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From the phase-resolving improved Boussinesq equations (Beji and Nadaoka, Ocean Engineering 23 (1996) 691), a phase-averaged Boussinesq model for water waves is derived by more effectively describing carrier wave groups and accompanying long wave evolution with less CPU time. Linear shoaling characteristics of carrier wave equations are investigated and found to agree exactly with the analytical expression obtained from the constancy of energy flux for the improved Boussinesq equations themselves, showing that the present model equations are the results of a consistent derivation procedure regarding energy considerations. Numerical simulations of the derived equations for the single wave group and narrow-banded random waves show the validity of the present model and its high performance, especially on the CPU time.  相似文献   
区域尺度精细化水动力数值模拟是解决大量工程、地质、环境等问题的重要手段。水动力荷载的直接冲击是近海近岸结构物、设施破坏的主要动力因素。本文章旨在介绍Boussinesq-GreenNaghdi有旋非静压水动力模型及其在区域尺度灾害性海浪的非静压水动力荷载分析和风险分布评价上的应用。这套模型利用了Boussinesq量纲和Green-Naghdi加权积分的结构。速度和压力被用多项式假设来表达和非线性重排法的应用,有效地提高了模型性能,避免了无旋假设的使用,更好地模拟计算了右旋流速和非静态压力场等复杂水动力参数。模拟重现美国和菲律宾沿海台风浪过程,深入分析非静压海浪荷载作用机理,计算海浪荷载的时空分布,与巨石迁移和结构物损坏的调查数据进行对比验证,构建海浪荷载与区域结构物破坏程度分布的相关性,量化各项影响要素如流速、浪高、结构物特征等的风险权重,通过回归分析法推导基于多影响要素的区域海浪风险参数化定量评价方法。为非静压相位解析有旋水动力理论和海浪灾害机理的科学探索提供原创性基础。为沿海人类活动、区域规划、工程设计、防灾减灾等提供科学指导。  相似文献   
Here in present work, rotational Boussinesq–Green–Naghdi models were applied to assess the hydrodynamic intensity through the study of the boulder transport in east coast of Philippines during typhoon Haiyan and damage to coastal residences in New Jersey coast due to hurricane Sandy. The hydrodynamic forces were quantitatively analyzed and correlated to both boulder transport distance and the structural damage state in the two cases. The boulder transport was found initiated at vicinity of infragravity swash bores. Inertial force generated by the acceleration in front of the bore was found increasingly large as boulder sizes increased therefore far from negligible as in some other literatures. Besides, transport distances were highly sensitive to wave-heights and boulder sizes, so that onshore positions might be a viable approach of identifying rough magnitudes of paleostorm before other information is available. Fragility functions to predict the damage state of coastal residences due to runups was derived and preliminary validated. Water velocity and the shielding parameter were identified as major predictors of damage while free board and water depth are relatively insignificant. Due to the relative lack of wind damage observed, nearshore hydrodynamics featuring instantaneous nonhydrostatic impact might be the persistent cause of massive littoral processes and low-level structural failure in coastal regions during extreme marine events. Nonhydrostatic phase-resolving models such as Boussinesq-type models would be necessary complements for the intermediate-scale assessment of marine hazards in coastal ocean.  相似文献   
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