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Apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption spectra, and CDOM fluorescence characteristic of aromatic amino acids (excitation/emission 280 nm/320 nm; F(280/320)) and marine-humic like substances (320 nm/410 nm; F(320/410)) were measured in full depth during a cruise in the temperate Eastern North Atlantic (ENA). An optimum multi-parameter (OMP) inverse method was run to calculate water mass proportion-weighted average (archetypal) concentrations of these chemical parameters for all water masses and samples. Archetypal concentrations retain the variability due to water mass mixing and basin scale mineralization from the water mass formation sites to the study area. Conversely, the difference between measured and archetypal concentrations, retain the variability due to dissimilarities in mineralization processes within the study area. Our analysis indicates that DOC supported 26±3% of the AOU in the dark temperate ENA and that basin scale processes occurring at and from the formation area of the water masses explained 63% of the total DOC variability. Our data also suggests that DOC remineralized at the basin scale was of lower molecular weight, and with a lower proportion of fluorescent aromatic amino acids than found within the study area. The relationship between the absorption coefficient at 254 nm (aCDOM(254)) and AOU indicates that aCDOM(254) was consumed during organic matter remineralization in the dark ocean, with 55% of the variability being explained by basin scale processes. The relationships of F(320/410) with AOU and DOC confirmed that marine humic-like substances are produced by microbial degradation processes, at a rate of 6.1±0.9×10−3 mg equivalents of QS mol AOU−1. Our results also indicate that basin-scale remineralization processes account for 85% of the total variability of F(320/410), emphasizing that large scale processes control the formation of humic-like substance in the dark ENA.  相似文献   
The Analyzer of Space Plasma and EneRgetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) on board Mars Express is designed to study the interaction between the solar wind and the atmosphere of Mars and to characterize the plasma and neutral gas environment in near-Mars space. Neutral Particle Detectors (NPD-1 and 2), which form part of the ASPERA-3 instrument suite, are Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) detectors which use the time-of-flight (ToF) technique to resolve the energy of detected particles. In the present study, we perform a statistical analysis of NPD ToF data collected between 14 March 2004 and 17 June 2004 when Mars Express was located at the dayside of Mars looking toward the planet. After pre-processing and removal of UV contamination, the ToF spectra were fitted with simple analytical functions so as to derive a set of parameters. The behavior of these parameters, as a function of spacecraft position and attitude, is compared with a model, which describes ENA generation by charge exchange between shocked solar wind protons and extended Martian exosphere. The observations and the model agree well, indicating that the recorded signals are charge-exchanged shocked solar wind.  相似文献   
本文通过分析两次大磁暴期间的中性原子(ENA)通量数据,试图揭示环电流离子通量的变化规律,进一步探讨环电流的形成和损失机制,以及磁暴和亚暴的关系.两次磁暴期间ENA通量的变化呈现出一些重要的特征:(1)通量随能量的增高而快速降低,磁暴主相期间高能端通量所占比重增大;(2)通量比例曲线的起伏远比通量曲线的起伏要平缓;(3)通量的起伏与AE指数之间没有简单的对应关系;(4)磁暴恢复相开始前,ENA通量出现短时间的猛烈增长,特别是低能端通量的增长异常迅速;(5)Dst/SYM-H指数快速恢复期间,ENA通量的变化表现为两个完全不同的阶段:先降低,后增大.忽略影响ENA通量的其他次要因素,ENA通量的上述特征直接反映了环电流的发展规律.环电流离子通量随能量的增高快速下降,磁暴主相期间可能由于高能O+的增加使得能谱有所变硬.离子主要受南向行星际磁场(IMF)所引起的对流电场的驱动注入到环电流区域,通量的变化大体上是无色散的.亚暴活动与环电流的增长没有直接的因果关系,但亚暴活动会引起环电流离子通量的短时间尺度波动.恢复相开始前,环电流离子在昏侧区域发生堆积,使得局部离子通量变大.这可能是由于屏蔽电场的形成削弱了内磁层对流电场,造成离子在磁层顶的逃逸损失过程减弱.在Dst/SYM-H指数的快速恢复期间,环电流离子通量的衰减速度也可能发生阶段性变化.这说明Dst/SYM-H指数并不能准确反映环电流的强度,环电流的衰减过程可能具有比先快后慢更为复杂的阶段性模式.  相似文献   
本文采用基于ENA(Energetic Neutral Atoms)次生电子起始脉冲高度分布,统计拟合分离中能段ENA两种主要成分氢和氧的方法,研发了实现ENA氢与氧分离的TWINS卫星原始数据处理软件;其中所需要的脉高分布模型,参照已有理论公式,利用TWINS(Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers)卫星标定数据进行拟合确定未知参数,再加以计算得到.将上述方法用于TWINS卫星实测数据,分离得到一次大磁暴主相期间ENA-H和ENA-O微分通量随观测视线的分布及其随主相增长的变化.分析发现:(1)ENA-H与ENA-O微分通量的强度和随观测视线的分布特征都有明显差别,从某种角度反映出ENA之源的O~+与H~+离子强度和分布之间的差异;(2)接近主相极大时,ENA-H有很强的低高度发射(LAE,Low Altitude Emission),出现在磁地方时午夜前极光和亚极光纬度区,意味着该区域较强的等离子片和环电流质子沉降,进入到外层基底以下较低高度大气层;而ENA-O则未有明显LAE产生;ENA-O强通量观测视线主要穿过广大环电流区,磁地方时主要在午夜之后以及黄昏前和黎明前后;(3)在磁暴主相快速增长期,ENA-O平均总通量持续增大,而ENA-H同步减小,ENA-O与ENA-H平均总通量的比率随环电流指数Dst绝对值的增大而大致成正比增长.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment that will be flown on the first Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1. The SARA is a low energy neutral atom (LENA) imaging mass spectrometer, which will perform remote sensing of the lunar surface via detection of neutral atoms in the energy range from 10 eV to 3 keV from a 100km polar orbit. In this report we present the basic design of the SARA experiment and discuss various scientific issues that will be addressed. The SARA instrument consists of three major subsystems: a LENA sensor (CENA), a solar wind monitor (SWIM), and a digital processing unit (DPU). SARA will be used to image the solar wind-surface interaction to study primarily the surface composition and surface magnetic anomalies and associated mini-magnetospheres. Studies of lunar exosphere sources and space weathering on the Moon will also be attempted. SARA is the first LENA imaging mass spectrometer of its kind to be flown on a space mission. A replica of SARA is planned to fly to Mercury onboard the BepiColombo mission.  相似文献   
本文将体像素CT方法应用于TWINS卫星高能中性原子立体成像数据,重建环电流离子通量强度三维分布.为了克服卫星ENA成像可能存在的仪器偏差造成反演误差增大甚至迭代发散无解的问题,发展了差分ENA体像素CT反演方法.采用环电流离子分布理论模型和实际卫星观测几何构形进行模拟检验,证明了该方法的可靠性和优越性.利用此方法分析2012年7月15日磁暴(min Dst=-133nT)主相期间TWINS两颗卫星的实测ENA数据(能量范围4keV~50keV),反演得到环电流离子微分通量随L值/纬度/地方时的三维分布与能谱.所得离子通量呈现显著不对称的部分环电流特征,主要分布在低纬-赤道区磁午夜前后至黎明前数小时,L值约为3.5~6.5的区域;将反演得到的磁午夜后赤道区环电流离子通量能谱,与THEMIS卫星当地测量得到的此区域同时的能谱作比较,两者符合得很好;证明本文发展的差分体像素CT是由多卫星ENA二维图像重建暴时环电流离子分布的有效方法.  相似文献   
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