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The thermal field of the lithosphere in the region of mid-ocean ridges modelled on the basis of known surface temperature and heat flows
Authors:Ctirad Matyska  Reviewer J ?afanda
Institution:(1) Institute of Geophysics, Charles University, Prague
Abstract:Summary The possibility of solving the stationary heat equation with the convective term is demonstrated in the case that the velocity field of the continuum, and the temperature and heat flow on the Earth's surface are known, and that an assumption is made about the magnitude of heat flows on another part of the boundary of the two-dimensional region being investigated, whereas no boundary condition is imposed on the remainder of the region's boundary. The problem has been solved numerically for a kinematic model of the lithosphere in the region of mid-ocean ridges, based on the assumption of a broad deflected convective flow moving at a distance of more than about 150 km from the ridge modelled as a plate.
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