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摘    要:以珠宝首饰在舞台剧中的运用与设计为主要研究对象,通过对四部著名的音乐剧中珠宝首饰运用与设计的分析研究,阐述了珠宝首饰在舞台剧中起到的作用,如划分时代背景、标志音乐风格、确立角色特性、暗示人物身份象征、导引戏剧冲突及发展的重要作用。运用珠宝首饰设计理论,以创新的视角阐述了珠宝首饰在舞台剧表演领域的美学意义和实用价值体现。运用材料分析与设计制作的方法,对珠宝首饰设计与音乐戏剧舞台表演这一交叉学科进行了综合研究。在分析研究的基础上,设计了音乐剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的短剑,论证在舞台剧中珠宝首饰材质的选择与表达的重要性;所设计制作完成的胸针论证了材质构成、设计意图、蕴含符号、身份象征等信息传播功能。珠宝首饰通过舞台剧这个特殊的平台,充分彰显并深化了艺术价值所在。

关 键 词:珠宝首饰  舞台剧  运用  设计

Jewelry Design in Stage Plays --Use four Musicals as Examples
Authors:LI Han
Institution:LI Han ( Gemmological Institute, China University of Oeosciences , Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract:In this paper, the author studied the jewelry designs in several famous stage plays. The paper analyzed the sample designs based on theoretical knowledge of stage set design and jewelry design. The paper introduced: 1) How the jewelry designers of the stage plays used the jewelry designs to distinguish the background, music style, and the characters in the show; 2)How the jewelry works presented and spoke for the drama; 3)How the designers made the jewelries as the symbols which can interact with the audients face to face; 4) How the jewelry design works matched the different types of performances, such as musical, dra- ma and concert, etc; 5) How the jewelry designers used their works as the media to promote the humanism and aesthetic values of the public. In addition, the author introduced her own jewelry designs and how she applied her works in the stage play performances. As we all know, each jewelry work displays its own humanity, epochal character and social ethics. As in the stage play, jewelry represents not only the characters, emotions and epochal character, but also the most important factor dramatic conflict. In this paper the author uses her own design works as an example. The works of "Romeo's Sword" and "The Brooch of Juliet's mother", which demonstrate that the artistic value of jewelry design and stage art is coming from life and higher than life. When audiences watch the stage plays, they notice the jewelry in them, which help the people construct thoughts, understanding, and appreciation of beauty. The final goal of stage plays is to share and spread the feeling of art and the cnlture. For jewelry, using stage plays as a carrier will have a great significance. It is believed that it will become a significant and popular territory for jewelry in the future. From design to manufacture, jewelry has its own language and expression form. Different genre of drama and form of performance give jewelry different expression form. It makes them more fluent and splendid. In the research, the author hopes persistent study on design, manufacture and the use of jewelry in the stage plays. In the meantime culture transmission and brand build ing of jewelry design in the stage plays will be studied. In China, stage art and jewelry design have their long history. As a result, the research on resources of them are plentiful. In that case, we inherit our ethnic arts. The combination of the traditional jewelry design in stage plays with the international jewelry design will be another important research field. By apply ing the art design theories, studying the classic jewelry designs and practicing on the author' s design work, the author analyzes how the jewelry design is applied in stage plays from a new perspective and explores this application theoretically and practically. The research could help the stage plays to introduce plots creatively and thoroughly by means of jewelry design. Meanwhile. the stage plays can help to promote jewelry design and jewelry works to the broader market.
Keywords:jewelry  stage show  application  design
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