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邢亦谦  邢军武 《海洋科学》2019,43(5):97-102
以纠正碱蓬属Suaeda盐生植物研究中广泛存在的分类错误为目的,针对碱蓬属研究中因缺乏正确的种属鉴定与使用错误种名等导致无法确定研究对象是何植物,使研究结果丧失确定性和科学价值的问题,通过对相关错误文献的梳理,对包括《中国高等植物图鉴》在内的有关碱蓬属植物研究文献进行了初步分析,指出了有关碱蓬属植物研究中的同物异名、同名异物以及中文名与拉丁名错乱等问题并予以纠正。对提高碱蓬属植物研究的科学性与可靠性具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
三种猪毛菜种子耐盐性与幼苗干燥存活能力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘鹏  田长彦  冯固  薛英 《干旱区地理》2008,31(2):271-277
在控制条件下研究了三种藜科植物紫翅猪毛菜(Salsola affinisC.A.Mey.)、浆果猪毛菜(Salsola foliosa(L.)Schrad.)和钠猪毛菜(Salsola nitrariaPall.)种子的萌发特性以及萌发后的幼苗在室温中放置14天和30天之后重新放置在原溶液中的存活状况。结果表明:三种猪毛菜种子在无菌水、0.085 mol/L、0.17 mol/L、0.34 mol/L NaCl溶液中萌发的很好,但是在0.51 mol/LNaCl中萌发率很低,三种猪毛菜幼苗在干燥30天重新放置在原溶液中以后仍然具有很高的存活率。上述结果表明:已经萌发了的幼苗在干燥环境中仍然保持存活的能力是盐生植物为了适应极端干旱和盐渍荒漠环境的一个重要的生存策略。  相似文献   
目前我国盐渍土地面积较大,尤其是青藏高原的盐渍地,常伴有干旱、半干旱的生境,导致植物不易生长,生态环境日渐恶劣,这种生态现状亟待解决。盐生植物具有一定的耐盐性和耐旱性,是改善盐渍地的首选植物,种子的活力决定了种子萌发的情况,多数学者为改善严峻的生态环境开始了盐生植物引种的研究。测定种子活力有直接方法和间接方法,大多数学者采用的是直接方法,即在实验室模拟一定条件直接测定萌发率。本文简述了盐生植物的概况、制造胁迫的主要方法以及检测种子活力的指标,综述了近年来各位学者对盐爪爪、白刺等具有代表性的22种盐生植物在种子萌发期的耐盐性以及抗旱性的相关研究,为改善盐渍地的生态环境、提升盐渍地的生产量提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Since an important fraction of the organic matter produced by salt marshes is decomposed in situ, macro-benthic communities are particularly exposed to the trace metals retained by these systems. Yet, few studies have investigated the macro-benthic communities using the between-root sediment habitat of the salt marsh halophytes (salt-tolerant plants), or the effect of trace metal pollution on its population dynamics. In the present study, samples were collected in vegetated and unvegetated sediment, in three salt marshes in the Tagus estuary, for trace metal concentration determination in the sediment and in the halophytes roots, grain size determination and macro-benthic organism identification. Data analysis revealed that the distribution of macro-benthic organisms is mainly determined by metal contamination, metal type and by the presence/absence of halophytes, not by the halophyte species. Five different associations were identified: resistant organisms were associated with the highest concentrations of lead (sediment); tolerant organisms with zinc, copper (sediment and roots) and lead (roots); cadmium in the sediment with a lack of macro-benthic life; sensitive organisms with low levels of metals except for cadmium in the roots; and macro-benthos typical of intertidal mudflats with unvegetated areas with low metal contamination.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地盐湖区盐生植物根土复合体抗剪强度试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究选取柴达木盆地内大柴旦盐湖南岸5种优势草本盐生植物, 即赖草(Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel.)、海韭菜(Triglochin maritimum L.)、毛穗赖草(Leymus paboanus (Claus) Pilger)、芦苇(Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud)、无脉苔草(Carex enervis C. A. Mey.)等作为试验供试种, 采用由地表向下分层制取根-土复合体试样的方法, 分别对区内5种植物根-土复合体和不含根系素土试样进行了直剪试验. 试验结果表明, 根-土复合体的粘聚力c值由地表向下呈逐渐降低趋势, 且赖草、毛穗赖草、无脉苔草3种草本植物平均粘聚力c值由表层的14.83 kPa逐渐降至下层的6.23 kPa, 海韭菜、芦苇2种草本植物平均粘聚力c值则由表层的15.62 kPa逐渐降至下层的11.83 kPa; 根-土复合体的粘聚力c值由表层至下层呈逐渐降低, 其主要与根-土复合体中的根面积比和含根量由表层至下层呈逐渐降低具有密切关系; 5种草本植物根-土复合体内的摩擦角φ值未表现出一定的规律性. 根-土复合体在50 kPa、100 kPa、200 kPa、300 kPa垂直压力下的抗剪强度均大于相应素土的抗剪强度, 与不含根素土相比, 5种草本根系在地表以下的上层、中层、下层等3层对土体粘聚力增幅为40.7%~875.6%, 体现了5种草本植物对浅层土体具有显著加筋作用.  相似文献   
The forage and oilseed halophyte,Salicornia bigeloviiTorr., was grown in gravity-drained lysimeters set in open plots of the same crop over two seasons in a coastal desert environment in Sonora, Mexico. The lysimeters were irrigated daily with seawater (40 g l−1salts) at rates ranging from 46–225% of potential evaporation. Biomass and seed yields increased with increasing irrigation depth over the range of treatments. Biomass yields ranged from 13·6–23·1 t DM ha−1, equivalent to conventional forage crops, on seasonal water application depths of 2·3–3·8 m, but were markedly lower at lower irrigation depths. Increasing the irrigation depth lowered the soil solution salinity, resulting in greater growth and water use, and hence leaching fractions that were nearly even over irrigation treatments, averaging 0·5. Evapo-transpiration rose in direct proportion to the irrigation depth. Potential evaporation was estimated by site pan evaporation and by the Blaney-Criddle and Penman models using climatological data; the methods agreed within 15%. The ratio of evapo-transpiration to potential evaporation