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Crabs! Thousands of bright red crabs on a white foreshore; clinging black mud in tidal creeks with an overhanging tangle of tropical forest. These dominate one's memories of the Irrawaddy Delta in 1924. The Forest Department of Burma is the custodian of some 1,000 square miles of valuable forest reserves in the delta of this great river. The survey and production of “Forest” maps of this area was long overdue, postponed by reason of the immense expense and difficulty of a ground survey. Air survey, developed during the First World War, was ideally suited to this type of country but was still in its infancy, so that prolonged negotiations were necessary to persuade the Government of Burma to risk £25,000 on what appeared to them a doubtful proposition, as this was one of the first of the peace-time air surveys to be undertaken. Eventually, in July 1923 the contract was signed. Ronald Kemp, the first Chief Inspector of Civil Aircraft in India, gave up that post and formed an air survey company to carry out the photography as the first of his many survey contracts in India and Burma; I was in charge of the ground work and subsequent mapping.
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