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Seeding nature, ceding culture: Redefining the boundaries of the marine commons through spatial management and GIS
Authors:Julia Olson
Institution:Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS/NOAA Fisheries, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543, United States
Abstract:The oceans are not only being transformed through privatization as management moves towards market mechanisms, the oceans are also being “zoned”, with zoning increasingly proposed as the ideal conduit for weighting different uses of the ocean. This is concomitant with a move towards ecosystem-based management that also partakes in a policy environment imbued with the commodification of nature, in which environmental services are ranked and valued according to neoliberal percepts. Crucial to these projects are the utilization of GIS technologies. This paper considers these zones of preservation and sites of conflict through an ethnographic case study of the scallop fisheries of New England, examining conflicts between harvesters, different projects to map the fishery, and ongoing efforts to reseed scallop beds. The paper explores how participants themselves articulate the changing practices of fishing and farming, redefining boundaries of nature and culture. While reseeding projects, for example, arguably participate in the market logic of neoliberalism, at the same time they may resist and redefine the terms, as communities see themselves sowing the seeds of their own sustainability and changing the terms of what counts, literally, as nature.
Keywords:Political ecology  Fisheries management  Neoliberalism  Environmental subjectivity  Public policy  Critical GIS
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