝分布在世界各地,可适应淡水、潮间带至深海多种生境。本实验以贻贝科6亚科12属28种中国沿海常见贻贝的28SrDNA为目的片段,构建系统发育进化树,运用最大似然法和贝叶斯推演法分析了贻贝科的系统发生,并追踪贻贝科物种系统演化历史。结果显示:贻贝亚科Mytilinae、偏顶蛤亚科Modiolinae、石蛏亚科Lithophaginae均非单系群。在属阶元,深海偏顶蛤属Bathymodiolus、贻贝属Mytilus和股贻贝属Perna为单系群。本研究发现应接受将原隔贻贝属Septifer分为Septifer属和Mytilisepta属的分类提议;应接受将原石蛏属Lithophaga中的膜石蛏亚属Leiosolenus提升至属的地位的分类提议。此外,短齿蛤属Brachidontes的单系性不被支持,刻缘短齿蛤Brachidontessetiger并未与短齿蛤属其他物种在系统发育树上聚拢,亲缘关系较远,为不同属物种,建议恢复刻缘短齿蛤原属名Volsella (Dunker, 1857)。  相似文献   
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