increased over the growing season and approached 1·5 by pan on the highest irrigation treatment due to the combined effects of high transpiration and high evaporation from the permanently moist soil surface. The best field predictor of biomass yield was the salinity of the soil moisture in the top 15 cm of soil profile, which constitutes the root zone for this crop. Root zone salinity must be kept at 70–75 g l−1for high yields. Although irrigation and drainage requirements were high compared to conventional crops, seawater irrigation appears to be feasible in medium sand and could augment crop production along coastal deserts. The possibility of using this crop for animal production is discussed.  相似文献   
Octodontid rodents have a long evolutionary history in arid landscapes of South America. The red vizcacha rat, Tympanoctomys barrerae , is a monotypic, micro-endemic species that inhabits salt pan-sand dune habitats in west-central Argentina. Its natural history is almost unknown. We present an analysis of the ecology, morphology, behavior, and physiology of the red vizcacha rat and assess the overall degree of convergence of this species with rodents that inhabit similar habitats in different deserts. Our results show that Tympanoctomys barrerae is highly adapted to salt flat basin habitats. Its diet of halophytic vegetation with a high salt content, and physiological and anatomical traits related to salt consumption, are similar to those found in some members of the families Heteromyidae (Dipodomys microps) of North America, and Muridae (Psammomys obesus and Rhombomys opimus) of Africa and Asia. Similarities include feeding behavior, diet composition, kidney morphology, and urine concentration, among other traits. Tympanoctomys barrerae is more similar to these desert rodents than it is to confamilials that do not feed on halophytes.  相似文献   
The effects of temperatures and salinities on germination of two halophytes, Kalidium capsicum and Suaeda physophora in northwestern China, were tested, and their seed size and seed production were compared. It was found that seed of Suaeda physophora germinate under 10℃, even about 0℃, and at a wide temperature range of 10―30℃. It showed about 50% germination in the concentration up to 0.7 mol/L NaCl; optimum germination temperature of Kalidium capsicum was between 20℃ and 30℃. The concentration of less than 0.3 mol/L NaCl inhibited absolutely its germination. Germination recovery was observed when salinities were reduced and total germination percentage exceeded 90%. Seeds of Kalidium capsicum showed no loss of viability while Suaeda physophora an annual loss of viability of 75% at room temperature. Mean weight of seeds of Suaeda physophora was about 8.5 times of Kalidium capsicum, whereas the number of seeds of the latter was more than 20 times of the former. Suaeda physophora was observed to be dependent on periodic precipitation in germination and seedling growth. It suggests the evident trace of the species with zonation pattern. On the other hand, the germination of Kalidium capsicum was affected by unpredictable rain and inundation. This species might be a type without zonation patterns in halophytes. It was concluded that both species are halophytes, but they are established successfully by different adaptation strategies in the early stage of life history.  相似文献   
王彦  田长彦 《干旱区地理》2013,36(3):562-570
通过对1900-2011年SCI收录的盐生植物(halophytes)研究文献分析,从年度文献数量变化、国家/地区分布、期刊分布、主要研究机构、发表文献作者、基金资助机构、刊载文献类型和学科类别及高被引论文分析9个方面,对盐生植物研究文献的分布规律和研究现状进行了统计分析。结果表明:在SCI上收录盐生植物研究论文的国家排名依次是美国(19.46%)、中国(11.51%)、印度(7.69);在文献量的机构排名方面,排列前三名的分别是中国科学院、西班牙高级科学研究理事会和巴基斯坦费萨拉巴德农业大学;中国的主要合作国家中包括了美国、日本、德国、澳大利亚、巴基斯坦、以色列和印度等20个国家和地区,建议还需要进一步加强与周边中亚地区(哈萨克斯坦、蒙古等)的合作与研究。  相似文献   
本文以柴达木盆地大柴旦盐湖区作为试验区,分别筛选出5种优势盐生植物,即海韭菜(Triglochin maritimum Linn.)、芦苇(Phragmites australis Trin.)、赖草(Leymus secalinus Tzvel.)、毛穗赖草(Leymus paboanus Claus.)、无脉苔草(Carex enervis C. A. Mey.)作为试验供试种,分别对5种盐生植物根-土复合体试样和不含根系素土试样进行了室内直接剪切试验和三轴压缩试验,对比了不含根系素土试样与根-土复合体试样的抗剪强度指标;在此基础上,评价了5种盐生植物根系增强土体抗剪强度作用。试验结果表明:(1)当含水量和密度值分别为29.01%和1.65g/cm3时,5种盐生植物根-土复合体试样的抗剪强度指标粘聚力c值为10.38kPa-19.19kPa,且显著大于素土试样的粘聚力c值5.95kPa,内摩擦角 值未表现出变化规律;(2)相对于不含根系的素土试样,由直剪试验和三轴试验得到的5种盐生植物根-土复合体试样的粘聚力增长幅度分别为16.8%~108.7%、19.2%~113.6%;(3)由直剪试验与三轴试验结果表明,区内5种盐生植物根-土复合体试样抗剪强度大小变化顺序表现出一致的规律性,即由大至小依次为:芦苇、海韭菜、赖草、毛穗赖草、无脉苔草、素土。该项研究结果为区内进一步开展盐生植物增强土体抗剪强度机理等方面的研究具有理论研究价值和实际指导意义。  相似文献   
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